Ghostmaster's Blog – July 2011 Archive (6)

You need to watch this! Street Photographers test freedom to shoot in London

     A group of photographers in London have investigated how easy it is to shoot around the city. The six photographers, backed up with six videographer, attempted to take photographs around the City of London (the city's financial district), to see what resistance they encountered. The experiment, conducted as part of the London Street Photography Festival, showed several private security guards trying to impede the…


Added by ghostmaster on July 22, 2011 at 5:37am — 2 Comments

AOL is using scare tatics to keep people away from certain topics

How do i know this?  Well because they used it on me.  I did not know i was doing a AOL search.  But I was looking up a product called Indole-3-carbino.  This website had several links so you could research the stuff.  One of them was an AOL search.  This page:  if you scroll all the way down this page till you see NEW NEW several times, and one of the links goes to  wikipedia.…


Added by ghostmaster on July 21, 2011 at 4:49am — 1 Comment

Bachmann told CNBC that, “I hope higher unemployment will help my campaign.”

Bachmann’s statement should have been on the front page of every newspaper in the country and on every network’s evening newscast, but conservative media is mesmerized by a skirt that talks and her statement is relegated to political blogs and a few liberal pundits’ programs. Bachmann vowed not to vote to raise the debt limit because, in her words, “we can’t keep spending money that we don’t have,” even though…


Added by ghostmaster on July 18, 2011 at 3:20am — No Comments

Atention! TSA has a master key! Your luggage can be opened regardless

TSA has a master key!



Abus USA
ABUS has launched a range of TSA luggage locks for customers travelling to the United States.

America's Transport… Continue

Added by ghostmaster on July 17, 2011 at 4:00am — No Comments

Breaking News: Monsanto is condemning the industry studies – including its own studies – as flawed

Industry and regulators covered up Roundup/birth defect link for decades

The pesticide industry knew from its own studies (including one by Monsanto) as long ago as the 1980s—and EU regulators knew since the 1990s—that the best-selling…


Added by ghostmaster on July 8, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Watch This! Woman Arrested for Speaking At City Council Meeting in Arizona

This is nuts!  I hope they get sued for this. 


Quartzsite, AZ - The Mayor is challenged under a recall election beginning next month. Accusations have been made. The city council is persecuting the Mayor for giving the people a voice. The Chief of Police is also involved in the scandal.

Jennifer Jones is given the floor at a city council meeting open to the public. While she is speaking the council realizes she's about to air their dirty laundry and quickly beckons…


Added by ghostmaster on July 7, 2011 at 1:53am — 19 Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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