Patriots Now Considering Plasma Heat Weapon Against Domestic Enemy Politicians and Enablers

This is a serious weapon. This cop gets cooked beyond recognition in a matter of a few seconds. This should be reserved for politicians like the headline says. This might actually get their attention.

Patriots Now Considering Plasma Heat Weapon Against Domestic Enemy Politicians and Enablers

Focused Plasma Technology is something that has been worked-on for over a decade by intrepid Patriots.  These are Americans who realized long ago that something beyond all abilities of government would someday be needed for citizens to fix certain problems.

Generating plasma energy is a herculean task, requiring ENORMOUS power.  But generating certain COMPONENTS of plasma energy is not nearly as daunting.  In fact, it's become downright simple for some.  

According to Skuttlebutt that I'm now hearing,  (just RUMORS mind you) relating to the ongoing Border debacles and threatened lawsuits/Congressional action to block our President's Emergency Declaration on the border, has REALLY hit a nerve with the right-wing. 

The realization that many on the right are coming to is that we have upwards of half our country, mind-numbingly willing to walk into Demographic SUICIDE, with the other half our our country lacking the balls to put a stop to them.  

Some PATRIOTS allegedly think it may be time to resort to methods -- heretofore not utilized -- to deal with the filthy political scum at the state and federal levels . . . and their useful idiot supporters / enablers / financiers. 

When a slew of politicians are willing to commit national suicide, and another additional slew of the general citizenry are idiotic enough to embrace it, some folks on the right think it is long overdue for an intervention - by force.

The Skuttlebutt talks about "P-he-w" (pronounced pyew - like a child simulating a space-aged laser blaster)

Below is Police Dashcam video from some years ago, showing a Police Officer on a motor vehicle stop, being literally MELTED by a sort of heat ray.  Within seconds, he's not only dead, but melted into a smoldering pile of soot and goo. 

Apparently, this was a real-life test of the technology.

If this is the technology that is now RUMORED to be soon employed by PATRIOTS against the Domestic Enemy politicians and their adherents,  I sure wouldn't want to be a leftist activist or politician if whoever controls this technology comes calling . . . 

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AmeriKa summed up in one sentence.....

"we have upwards of half our country, mind-numbingly willing to walk into Demographic SUICIDE, with the other half our our country lacking the balls to put a stop to them.  "

I think it was just Marvin the Martian on a summer night cruise and he didnt wanna be hassled so he whipped out his Uranium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator gun and eliminated the problem.... w00t!!

Hum that would be interesting, I wonder how many AA batteries it would take. 

That's pretty horrific. I wouldn't want to see innocent people get nuked like that.

With particle beams and electro pulse launched projectiles I'd say this is plausible.


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