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Hunter S Thompson on 911

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9/11 & Consciousness w/ Ryan Di Somma

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The Curious Case of Philip Marshall

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Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD

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Comment by dhouha on September 21, 2010 at 7:29pm
@Lawrence Edward Calcutt
what are u drinking? is it the same water that all americans are consuming?why you see the truth and they dont
Comment by JoJo on September 20, 2010 at 6:42am
By deciption we shall do war--Using Humens as Live Bait
Must read--don't miss the ending about 9/11

Home of the Brave, Land of the Free--I think Not! :^(
Home of the Whimps, Land of the Fools -- I know so! :^),_We_Shal...
Comment by Billy1st III% on September 20, 2010 at 5:09am
Dumb down, too much Kool-aid, don't care because it is not in their face yet, Me state, easier to accept official reasons then truth, might have to get out of in front of their TV and do something, comfortable they way it is and they think it is not really going to change, don't care either way!
This is the reasons I've run into!
Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on September 19, 2010 at 10:50pm
I started a new phrase about a year ago after pondering it. I say that people are Willingly Ignorant. Most automatically take offense and close the mind to saying stupid but nobody wants to be Willingly Ignorant, lol. Same thing really.
Comment by dhouha on September 19, 2010 at 10:03pm
it is clear that 911 is an inside job, why the majority of americans still believe what the mainstream media is telling them even if they know that logicaly 911 cannot be done by hijakers who are not profossional pilots ?
the timing of 911 was perfect to seve the israeli interests and to prepare americans to the war against Iraq
they were planning to invade iraq long time before, then 911 attack happened
do you remember what bush said? he said that saddam has conections to 911 attack and to bin laden, did they prouve the existence of these connections ? did they find the mass destruction weapons?
american governmeny keep lying again and again and american keep believing it , the mainstream media ( which is owned by people who are loyal to israel more than to america) keep spreading propaganda and fabricating things that americans know now they they were lying but they still believing what that media is saying
are americans hypnotized?!!!
Comment by enddebtslavery on September 16, 2010 at 2:52pm
Lawrence you're spot on, i defy anyone to look in his eyes at that moment and not see 'shit its happening!'
Comment by JoJo on September 16, 2010 at 8:39am
Ever wondered why Bush was at a day care on 9/11--Has a Presideent ever done this?
Thursday, 16 September 2010 15:13 Kourosh Ziabari .It's not unjustifiable or irrational to argue that the 9/11 attacks were designed and intended to rescue Israel from a political dissolution which was seen by many thinkers as its ultimate destiny, and to promote the cordial coalition of Bush and Bin Laden families. It's no wonder that 9 years after the attacks on New York's Twin Towers and Pentagon, Osama Bin Laden, who is introduced as an Islamic fundamentalist and terrorist that masterminded and directed the 9/11 attacks, hasn't been arrested or killed yet.

For those who are familiar with the world of journalism, it's comprehensible that Osama Bin Laden was simply a name which should have been put forward to become the target of ad hominem attacks by the mainstream media of the Bilderberg Group to appease the pain of Americans who couldn't digest the tragic loss of life in a chain of suicidal attacks which were carried out by the agents of a political entity which has so far succeeded in surviving thanks to the ignorance of taxpayers who don't know where their taxes go.

Two days after the attacks, President George W. Bush said on September 13, 2001 that finding Bin Laden is the administration's first priority. These are his words: "the most important thing for us is to find Osama bin Laden. It's our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."

6 months later, everything changed. These are the words of President George W. Bush, too: "I don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."

The priority changes in 6 months. Isn't it ridiculous? No. Realistically, it's simply painful. The mission has been accomplished and Osama Bin Laden, a political scapegoat, has been vilified and stigmatized to the extent that every American would point the finger of suspicion at him. No-body would think of any other possibility. Osama Bin Laden, an internationally renowned terrorist, had carried out the attacks. So, there should be a War on Terrorism in which the culprits of 9/11 attacks would be punished categorically.

But, what is the reality behind the tragic terrorist attack on the United States?

1- Ex-President George W. Bush knew in advance that the 9/11 attack would take place. The story of President Roosevelt's being aware of the December 7, 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor happened once again and Mr. Bush betrayed his nation reprehensibly.

Sterling D. Allan has enumerated a number of evidences and reasons which indicate that President Bush had foreknowledge of the attacks and also had planned a certain agenda for his consecutive public reaction. This is one of the most insightful arguments he puts forward: "He (Bush) is the only one who could have given permission to U.S. military jets to intercept and shoot down the hijacked planes thereby averting every target hit after the first. It is likely that he knew that other hijacked planes were in the air, and he could have given the command to intercept and shoot down if necessary. His known behavior constituted gross negligence at best, and given what he most probably knew; treason."

2- American researchers Allan Wood and Paul Thompson point to the same issue that Allan had highlighted earlier. At approximately 8:48 A.M. on the morning of September 11, 2001, the first footages of the burning World Trade Center were aired on live television. "By that time, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the National Military Command Center, the Pentagon, the White House, the Secret Service, and Canada's Strategic Command all knew that three commercial airplanes had been hijacked...So why, at 9:03 a.m.-fifteen minutes after it was clear the United States was under terrorist attack-did President Bush sit down with a classroom of second-graders and begin a 20-minute pre-planned photo op? No one knows the answer to that question" they note in a research project carried out for the History Commons.

