Our belief in "authority" prevents us from taking a stand. We've been trained to look to the "experts" who will save us, "Follow the Leader", and keep our heads down while being subservient .......... but where are they leading us??
The People who wear robes, uniforms, medals, badges, expensive clothes, jewelry and make lots of money, have been stealing…
US Army Special Operations Command Purpose The Commander of United States Army Special Operation Command (USASOC) seeks a written invitation and approval from local officials to conduct Realistic Military Training (RMT) within their jurisdictions for joint military exercise,…
Kamala Harris should resign because of this. It's BLATANT election interference!➡️ JOIN THE CHANNEL ⬅️Become a Member:⛓️💥https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC...
This video provides pretty clear evidence there were some anomalies that SHOULD have been further investigated. However, they weren't. What do YOU think?➡️ J...
People who live in the small Ohio town of Springfield are begging city officials for help after 20,000 Haitian Migrants have overwhelmed their community. Dur...