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Comment by bryan l on November 16, 2010 at 1:28pm
Lawrence i see there where holes in your screen, you should have tapped those up. ;) i use to do some silk screening.
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 16, 2010 at 3:47am
Hello Lawrence Edward Calcutt,
I read your post and have some input which is the product of many hours considering the issue of remotes or not.
It turns out the logical understanding, fairly well says there were no remotes while also developing a better understanding of what did happen.
The logic of there being no remotes hinges on one very big factor that had there been remotes, would very likely not exist. That big factor is the backwards impact/fall sequence. The first tower hit, hit hardest, burnt worst, was the last tower to go down.
The perpetrators agents downplay that factor. They come up with excuses like, "WTC 2 fires were about out so there would have been no reason for collapse if they went out so they brought it down first." I can't see the logic in that because my assertion is that if there were remotes, then why did the perps choose the backwards sequence? Remotes make last minute adjustments needed for a more credible ruse easy. Pilots are well trained and controlled. Impact sequences would be absolute.
On the other hand if there were hijackers and the wrong tower was hit first, then the remote contollers of the demolition intitiation could simply demo the first one hit by a plane first.

We don't have that. We have a backwards sequence. Based on the compromise to the ruse that represents I can only logically conclude there were pilots and the Towers detonations were on timers. There was a directional radio transmitter that worked with either tower and either plane headed towards a tower that worked with proximity. So at a preset distance from the tower and subterranean detonations occured to reduce the seismic signals at the final detonation of the building.

Recall that flight 175 showed up, and in this scenario saw its target already burning. It had to do a radical turn to reposition to hit WTC 2 which is exactly what we saw.

This makes flight 93 in a holding pattern until both towers were hit by planes. It was a backup. Imagine how much harder it would be to explain 3 towers "collapsing" but only one hit by a plane. As soon as both were hit, flight 93 was shot down.
Comment by JoJo on November 15, 2010 at 10:23pm
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 15, 2010 at 7:34pm
JoJo, its all possible. My point is, "Where do we use this information? What reaction do we expect." Now I realize that it can serve as a warning, but being prepared is in its own as well done as it might be. My point is that information that can be acted on has the capcity of being proactive, PREVENTING perhaps the very worst. I have info that has that quality.
Comment by JoJo on November 15, 2010 at 7:23pm
Chris--many thanks for the interest and reply. If we don't expose the real culprits of 9/II attacks,there will be million dead Canadian/Americans. Jews plot things to happen decades in advance. I been suspecting a big hit coming soon--more likely Toronto Canada a Nuke missile blast--whole EU NATO will come to it's defense and the Jewish media will blame it on Iran.
"The Israeli game with these weapons is one of the worst kept secrets in the world and has already cost the deaths of many. It will take nothing short of the detonation of one of this Hiroshima sized Israeli nukes to push America into Israel’s war with Iran, much as hunting for these nukes which Israel informed President Bush were in Iraq, led “the decider” to making one of the many blunders of his career. Our next 9/11 will be nuclear."
Old days, Cattle ranchers got fed up with cattle rustlers and Sheriffs did nothing--vigilantes got the problem solved in no time. Check this video of the guy that could talk and expose the real Who done it--Rudy can be made to talk
Almost 10 years gone--too many Jews in hi places, most 9/II sites don't want to go down this route--Jews could only have done 9/II and keep a lid on it.Never ever expect a new investigation--not in our life time.This week Hillary promised Israel--no matter how bad abortion Israel is/does--USA will cover her always motherly love. Sad :^(
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 15, 2010 at 6:18pm
JoJo, how will we change conditions so that the issue with passenger planes will have official meaning and compel action?
Comment by JoJo on November 15, 2010 at 6:06pm

BTS Data reveal no Passenger Planes Destroyed on 9/11

If the subject were not so controversial, one might assume that a very powerful blow to the story of four hijacked airplanes on 9/11 would be Holmgren’s discovery that two of the four flights connected to that day’s events did not exist and the other two alleged participating aircraft were not destroyed until four years later. As Holmgren writes, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) keeps detailed records of flight times, tail numbers, taxi out times, wheels off times, and so on for every scheduled flight from a U.S. airport, in part for liability insurance considerations. Holmgren found that the original BTS records of take offs that day did not list flights for AA77 (Pentagon crash) and AA11 (North Tower, the first hit).[18]

Of the first hit on the WTC North Tower at 8:46, Holmgren notes that when one looks closely at the video (which wasn’t broadcast until 16 hours later "when the official story of four large planes had already been put into the public’s mind") all one can see is "a brief flash and then the explosion." Holmgren claims that whatever the object is, it "is certainly not a Boeing 767 or any kind of large passenger jet." The object is "way too small. It dive bombs into the tower in a manner which would appear to [be] impossible for a large airliner." Although, he writes, "the natural tendency is to think it is just too fast to see on the video…a frame by frame enlarged analysis…shows a very strange looking object, or possibly several objects flying in close formation. A pulsating blob or group of blobs is probably the best description."[19]

Holmgren argues that the passenger lists seem to be fabricated "because there are impossible contradictions between the lists published by different media outlets…." Nor, he claims, are there any reliable witnesses to support a large jet of the first strike. "All early reports say that it was a small plane or missile," and others who say they simply didn’t see any plane. According to Holmgren, the first strike became a "large plane after people saw the second strike live on TV, leading to the assumption that the first strike had been the same thing," and after American Airlines declared that it had lost AA11 in the crash.
I bet a case of Lager beer that no planes were used to smash into WTC 1 and 2. Show me one TV network video ,other than the 2 Quebec brothers photo shopped videos and the beer is yours Cheers {:^/
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 15, 2010 at 2:49pm
FEMA misrepresented the core structure of the Twin towers which invalidates the "cause of death" analysis by NIST because they did not have the plans and were deceived.
FEMA said this was the core structure.

It was not. The core of WTC 2 is seen on 9-11 and there are NO STEEL CORE COLUMNS protruding from the core.

The core FEMA presents would have a great deal of heavy structural steel protruding. This fact mandates a new analysis WITH THE REAL PLANS.
Comment by JoJo on November 10, 2010 at 7:38pm
Almost 10 years and nothing has been done to expose the USA Kosher RAT PACK that did the dirty deed on 9/II. Last week, I posted a few comments of my own on 9II truthers. Got a reply--won't be posted UNLESS you prove it. Just mentioning Israel or MOSSAD seems to get alot of 911 sites really pissed. No media/politician in USA/Canada would dare to point fingers at Israel .WHY NOT? Just imagine if the crazy jews do admit to the dirty deed? Israel will vanish in no time and that is why MUMS the word. These Ashkenazim devil's rejects must be exposed before they decide to kill millions of americans and blame it on Iran or China. WTC 1 and 2 were brought down by very big explosives and very different than WTC7. Only Concrete bunker busting bombs could have done the job--from top down not like WTC7--down up
In old days, farmers got sick and tired of cattle rustlers. Vigilantes were formed and hangings were norm. Time to stop talking and get even {:^(
Comment by truth on November 9, 2010 at 12:40pm
Manny Badillo, 9/11 Family Member "informs" DHS Janet Napolitano of WTC7 on 09/11/2010


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