3- President Bush had planned to pay a visit to Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida on September 11 morning. The plan had been scheduled since August but was "only publicly announced on the morning of September 7", according to Allan and Thompson.

As reported by Daily Telegraph on December 16, 2001, official accounts, including the words of Bush himself, say Bush was first told of the attacks after he arrived at the school. According to reports by the ABC News and Washington Times, ex-President arrived at school shortly before 9:00 A.M. Alan Wood and Paul Thompson state that there are at least four reports which demonstrate that Bush was told of the first crash before he arrived at school. UK's Observer reported on September 16 that "Bush was driving to the school in a motorcade when the phone rang. An airline accident appeared to have happened. He pressed on with his visit."

The History Commons researchers believe that "claims of Bush's ignorance become harder to believe when one learns that others in his motorcade were immediately told of the attack."

They quoted Kia Baskerville, a CBS News producer who was traveling with Bush that morning who received a message about a plane crash "as the presidential motorcade headed to President Bush's first event." Baskerville said, "Fifteen minutes later I was standing in a second grade classroom [waiting for Bush's entrance]" which means she got the news at about 8:47, right as the story was first being reported.

3- Since the mainstream media are accustomed to withholding crucial and vital information from their addressees and usually propagate and disseminate what is in line with their imperialistic interests, not many people heard about Osama Bin Laden's taped statement which was released shortly after the 9/11 attacks took place. Here is what Bin Laden stated about the attacks. He astutely gave the clue to the main culprit behind the terrorist attacks and one could simply trace the footsteps of that perpetrator should some intelligence and cleverness were employed: "I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself, to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States."

4- It is an undeniable fact that even if the War on Terrorism, sparked by the 9/11 attacks, takes decades to be accomplished as a mission on the agenda of U.S. administration, Osama Bin Laden will not be the culprit who will be arrested as the man behind the terrorist attacks. Bin Laden will beneficially serve for the United States as someone who can portray a distorted, horrifying and appalling image of Islam and what is coined by the U.S. think tanks as Islamic fundamentalism.

Although Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, which all of us know was founded and funded by CIA, has been introduced as the terrorist who directed the 9/11 attacks, we should never forget that good friends never betray each other. Bin Laden is a good friend of the United States who sacrificed his innocence at the cost of rescuing Bush administration from public scrutiny.

As reported by Denver Post's columnist Cindy Rodríguez, "in 1978, Bush and Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden, founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas."

The Denver Post's report includes some more interesting facts regarding the connection between Bush and Bin Laden families: "Several bin Laden family members invested millions in The Carlyle Group, a private global equity firm based in Washington, DC. The company's senior advisor was Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush. After news of the bin Laden-Bush connection became public, the elder Bush stepped down from Carlyle."

Interestingly, on Sept. 11, 2001, members of the Carlyle Group, including Bush senior, and his former secretary of state, James Baker, held a meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C., along with Shafiq bin Laden, another one of Osama bin Laden's brothers.

And finally, it's helpful to refer to Rick Wiles' investigative research in which some new dimensions of Bush family's connections to Bin Laden family has been revealed: "One of President Bush's earliest financial backers was James Bath, a Houston aircraft broker. Bath served with President Bush in the Texas Air National Guard. Bath has a mysterious connection to the Central Intelligence Agency."
"According to a 1976 trust agreement, Salem bin Laden appointed James Bath as his business representative in Houston. Revelation about Bath's relationship with the bin Laden financial empire and the CIA was made public in 1992 by Bill White, a former real estate business partner with Bath. White informed federal investigators in 1992 that Bath told him that he had assisted the CIA in a liaison role since 1976 - the same year former President George Herbert Walker Bush served as director of the CIA," notes Wiles in a 2001 American Freedom News report.

What is clear is that War on Terrorism was a project which was launched to salvage Israel from political dissolution or at least hold up its collapse. It's also a definite reality that the U.S. administration would never target the main hands behind the 9/11 attacks, because these hands have been shaken by the U.S. bigwigs several times. Osama Bin Laden was a name to entertain the global public opinion. As the Press TV columnist Mohioddin Sajedi noted in his recent article, Israel was the sole winner of 9/11 attacks. Remember those five dancing Israelis who cheered victoriously while capturing videos of the collapsing Twin Towers. That's the reality.
Comment by truth on September 15, 2010 at 9:54pm
"We need a common enemy to unite us." -- Condoleeza Rice, March 2000
Comment by truth on September 13, 2010 at 5:14pm
Cindy Sheehan: "I am a 9/11 Truther...I do think it was an inside job"

Comment by JoJo on August 7, 2010 at 6:40pm
New release of a 9/11 WTC attack documentary from England
On sept 11 2001, no videos of any type of plane was shown--even though most of the major media's cameras were focused on the 2nd tower,
What is shown,a large ball heading directly into the tower and once ramming into WTC ,massive plume of diesel fuel flames bellow out. The author states from this balls projection linage, the Israelies doctored and super imposed passenger planes.Notice the under carriage hump--that is the ball.
my understanding--the ball was fired from a distance as a marker and to help guide the photo shop procedure. what was shown of planes hitting the WTC was only the next day. I been saying this for years now. Anyone pick up the news cast of a ball projectal on Sept 11 and why hasn't this been investigated?????

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