(CNSNews.com) – A majority of Americans believe an increased government role in health care would lead to more government corruption, while a plurality of Americans think that scientific data supporting man-made global warming is “mostly falsified.” That is what a new poll by Survey USA reveals.
The poll also shows that 58 percent of Americans believe that decisions by the Obama administration have been “bad for America,” as opposed to 37… Continue
Added by Tara on December 21, 2009 at 2:41pm —
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, December 21, 2009
President Barack Obama has said that spy drones will be used to enforce CO2 emission regulations, while British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has outlined plans for the European Union to police compliance with carbon-cutting targets.
The final Copenhagen Accord included the provision that a global “governance structure” would be set up to control taxes… Continue
Added by truth on December 21, 2009 at 2:20pm —
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Awesome that the CDC is telling pregnant women to get the flu shot when this is what is included in the manufacturer's insert: Pregnancy Category C: Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Fluzone vaccine. It is also not known whether Fluzone vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant... woman or can affect reproduction capacity. Fluzone vaccine should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.… Continue
WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--The U.S. Senate voted to advance health-care legislation in an initial procedural vote early Monday, beginning a process that puts the bill on track for passage later this week.
In a 60-40 vote, Democrats won approval for a motion that limits debate on the $871 billion bill, which is the product of months of painstaking negotiations. No Republicans… Continue
North America is now suffering its seventh year (as of June, 2004) of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by… Continue
Added by Jeff on December 21, 2009 at 1:46am —
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I rarely, if ever, post material that can't be proven one way or another with factual data. I'm a fact freak. Even though we don't readily recognize it, most of us are most of the time. Few of us are always, all of the time.
So I hesitate to post this article, gleaned from a web site I trust maintained by Peter Chamberlain (not the site linked at the bottom of this text) but without the data to support the conclusions without room for doubt. I've read about the material posted herein… Continue
Added by Jeff on December 21, 2009 at 1:00am —
1 Comment
Our government's "Green Revolution" is another covert attack on our collective health and environment, largely using their mythical global warming hoax to do so.
The new Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs are a perfect example of this kind of subterfuge. While claiming these new CFL bulbs will reduce carbon emissions, "our" Congress passed legislation stating these new light bulbs must completely replace our everyday incandescent light bulbs by 2014, without telling us of the… Continue
Added by Jeff on December 21, 2009 at 12:52am —
In a speech before the nation today carried by all major media outlets, Russia Today, the Chinese Press and several Haitian Newspapers, President Obama made the following and most significant declarations of his short presidency.
He said:
"The Karzai regime that the United States government supports both politically and with substantial US funding has been determined by a special Congressional panel to be skating on the edge of corruption and… Continue
Added by Jeff on December 20, 2009 at 11:21pm —
havent checked this out, just got it
A friend of mine has contacted me from Young Co. TX. to inform us that as of yesterday, 4 Air Force drones have been sitting at a public airport there, and the numbers have been slowly increasing since Sept. So, in having said that, I'd be on the lookout for mysterious house explosions across the country in the near future! Of course, that is how they will try to explain houses getting blown the hell up! Anyhow, if there are… Continue
You all know James Randi. He’s the world famous Psychic Investigator whose rigorous scepticism has been the undoing of many a fraudulent spoonbender, dodgy faith-healer and ouija-board-wobbling spiritualist.
Randi is the expert magician and escape artist who is offering $1 million in his Paranormal Challenge “to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal,…
Time's a joke. I'm posting this to ask what you think its purpose might be.
Most people regard watching television as a passive activity. You sit, you watch. Occasionally, you change the channel. But a new study reveals that even this passive diversion may lead to actively damaging effects, particularly when it comes to issues of race.
In a series of intricately designed experiments, psychologists at Tufts University demonstrate that subtle… Continue
I don't often post state related material and live almost as far from Hawaii as one can but I have a special friend in Hawaii and this post resonated within. All of us I assume are familiar with the economic circumstances in California but we rarely, if ever, hear about Hawaii, the 50th state.
Honolulu - Hawaii public schools are closed most Fridays, rats scurry across bananas in un-inspected stores and there may not be enough money to run the next election.
Eva Golinger is a Venezuelan-American attorney from New York, living in Caracas, Venezuela since 2005 and author of several best selling books about Hugo Chavez. Her first book, The Chávez Code has been translated into 6 languages and will soon be a feature film we should all see.
Here she talks to American writer Mike Whitney about Hugo Chavez, Venezuela and popular legislative reform. This interview is an eye-opener especially for those of you that haven't closely followed Hugo… Continue
Added by Jeff on December 20, 2009 at 12:00am —
I'm not absolutely certain this is a real billboard but I am feeling pretty sure that it is. It's strange that a message of this nature made it onto a billboard, not totally weird but just a little odd. I agree with the message, it should have appeared frequently years ago. Either way, it's completely appropriate considering most of the posts on this web site. If we were a mainstream media web site civil unrest here in the US of A would be a forgone conclusion.…