All Blog Posts Tagged 'Muslim' (78)

The Muslim Brotherhood – Sufism & Wahabis

Whilst on the subject of Freemasonry in the Middle East, and due the escalating problems out there, it’s only right I mention something on the subject that might help us understand as to what’s really happening.   However, as I don’t truly know too much about the Middle East and the Muslim Brotherhood [MB] in general,…


Added by Exposure on July 10, 2015 at 9:00pm — No Comments

FBI Treason In Garland, Texas? Oh Yeah!

Recently Garland, Texas was the scene of an attempted act of terrorism perpetrated by Islamists. Despite best efforts of 2 well equipped men with AK-47 assault rifles, their plan was thwarted. One Garland Police officer with a handgun took down both would be assassins who had planned to kill as many of the 200 people attending Pamela Geller's cartoon contest, as…


Added by Doc Vega on May 11, 2015 at 11:23pm — No Comments

You Might Want To Hear This- Muslim Training Camps In The U.S.- Interview With Militia Leader (Videos)



(N.Morgan) In this stunning and informative interview with a Militia leader, whom exposes the truth about Muslim training camps on American soil! In an article from WMD a couple of months ago, WMD presented evidence to the fact these training facilities exist and are more than likely run by our own govt.…


Added by N.Morgan on February 27, 2015 at 10:17am — No Comments

Muslim Brotherhood Breaches The White House

With President Obama recently releasing 5 more top terrorist leaders from Gitmo, we are once again faced with the blatant sabotage of national security by the highest ranking executive officer in the nation! our Commander in Chief has once again proven where his true allegiance lies and that is not with…


Added by Doc Vega on January 16, 2015 at 5:35pm — No Comments

'Election' massacres of Muslims darken India immigration debate

'Election' massacres of Muslims darken India immigration debate

NARAYANGURI, India Fri May 9, 2014 6:14am EDT

(Reuters) - From his hiding place in a…


Added by Ragnarok on May 10, 2014 at 12:46pm — No Comments

Cannibal called 'Mad Dog' drags Muslim off bus, sets him alight and eats his leg 'to avenge murder of pregnant wife' as Christian militia rampage in Central African Republic

Cannibal called 'Mad Dog' drags Muslim off bus, sets him alight and eats his leg 'to avenge murder of pregnant wife' as Christian militia rampage in Central African Republic

  • The victim was attacked by a militia of around 20 machete-wielding men
  • Ouandja Magloire - also known as Mad Dog - reportedly ate part of the…

Added by Ragnarok on January 13, 2014 at 7:30am — 3 Comments

Yet another Israeli rabid rabbi spouts racist poison against Arabs


Jewish racists who are saddened by the death of their doyen, Rabbi Yosef Ovadia, will take comfort in the fact that another racist Jewish “man of God”, Dov Lior, the chief rabbi of the squatter colony of Kiryat Arba, near Hebron, is losing no time to fill in his space.…


Added by mohamad a. yousef on October 15, 2013 at 10:30am — No Comments

The Real Truth About What's Going on in Egypt.

The real truth about what's going on in Egypt, Not the lies from CNN and other news media outlets!!

Added by Roy Patterson on August 15, 2013 at 10:10pm — No Comments

FBI uncovered Muslim plan to take down America hidden from public

This story takes us back to the weeks after 9-11. During that tumultuous time the American were shocked, angry, and wondering just how a tragedy of such magnitude could have happened on American soil in the center of one of our largest cities. What was to transpire in the days, weeks, and months after that earth shattering loss of life and destruction has forever changed America. It seems we live in a perpetual state of uncertainty and worse, distrust!

The ultimate…


Added by Doc Vega on September 28, 2012 at 8:49pm — 1 Comment

Muslim Rage Deception - Media Complicity

Mass media is not set up to inform and arouse curiosity and legitimate questions concerning world events. On the contrary, they are controlled to produce propaganda as described in Edward Bernay's; Propaganda.

Mass media's role in the world dominion project is to keep the human flock tranquillised until it's ready for the final confused stampede. The high cabal behind the world "leaders" are desperate to conclude the…


Added by Less Prone on September 22, 2012 at 8:29am — 2 Comments

'My view from outside an embassy in a Muslim country.'


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 17, 2012 at 4:17pm — No Comments

DHS Warns Muslim Brotherhood and Iran Forming New “Terror Axis”

Melissa Melton

September 12, 2012

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) National Terror Alert Response Center released a new terrorism threat warning entitled, “Egyptian-Iranian intelligence meeting prompts fears of a new Middle East terror axis.” According to yesterday’s release, U.S. intelligence monitored a secret meeting that confirmed the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo is working in consort with Iranian spies and “…


Added by Cryptocurrency on September 14, 2012 at 8:18pm — 8 Comments

Judge sides with FBI in OC Muslim spying suit

August 15, 2012


A US federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against the FBI over the agency’s controversial practice of spying on…


Added by truth on August 16, 2012 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

USURY - Is why I'm thinking of becoming Jewish or Muslim, which one do you reccomend?

      What’s as plain as day is the unfairness of how so called agnostic, atheists, and Christians in general are being screwed by their own “kind”, thus masses are being robbed by these parasites and why it’s much harder for these groups to establish their own businesses and get mortgages etc. – my Muslim and Jewish friends, laugh at me, though in a friendly way, I think?  No, seriously I know these blokes…


Added by Exposure on February 17, 2012 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Should the Burqa be banned?

The burqa has been banned in France as of today, April 11, 2011.  What do you think, should non-Muslim countries ban the burqa?

In France, women are now officially banned from wearing full-face veils in public, after a controversial law came into effect. While the government says the move is aimed at helping Muslims adapt to the local… Continue

Added by Nikki on April 11, 2011 at 12:11pm — 22 Comments

A Museum of Tolerance we don't need; The Simon Wiesenthal Center should abandon its plan to build a facility on the site of a Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem

A Muslim cemetery near the construction site of the Museum of Tolerance in downtown Jerusalem. (Dan Balilty / Associated Press / February 10, 2010)

A Muslim cemetery near the construction site of the Museum of Tolerance in downtown Jerusalem. (Dan Balilty / Associated Press / February 10, 2010)

The Simon Wiesenthal Center's plan to construct an outpost of Los Angeles' Museum of Tolerance atop the most important…


Added by Tara on February 12, 2010 at 11:19am — 1 Comment

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"That's thought provoking Doc V. But you're not "Just" (simply) an unknown St.…"
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