All Blog Posts Tagged 'corruption' (426)

The Let's Destroy America Dance Watch Your VP Jam!

How can any patriotic political leader of America be this clueless and disconnected from the plight of the people?…

Image result for dumbass Kamala


Added by Doc Vega on September 10, 2023 at 7:28pm — No Comments

Jim Jordan Nails it Exposing the Corrupt Democrat Playbook over Trump!

The lies of the Democrats are clear enough to the well informed over their travesty of justice but more people need to open their eyes and ears which is hard when the mainstream media is completely sold out to the left and the Democrats!…

Image result for Jim Jordan


Added by Doc Vega on September 8, 2023 at 6:37pm — No Comments

The Scorched Earth Policy Death of us All

Image result for summer of 2020 violnt protests  

When you have a political party that has adopted every tactic of the Communists and their ruthless manner of subjugating their opposition and destroying any other ideology, you will suffer the consequences if your lawful parties do not respond. America is now suffering for having ignored all the warnings signs, the defeat of McCarthyism, shouting down Norman Dodd’s findings once the Reece Committee convened, Hollywood’s…


Added by Doc Vega on September 7, 2023 at 5:30pm — No Comments

When You Don’t Even Realize You’ve been Lobotomized

Mandatory Masking of School Children is a Bad Idea – USC Schaeffer


You’ve been through 12 years of public schools attending your independent school district. You have not been given much in the way of civics or American history. Subjects like why the 13 Colonies fought for their independence, the Bill of Rights, or American exceptionalism are frowned upon. Instead you’re constantly hammered with victimization narratives about slaves who built the nation’s capital or were owned…


Added by Doc Vega on September 5, 2023 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Either They (Deep State) win or They make Sure Everybody gets Burned Down!

The corruption of the federal law enforcement system taking down the good guys  not the criminals! …

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Added by Doc Vega on September 5, 2023 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

More and More Democrat Corruption in the Persecution of Trump Now the Judge is Exposed!

An Obama appointed judge who has close ties with the Biden's and even represented Burisma as a lawyer as well as Fusion GPS who fabricated the Steel Dossier. a proven false document that should have resulted in felony charges. …

Image result for Benny Johnson show


Added by Doc Vega on August 6, 2023 at 9:54am — No Comments

Here's What Democrat Rule is Doing to Our Inner Cities

The American political system and mayoral offices waging war against this nation and favoriting lawlessness! …


Added by Doc Vega on August 5, 2023 at 8:54am — No Comments

Are You a Conspiracy Theorist? What are the Qualifications?

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In this day and age of misinformation on a scale never imagined it does not take anyone with a brain long to begin to break down the lies they’ve been fed by a media, government, educational system, and Hollywood to see a pattern. So, it won’t surprise you to find that it would take very little to label you as a “Conspiracy Theorist”. This serves as an easy form of targeting so that the federal government can…


Added by Doc Vega on July 30, 2023 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Can You Just Stand by and Watch America Fall Because of the Sheep?

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I realize times are tough forcing us to focus more on our own survival. I realize that after a long day’s work to raise a family many people just want to eat their dinner in front of the TV and not have to think. I realize that too damn many people allow the mainstream media news to do their thinking for them. Worst of all, I realize that too damn many people don’t realize what a threat to national security and our own lives that…


Added by Doc Vega on July 2, 2023 at 5:07pm — No Comments

The 13 Original Colonies What Condition are They in Now?

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The first colonies of the new America to be ratified as states were New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. What has become of these first pioneering territories of what would become the United States of America? How would they turn out politically? How would these states conduct themselves in relation to the US…


Added by Doc Vega on June 23, 2023 at 4:01pm — No Comments

New hate Speech Bills being Passed Rise of the New Soviet Union

Image result for Soviet union during cold war

Communist Russia during the “Cold War” actually invented politically correct speech. Basically, what you were saying might be truthful but it was politically incorrect. As a result people went to jail and often died there under the harsh conditions of the Gulag or Siberian Salt Mines. Did we learn from history though? No! Apparently the radical left representing a small percentage of the population are not only forcing the masses to…


Added by Doc Vega on June 22, 2023 at 4:28pm — No Comments

The Crap They Call News To Keep You Stupid!

