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Comment by Mary on December 19, 2010 at 2:51pm

The terrorist were already inside the cockpit of the plane even before it took off. This was known and still the plane was allowed to take off.

Comment by truth on December 19, 2010 at 1:37pm
Hani Hanjour: 9/11 Pilot Extraordinaire

On 27 November 2009 published a simple fact about the flight of Flight 77 which makes a conventional hijacking scenario impossible - according to Flight Data provided by the NTSB the Flight Deck Door was never opened in flight. The status of the door was polled every 5 seconds from 12:18:05 GMT to 13:37:09 GMT, and each poll logged the door as closed.

No-one entered the cockpit of the plane during the flight, therefore it was not flown into the Pentagon by an Arab hijacker.

What caused Flight 77 to hit the Pentagon? Electronic hijacking is a strong possibility...

Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 20, 2010 at 12:38pm

I read that article. Good you had some engineers statements of their perceptions.
My demo theory includes a fully detailed explanation of total pulverization. Here's your's, very close in some ways.

"How can we even begin to imagine what it must have been like for the victims on that horrible day? Thousands of unsuspecting people innocently showing up for a normal work day only to be relentlessly pulverized -- floor by floor -- like sacrificial beef shoved into a descending meat grinder at free-fall speed. Hot steel shards tore them from limb to limb as the buildings were purposely rigged to demolish on top of them."

The part about shards tearing them apart is correct, but it was not steel. Cutting steel with high explosives requires huge overloads or special containment. Linear shape charges don't even have that although they are effective. they are only manufactured for cutting 1" thick or smaller.

The concrete core as a precision engineered container having rebar centrally and precisely distributed is the perfect location for high explosives, as a coating on the rebar.

What happens when the container, rebar location/distribution are engineered together is a rather profound effect. Firstly, the breaching pressure of the container is maximized, which maximizes the resulting shock wave at he breaching pressure. That shock wave separates the concrete into quite small particulate particles. When they are separated they also begin to move away from the blast center.
As they do this the spaces between them increase so the high pressure gasses are divided up into thousands of tiny jets to relieve pressure as they they travel outwards. This causes the particles to accelerate drastically.
The accelerated particulate, largely hard stone aggregate will reach speeds of about 10-15 thousand foot per second. Five times the speed of a 30.06 rifle bullet. That particulate will continue with that speed for perhaps 60 feet max.

In the built to demolish scenario the floors detonated first. Three floors would detonate with a 75 millisecond delay, then a forty foot section of concrete core would detonate. Since the concrete core protects the initiation distribution systems inside the core this works well.

The pulverization has the floor overhead detonating upwards mostly, but the high explosives were poured into the corrugations of the floor panels, so would cut through and blast downwards also, then 75 ms later the floor below would blast upward.

Everything is pretty well torn up at that point. Then the core walls go off and shred all the airborn material between floors and blow it horizontally out of the building.

This is why there were no bodies found, no desks, no file cabinets, no chairs, no carpet, . . . nothing.

This is why 4cm long pieces of bones were found 400 feet away from one of the Twins on the roof of an adjacent buildings.

This is why the detonations travelling down the building in the video are so muffled.
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 20, 2010 at 1:55am
That's what the perps would want people to think because the Parrish story from Rense, the Laffoley audio, the firefighters debriefing in the battalion house and the video showing the detonations proceeding down the towers, are consistent. Using that demo model things that no one else can explain, are explained.

A Ph.D in physics, Dr. Ron Larsen checked my demo model out and made a page on it to explain his perspective.

Niether he nor I are anti semitic, but we realize that there are possibilities with the media control and the 48 hour shut down the week end before which is enough time to set detonators IF the explosives are already in place. Those dancing Jews on the bridge are meaningful to be sure.
Comment by JoJo on November 19, 2010 at 11:38pm
Cris :^(
Post of yours from Rense--is so stupid that if anyone from Israel is reading it--they'd kill themselves laughing. 'just a telephone call will blow up towers' and the crap that charges are embedded for future demo--Please Cris--don't make us look like wackos. .Does the Sears tower have embedded Explosives? Eric--do you know how dangerous it is to have such explosives-just waiting for a telephone all--could the number be DAIL Kaa-boom 911
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 19, 2010 at 10:48pm
Bam, bam, bam, all the way down

Bam, bam, bam, all the way down

Explosions in the basement before the plane impacts. Listen for "somebody got hit in the face by a wall".

Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 19, 2010 at 10:42pm
Absolutely, planes and fires ahd nothing to do with it. Here are 2 accounts that substantiate that they were built to demolish.
I asked him, "Sometime in future, in 50 years or so, how are these Twin Towers are going to be taken down as tall as they were going to be and as tight as land is in a crowded city, without causing fast destruction to other buildings?"

He was standing upright. He outstretched his right arm with his palm down. And said, "Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam" as he lowered his hand down one imaginary floor at a time. All the way down to the floor. I knew that we had to certify these commutators to be able to operate continuously for 50 years without service or repair as our part of the contract. He explained that as the buildings are being built, explosive charges are being incorporated into the structures at key floor joint locations. So, that when the first charges are set-off at the top floors, they will take that floor down to the next. And the charges at that floor will take it down to the next floor. This will continue all the way down.
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 19, 2010 at 8:54pm
Logic matters. WTC 1 was hit much harder than WTC 2 and WTC 1 burnt far worse. WTC 1 should have gone down first, IF planes could do that, planes cannot do that.

Planes don't matter at all.

only logical explanation that is consistent with all evidence matters.
Comment by JoJo on November 19, 2010 at 8:29pm
Cris: The 9/II attacks were NOT done professionally as a sure cover-up.Yes! the destruction was bang-on wrecking job.
What does it matter if A or B went first. You are assuming that fires weaken WTC 1 and gone first. Obvious the 3 towers were wired up and each had a Demo go button. MOSSAD B agent couldn't wait to get his jolly before Agent A.Take another good look after the tower started to blast away-from top to bottom.Once the blasted sequence went past a few floors--a big blast and ball of fire spued outwards. Proves that the Israel demo crew had laden more than one floor with large volumes of diesel flue and explosives.These buildings were wired up to go on commend from Ruby Julianna ( ) front Bunker office seat at WTC7.
Fact: no record of any SUPPOSED airliner planes tracked going near WTC towers on 9/II
Time is not to get mad but get even-- Good citizen vigilante groups had cured Cattle Rustling.
What if--the Jews were found to have done it--do anyone of you think justass would be served? Like George Carlin said--they got you by the balls :^/
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 19, 2010 at 8:08pm
The reason the design of the concrete core is so explicative is because the WTC on 9-11 is a 30 year conspiracy. Watch and listen to Bob Kerry from 6:25.

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