SOPA House Oversight & Government Reform - Live Stream

 SOPA is China-style censorship say Google, Twitter, eBay

The bill is intended to crack down on websites operating outsidethe United States. If passed, the legislation would allow the US government to shut down any site illegally hosting copyrighted content.

Lawmakers behind the Stop Online Piracy Act say it would deal a blow to online pirates and producers of counterfeit brand products like designer fashion items or medicine.

But the signatories, who include top men and women from services like Wikipedia, PayPal, Flickr, LinkedIn and YouTube, believe that online services would be required to monitor what users link to and upload, which would have a "chilling effect on innovation."

They also insist that the bill would give Washington Internet censorship rights similar to “China, Malaysia and Iran” and are urging Congress not to risk the “tremendous benefits the Internet has brought to hundreds of millions of Americans and people around the world.” And it seems their collective voice is being heard, as both Democrats and Republicans in the US have decided to oppose the bill. From Ron Paul to Nancy Pelosi, more and more politicians are adopting an anti-SOPA stance. 


Critics want Judiciary Committee to slow down online piracy bill


Opponents of the Stop Online Piracy Act urged House Judiciary chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) to hold additional hearings on the bill rather than report it out of committee during Thursday's markup.

During a lively and lengthy markup featuring passionate arguments from both sides on the controversial online piracy legislation, opponents argued the Committee has yet to hear from technical experts on the potential consequences of the bill for security and free speech.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) compared the bill to performing surgery on the Internet without having a doctor in the room and said the Committee has moved far too quickly on such sweeping legislation.

"I worry that we did not take the time to have a hearing to truly understand what we're doing...Maybe we ought to ask some nerds what this [bill] really does," Chaffetz said, suggesting his colleagues lack the technical expertise to evaluate the cybersecurity issues at hand.

Steve King Is Not Enjoying The #SOPA Markup

Comments from folks observing the Stop Online Piracy Act markup hearing now underway in the House Judiciary Committee note that many of the lawmakers discussing the bill clearly have a limited understanding of the Internet's workings. Comments from one of the lawmakers is more pointed:


We are debating the Stop Online Piracy Act and Shiela Jackson has so bored me that I'm killing time by surfing the Internet.

Meet the Strange Bedfellows Who Could Stop SOPA


Posted by timothy on Thursday December 15, @11:31AM
from the oh-for-enough-mortar-and-enough-bricks dept.


jfruhlinger writes "In a political environment that's become very strongly defined by partisan lines, the SOPA debate has offered an unexpected ray of hope: the two main Congressional opponents of the bill are Ron Wyden, an Oregon Senator deemed a 'hardcore liberal' and Darrell Issa, a California Representative who is one of the Obama Administration's fiercest critics. (There are both Ds and Rs in favor of the bill, too.)" (Read more below.)

In the technical rather than political world, opposition seems easier to find: Trailrunner7 writes "A group of engineers, networking specialists, security experts and other specialists deeply involved with the Internet's development and growth have sent a letter to lawmakers criticizing the highly controversial SOP... and imploring them not to pass the legislation, which they say would stifle innovation and 'threaten engineers who build Internet systems or offer services that are not readily and automatically compliant with censorship actions by the U.S. government.' The letter is signed by a long list of Internet pioneers and other respected figures, including Steve Bellovin, Paul Vixie, Vint Cerf, Jon Callas, Tony Li, Robert W. Taylor, Esther Dyson and Fred Baker, among many others. Both SOPA and PIPA have been criticized heavily by technologists, privacy advocates and security experts who say that not only would the proposed bills make it difficult for companies to create innovative new technologies, but they also would likely not even accomplish the goals their authors' had in mind, namely preventing copyright infringement and content piracy."

And (hat tip to Rob Malda), here's the letter itself (PDF).

Mark Up Information

Full Committee Markup ofH.R. 3261, the “Stop Online Piracy Act”

Thursday, December 15, 2011 10:00 a.m. 2141 Rayburn House Office Building

Markup Documentation

Watch Webcast


Introduced Bill # Title Report
10/26/2011 H.R. 3261 the “Stop Online Piracy Act"
Manager's Amendment

Views: 540

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House Hearing Today

Ultrasurf is ready to go. 

I just wanted everyone to know that I had to set my website settings to private and if this bill does not pass it will come back online, if not this it's down until I can build a different site.   This will wake up SWL's, Ham's, Hobbyists asking themselves why is the site down?   Why?    They will wake up and realise it's the SOPA bill trying to shut down the net.

Earlier today I saw an online poll asking the question if you were pro or against SOPA. The greater majority of people, nearly 90% were opposed to this bill. This bill is definetely very unpopular and if Congress so chooses to pass it there will be a major backlash. With such a low approval rating for Congress right now it would be a very foolish thing for them to do.

One of the main people (if you can call him a person) pushing this atrosity and injustice furthering the gestapo state of America is Former senator Chris Dodd, Now president of the MPAA { (Motion Picture Association of America) I wonder (wink, wink) how he landed that job?}

The son of the idoit (my opinion) that gave you the Gun Control Act of 1968.

 Which was forced upon Americans  by Johnson as part of his grreat socicety program (I read it as NWO movement to regulate guns) as a result of the assassinations of J.F.K., Martin Luther King, Malcom X, and R.F.K., all of which have been under scrutiny since their occurance, and the records have been sealed on many of these assassinations.

I wonder why?

You and I know that the CIA was fully involved with these assassinations as well as the FBI being involved also, all paid for by the plutocracy running the show. We alkso know who they are.


The runaway freight train of destiny is approaching the station, and as Jimi Hendrix sang "Well I hear my train a commin."


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When failure is NOT an option.

Acta Non Verba !

In Omnia Peratus.



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