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Has anyone noticed but me recently or within the last few years that if you make the mistake of watching the 6 O’clock news on local TV that these buffoons they call newscasters and staff meteorologists act like comedians or self-aggrandizing wannabes? I thought we were just supposed to get the news or simply find out what the weather will be doing. I currently have Metro by T-Mobile once an independent cell provider bought out by a…


Added by Doc Vega on June 20, 2023 at 5:00pm — No Comments

What does today’s US Federal Government Have in Common With Nazis?

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When we look back in history we see that it continually repeats itself no matter how many times the lesson has been taught and paid for in the blood of the innocent. How is it that rational people in a civilized society could be so oblivious to the obvious truth? There are several factor that today are in a complete parallel with pre-World War II Nazi Germany. You claim it’s…


Added by Doc Vega on June 3, 2023 at 2:19pm — No Comments

Creating a Civil War Through Cyberspace

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What is a bot? This is a false profile engaging someone on a social platform for political purpose. It can be either leftist or conservative, but most times is going to be a tool of political opposition in favor of the Democrats. As Rush Limbaugh, the famous conservative radio and TV show host in today’s technically advanced cyber space a single political opposition company with 2 employees can generate a million negative e-mail comments…


Added by Doc Vega on June 1, 2023 at 2:08pm — No Comments

The Kind of News You’ll Never get from the Mainstream Media

People who would have likely been murdered by the Taliban are happily loaded aboard a passenger flight to safety!

Glen Beck from his Blaze TV audience raises 28 million in 3 days in order to rescue hundreds of Christians trapped behind enemy lives in Afghanistan! Money infused into…


Added by Doc Vega on May 31, 2023 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Is America on the Road to Hell?

Image result for Choas caused by the Biden White House

When does a society become so saturated with misinformation and propaganda that it finally succumbs? When do a people of a nation become so passive and tolerant that they allow their own government to treat them like potential detainees while it embraces illegal aliens and spends billion on accommodating them while its own military veterans starve and go without treatment? When you have a political party willing to fund false flag…


Added by Doc Vega on May 24, 2023 at 4:39pm — No Comments

So Goes California So Goes the rest of the Country Really?

Image result for feces and tenty cities in LA

On a sidewalk café in San Francisco a large powerful young man karate chops a restaurant busy boy knocking him down then proceeds to walk over to the chocolate fountain and massage his face with the liquid chocolate. In San Francisco junkies can mainline heroin in public but if you have a beer you can be arrested for public alcohol consumption. The streets of LA and San Francisco are covered with human feces due to the…


Added by Doc Vega on May 19, 2023 at 2:48pm — No Comments

So You Don’t Like Trump How Much Pain Will You Take?

So you’ve listened to the left wing media telling you to hate Trump ever since he stepped off the escalator and announced his run for the presidency in 2015. So Donald J. Trump went from having a popular TV show and celebrity status to being the devil’s own thanks to people like you who’ve done nothing with their entire life and nothing for anybody else. Yet, you’re in a position to not only judge but accept a deteriorating life style,…


Added by Doc Vega on April 22, 2023 at 5:31pm — No Comments

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cheeki kea commented on Doc Vega's blog post A Point in History
"That's thought provoking Doc V. But you're not "Just" (simply) an unknown St.…"
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"Hi Lora if it won't correct you could change photo for similar one. I have not used a phone…"
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IDAHO SHUTS DOWN FARMERS "We're all going to fail"

Idaho shuts down 500,000 acres of farm land with water curtailment. Video sourced from @oneatatime8677 0:00 Water curtailment impacts Idaho farmers, risking ...
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"hi, I was wondering if you could turn my photo around, it was right side up when I added it but I…"
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Jun 7
Larry Harmen posted a blog post

China has weaponized Ebola to take over North America after WW3

The Defense Minister with his own Mouth has said it.…See More
Jun 6
Doc Vega posted a blog post

The Tricky Maneuvering over Operation Overlord 6, June 1944

Supreme Commander over the allied forces involved in the D-Day amphibious landing on June 6, 1944,…See More
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Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post A Message to Illegal Aliens
"Less Prone Dude you are exactly right! "
Jun 4

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