In the mid 1970's a curious thing began to happen. Rock Music merged with jazz and a new genre of serious music emerged Jazz Fusion. Musicians like Jeff Beck and John McLaughlin began their collaborations and music as an art moved decades ahead! Stand out LP's noted for the period were "School Days" by Stanley Clarke on bass hosting Jeff Beck as lead guitar, the LP "Birds of Fire" by the Mahavishnu Orchestra with John McLaughlin on lead guitar, and drummer,…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on February 21, 2025 at 5:00pm — No Comments
How many times did you hear the theory as you grew up that everyone had an exact double somewhere on earth? Granted that you would probably would ever meet this duplicate but supposedly the mathematical possibility existed! How many times did you think that there was another existence, another world, another dimension, and how would your double…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on February 5, 2025 at 6:07pm — 2 Comments
Added by Doc Vega on January 29, 2025 at 4:04pm — No Comments
From the moment I unpacked the plastic container and removed the packing material my heart began racing. I lifted her from the shipping container and laid her gently on my master bedroom mattress. She felt about as heavy as a normal woman would have weighed. She lay there like…
ContinueDuring a Naval fleet air exercise a series of UAP encounters causing several near collisions with F-18 Hornet fighters is mentioned under the top secret official military channel communication. All squadron pilots and commanders are alerted However, the day after all traces of the email alert magically disappears! Still the cover ups persist!…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on December 7, 2024 at 3:20pm — 3 Comments
It was planned well ahead of time. The sheep never saw it coming. They played on the biggest fears of the conformity public. People complied with the basic loss of their freedom unquestioningly. Yet, illegal aliens poured into the country not having to wear masks, not having to comply with vaccine mandates, and not being medically vetted as they crossed our borders…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on December 4, 2024 at 1:37pm — 2 Comments
Americans have weathered the worst storm perhaps in American history from an intentionally mishandled pandemic that crippled the US economy and kept millions of workers at home collecting government crumbs to millions of foreign trespassers unvetted and actually funded by the federal government with taxpayer dollars to the tune of more than 200 billion dollars over 3 and ½ years. In that same time Americans…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on November 13, 2024 at 4:00pm — No Comments
There is nothing more fascinating and chilling then to conceive of the Battle of Armageddon, the end times confrontation of the nation of Israel and all God’s enemies. When Satan’s armies rise up in unison and attempt to wipe the Jewish Nation from the face of the earth, but according to Biblical prophecy something terrible happens that is, as…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on October 8, 2024 at 5:00pm — No Comments
The Rise Of A Parallel Government
The United States is on the brink of a major shift in its political landscape. As the existing regime continues to struggle with internal divisions, external threats, and a general loss of trust from the American people, a parallel government is emerging, led by a coalition of influential figures from both the public and private…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on October 6, 2024 at 5:13pm — No Comments
As amazing as it seems after 2 failed assassination attempts in 2 months we have, yet another disturbing admission by a Homeland Security official. The admission is a problematical one in that the federal government has now indicated there are 5 teams operating within the US dedicated to taking out Donald Trump. Three such teams are foreign…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on September 23, 2024 at 4:30pm — No Comments
A little more than a year out from victory against Japan in the Pacific theater of war it is still a desperate fight to end the war in as swift a manner as possible and end the bloodshed. In order to achieve this goal the US and its allies will have to capture air bases close enough to the Japanese island chain to bring the venerable B-29 bomber within range in order to take the war to the Japanese…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on September 18, 2024 at 3:30pm — No Comments
Two Different Sexes Two Different Hemispheres of the Brain
Added by Doc Vega on July 31, 2024 at 4:30pm — No Comments
In order for us to be sold on the idea Democrat explanations for their failed policies, their anti-patriotic rhetoric, and their inability to empathize with the American people, one has to explore just how this rationale can even exist in a world of free speech and enlightened thinking. The requirement of ignorance and outright stupidity would seem to be prerequisites for anyone to vote for…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on July 7, 2024 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments
He explains what happens with MRNA travels through the body after injection and interacts with organ tissue and white blood cells.…
Jill Biden promised that her diaper wearing toddler Joe, would do so well I the debate against Donald J. Trump. Just as the media has spent the last 8 years criticizing Trump during his live speeches and debates which he only beat 17 Republicans in clenching the candidacy for the Presidential race in 2016, that’s all. So, as doddering Joe went into empty minded stares and made weird sounds whenever the…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on June 29, 2024 at 4:40pm — No Comments
The first rule of any police state is that the citizens have taken on a new identity by the government. They are now viewed as nothing but potential detainees. From this standpoint…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on June 4, 2024 at 6:24pm — No Comments
Being an indentured servant during the 16th and 17th Centuries was quite common for those who didn’t have money for passage into the “New World”. In order to be able to get to the North American Continent one had to work aboard a ship that crossed the Atlantic as a crew member until they had earned enough wages with their…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on June 1, 2024 at 5:31pm — No Comments
We can reach back in time less than 4 years and see the staggering list of failed and incompetent measures exercised by the Biden Clown Show to see just how America went from an economic world leader to a floundering Democrat regime. Could it have been closing federal land leases to the oil companies thus shutting down US…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on May 24, 2024 at 3:30pm — No Comments
As if things couldn’t get crazier with the Democrats continuing their illegal witch hunt of our former President over the “Hush Money” trial that the unjust prosecution is losing badly on, now comes another eye opener. According to sources Russel Brandt on his YouTube channel, there is now evidence that Joe Biden authorized the FBI during their Mara Lago raid…
ContinueAdded by Doc Vega on May 22, 2024 at 5:52pm — No Comments
Was God at work, a brave Czech POW who made a flawed 20 millimeter shell, or simply a stroke of luck?…
Added by Doc Vega on April 29, 2024 at 5:59pm — No Comments
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