Gillette Sales Plummet After Offending with "Toxic Masculinity" Ad


Gillette Sales Plummet After Offending with "Toxic Masculinity" Ad

Sales Executives with MBA's at Gillette are learning a very hard lesson that most High School kids already knew: Don't piss-off your customers.  

That is exactly what Gillette did when they came out with an ad about "Toxic Masculinity."   That somehow men being men, and boys being boys is a bad thing.   Guys didn't like what they heard; so they're apparently not buying Gillette products as indicated by the totally unscientific empirical evidence in the photo above.

Looks like guys are going for Barbisol and Schick instead.

Once again, the college educated "experts" turn out to be social, cultural, and political morons!   

It seems to happen a lot lately.  Take the 2016 presidential election as a good example.  The college educated voted in droves for the broomstick witch, and lost.  They've been throwing a collective temper tantrum ever since.  Again, the college educated proved to be political, social and cultural morons.

What the college "educated" cannot seem to grasp is that they have NOT been "educated."  They've been indoctrinated.  Brain-washed.

Colleges today do not seem to teach student HOW to think critically, instead they teach them WHAT to think.

Kids graduate from these schools repeating what they were told rather than thinking for themselves.   And when their protected, snowflake, safe-space, indoctrination runs up against cold, hard, reality, they freak out because they're unable to think critically for themselves.

Gillette Stock Holders had better step-up fast and put a rhetorical dagger in the heart of this Toxic Masculinity ad campaign before the marketplace puts a rhetorical dagger in the heart of Gillette's sales.

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Totally expected...

Guess they learned nothing from Dick's Sporting Goods and Starbucks.

Revered CEO's of the companies are nothing but dumb asses for all to see.

Shit! No one saw that coming on the lgbqpaedo marketing team, time for plan B anti toxic masculinity condoms 


Their sales were already in decline, too much focus on high end product development instead of everyday value items, then the toxic masculinity ad put into the mix, just meant they put the icing on the cake for a spectacular and self sabotaged Fail that no one will ever forget. So good-bye failed try.  

Barbasol's answer

I just became a Barbasol customer. Hashtag.

i want to see who was shorting P&G stock?

Gralton That never occurred to me but that's a brilliant observation. Whoever was involved with producing that commercial had to know it would tank Gillette's/Proctor and Gamble stock value. I would be real curious also to see who shorted that stock. I wonder how one would go about finding that out.

apologies for jewtube but this guy gets the award for creativity.

Ha! That's the best response I've seen. Thanks Gralton.


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