Featured Blog Posts – October 2022 Archive (26)

More Biden Lies Illegal Immigrants Will not be Tracked

Image result for illegal immigrants

When the idiotic move by the Biden Clown Show was unveiled to open up the borders not only that but to legally interfere with the states own rights to defend their borders it was alleged that those trespassers would be processed, released based upon appearing in court, and then that they would also be tracked so that if they failed to comply ICE would apprehend them. Well, if you believe that I guess you…


Added by Doc Vega on October 31, 2022 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Why Was Prime Minister Liz Truss Forced to Resign?

Image result for PM Liz Truss

One can only wonder how is it that a conservative Prime Minister, a woman, who had a 3 point plan to boost the economy of the UK through supply side economics would be forced into resignation. Apparently, the Deep State, is alive and well in Great Britain as well. She had the answers but the true powers that be simply won’t allow a government to run a country in favor of the people because the people are not the priority. Everything must…


Added by Doc Vega on October 31, 2022 at 5:26pm — 4 Comments

25 Days of Diesel Supply Left for America?

Image result for supply shortage s in US

Since the fool in the Oval Office was inaugurated it would seem that everything the Biden White House could have done to destroy the US has been undertaken and accomplished. Supply shortages, fall of Afghanistan, illegal immigrant invasion unchecked, highest inflation in 43 years, 16 trillion in deficit spending, the list goes on like some kind of fiction novel by Tom Clancy in which an assassination of…


Added by Doc Vega on October 31, 2022 at 4:30pm — No Comments

The Pelosi Fake


"How do I know? I looked up the alleged attacker, David Depape, above. He has only three photos on

the internet, including the one above, and they are all from a 2013 CIA event. He is listed at

Instantcheckmate, but his profile has been scrubbed, meaning the CIA got there first in preparation for

this current event. There are no relatives listed, because…


Added by tjdavis on October 31, 2022 at 4:00am — No Comments

Taking a Historic Perspective on Democrat Accomplishments

See the source image

(of Course I’m joking)

I’ll admit to being naïve. I was under the impression that a American political party should be seeing to it that Americans are protected, educated, allowed to achieve prosperity, have freedom of speech, have a free press, are protected from illegal search and seizure, have a standing military that protects the nation and its borders, and who’s leaders of…


Added by Doc Vega on October 30, 2022 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Canada Euthanized 10,000 People in 2021. Has Death Lost Its Sting?

OCTOBER 17, 2022

“Just ask for MAID,” he told her, using the popular acronym for medical assistance in dying, often referred to as physician-assisted death. “Then you can end it all now.”


Added by Burbia on October 30, 2022 at 12:34am — No Comments


"Politics is show business for ugly people."

-Gerald Celente

Added by tjdavis on October 28, 2022 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Soros Thinks He’s God


Added by tjdavis on October 24, 2022 at 11:21pm — No Comments

The Depopulation Myth Why is There Even any Need for it?

 See the source image

Under the aegis of “Sustainable Development” or “Agenda 21” the master planners for global populations claim that a drastic reduction in people living on the face of the earth needs to be achieved, that certain aspects of public infrastructure must be prohibited, and large tracts of land must be returned to their original pristine wilderness state in order to save…


Added by Doc Vega on October 22, 2022 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Mass Hypnosis on American Public

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How do you get the mass population to accept the unacceptable, to bow down to tyranny, to be unable to discern a blatant lie from reality? You condition them through several processes. You can terminologize these processes as counter intelligence, indoctrination, propaganda, covert programming, or even subliminal programming. However you want to label it the process is really mass hypnosis. The hypnotized…


Added by Doc Vega on October 21, 2022 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

If  You Vote Blue this is What it Says About You

Image result for Democrat created chaos

If you vote Democrat in this midterm election that has been blurred by their lies over a January 6thnon-existent Capitol Building insurrection where a Black DC officer was allowed to get away with the murder of a US Air Force veteran who was doing nothing violent but climbing through a barrier, then this says something about you. It shows that either truth, Constitutional law, or understanding the impact of bad policy means…


Added by Doc Vega on October 19, 2022 at 5:00pm — No Comments

The Real Anthony Fauci MOVIE

The Real Anthony Fauci MOVIE — based on the best-selling book by RFK Jr.

Watch it FREE for 10 DAYS starting today! 

Share, share and then share again!


Added by tjdavis on October 18, 2022 at 10:36pm — No Comments

CDC Vote on mRNA for Children

The CDC is trying to quietly include a vote to add the mRNA covid-19 vaccine to the annual childhood immunization schedule … the vote takes place tomorrow (October 19) … will trigger some state requirements to attend schools and play sports, and also give liability protection to manufacturers …


Added by tjdavis on October 18, 2022 at 9:20pm — No Comments

2025 populations forecast.


Added by cheeki kea on October 18, 2022 at 9:32am — 3 Comments

Israels Role In Hollywood


"The Israeli state has been losing the battle for Western public opinion for quite some time now. Even in the United States, its closest ally, support for Israel is waning, while sympathy for Palestine has more than doubled since 2013, according to a series of Gallup polls.

Knowing this,…


Added by tjdavis on October 17, 2022 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Your World Will End as you Know it Under Biden’s Executive Order 14067

Image result for digital currency crisis in US

What act by the federal government could simplify mass surveillance, control the population, and move the US toward a fascist Communist state? Digitizing the currency would achieve just that! Having issued Executive Order 14067 Section 4 on March 22nd the Biden Administration handed orders to the Treasury Secretary to begin developing an electronic token that can be remotely turned on or off and even…


Added by Doc Vega on October 15, 2022 at 3:18pm — No Comments


"Future generations will look back on TV as the lead in the water pipes that slowly drove the Romans mad.”

--- Kurt…


Added by tjdavis on October 14, 2022 at 2:31pm — 1 Comment

The Prognostication for America’s Survival

Image result for doctors making a prognositcation

The word prognostication usually pertains to a physician’s estimate for a patient’s life expectancy given his present condition whether due to disease or hereditary history, but it can also mean a prediction for the future, a divination, or prophecy. If a physician were to look at the current state of America’s health under the Democrat Biden regime I’m sure he would determine stage 4 cancer, inoperable! Of…


Added by Doc Vega on October 14, 2022 at 1:38pm — No Comments

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"  Less Prone I agree with you.  I just received a copy of Radio World in the mail,…"
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🚨 LIVE: Germany Start Closing Down Islamic Mosques

🔴 Join Tousi TV+ https://www.tousi.tvSponsored by TAD Media (https://tadmedia.co.uk/). Definitely check them out if you need website design or development. ...
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UN Invasion of America! Declared 2018...

Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM)…See More
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Less Prone commented on Hobby Radio's blog post Shortwave and other Radio Matters
"Dan, You bring up an important topic. There may become a time when all public communication systems…"
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Unveiling the Dark Side of Kamala Harris: How She Took Nina Simone's Estate

Discover the shocking truth about Kamala Harris's involvement in seizing Nina Simone's estate and denying her family their rights. Uncover the hidden story b...
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ExpendableTo everyone you know you’re expendableGetting what you want these…See More
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Depraved Justice - Finnish Court Quashes Convictions of Several Men Found Guilty of Raping Intellectually Disabled Woman

Justice and Democracy are just fancy words used to hide decadence, corruption and lies...…See More
Burbia commented on Doc Vega's blog post Who was the Shooter on the Water Tower? More Exposure of the Planned Murder of Donald Trump
"He can't keep getting away with it!"
Burbia commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"One step forward, two steps backwards..."
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Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"Burbia, excellent quotes from the past."

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