The Montgomery Bus Boycott a year-long protest in Montgomery, Alabama, that galvanized the American Civil Rights Movement and led to a 1956 decision by the Supreme Court of the United States declaring segregated seating on buses unconstitutional.
In December 1955, 42,000 black residents of Montgomery began a year-long boycott of city buses ( Montgomery Bus Boycott ) to protest racially segregated seating. After 381 days of taking taxis, carpooling, and walking the… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on December 4, 2009 at 5:44pm —
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An anonymous informant has provided information indicating that an airplane piloted by Republican computer expert Mike Connell was sabotaged before it crashed on December 18, 2008, near Akron, Ohio.
One of Connell's sisters says she believes the family will file a wrongful-death lawsuit against Republican strategist Karl Rove if foul play ever is proven in the plane crash.
For over a decade I have sought after the latest and most factual economic indicators in order to choose my investments. I refer to myself as a macro-economic investor because I believe macro-economics is the best route to wealth for the average person. Looking at the big picture and knowing where the tide is inevitably going to go is like betting on a fixed fight. It’s not a matter of if your going to win, but what round its official. Right now there are two macro economic forces I am betting… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on December 4, 2009 at 4:43pm —
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Jeremy Engelking will appear in Douglas County court this afternoon to face a trespassing charge. But here’s the kicker: The Superior man allegedly trespassed on his own property.
Engelking, 27, aimed to hunt deer Wednesday morning when he noticed a pipeline crew on his land. He hopped on his ATV and told workers they had no right to be on his property because he had received no compensation from Enbridge Energy Partners L.P. for an easement.
First, an (brief) introduction to the concept of airframe shock testing and its use in economics. Afterward, I will give my thoughts on how this may relate to the current changes currently being recommended for health screenings.
Okay, so you may ask, "What has this got to do with the NWO?" Good Question. Im using this as a warning about one of the fear tactics that is currently being employed to push the carbon tax agenda. As we are all aware, global WARMING was the battle cry.... notice, however, the name was changed. Climate CHANGE is the new name of the game. Don't be fooled, this may appear to be a source to debunk the warming debate, but since the name change, any change in the weather, whether snow in Houston…Continue
Added by Citizen X74 on December 4, 2009 at 12:51pm —
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Guns, Goldman Sachs, and Bloomberg's B.S.
Janet Tavakoli
Read More: A.I.G., A.I.G. Bailout, Alice Schroeder, Bethany McLean, Goldman Sachs, Jose Argilagos, Lloyd Blankfein, Merrill Lynch, Vanity Fair, Zerohedge, Business News
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Bloomberg News has done a lot of good research during this financial crisis, so I was surprised yesterday when it released Alice Schroeder's article claiming Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s employees are buying guns… Continue
Added by Sweettina2 on December 3, 2009 at 9:54pm —
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How much convincing do you need to accept that there is life on the planet Mars ?
I hope you will leave this place a wiser person to the realities of truth !
Personally I am getting to the point of going out into the streets and shouting it to all that pass by , that is how strongly I feel about the whole matter .
There is no where to hide any more for those who have fed the public with lie after lie for so many years now it is time that we the public made a stand and said 'NO… Continue
Tap into the Truth Frequency every Thursday at 7pm CST.
This week we have been granted an exclusive interview with TheAntiTerrorist, who will speak about everything from false flags, vaccines, economics, how to handle yourself in court and most of all, how to empower your mind. You can find his work, TheAntiTerrorist Handbook on and of course his official website…Continue
In just a few months, Afghanistan will surpass Vietnam as the longest single war fought by the United States in its history. In his West Point speech on December 1, President Obama denied that “Afghanistan is another Vietnam”--and in some senses he is correct. Vietnam in 1975 was a far more unified state--ethnically and politically--than Afghanistan ever has been. Afghanistan is far more mountainous and difficult to occupy, and is bounded by more artificially… Continue
Added by Tara on December 3, 2009 at 11:15am —
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By Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
November 29, 2009
History Unravels Why the FDA Would Think Mercury Fillings are Harmless
"The [mercury] levels released by dental amalgam fillings are not high enough to cause harm in patients."[1a] So says the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Three months ago they declared mercury fillings safe not only for healthy adults but also… Continue
Added by Swtnlovabl on December 3, 2009 at 4:03am —
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That's right! I'm joining the NWO as a part-time employee guaranteed a minimum of $13 an hour here in my home state of Minnesota. It's easy and you too can learn to hold this lucrative position. It doesn't require brains or brawn so even stupid people and wimps can participate. Sometimes I'm both.
It doesn't require a high school diploma, a college degree or an advanced educational experience. In fact, you don't even have to know how to read and write but it does help. If you can… Continue
This episode moves away from the spotlight of national politics to reveal the drama of ordinary people who have been dragged into blowing the whistle when confronted with situations, which demand to be exposed.
It follows the experiences and impact of three whistleblowers to show the need for reform in how wrongdoing and corrupt behaviour is acknowledged.
Simon Illingworth, the policeman caught in the world of organized crime and corrupt cops at the height of the… Continue
Added by peter b dunn on December 2, 2009 at 6:51pm —
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