Economic Independence and Cooperation


Economic Independence and Cooperation

How to get rid of dependence of the great money scam and become independent free individuals.

Members: 32
Latest Activity: Jan 5, 2020


The purpose of this group is to find ideas how people can increase their independence of the rotten money system grown out of control. In the early days trade was based on barter but was quickly taken over by those who controlled the precious metals and had enough muzzle to intimidate and threaten people. Precious metals are less bulky and more practical than the traded goods. Originally good idea was then corrupted and converted into the current abusive money scam leading us into perpetual debt slavery. Now we have the modern economic structures and communication systems that can be used in different creative ways to own natural resources, land, and means of production, exchange of goods and services, and to make contracts where money does not change hands. Our own creativity is the limit.

Discussion Forum

Right! So THIS is where we post thoughts! on... "GO NOMAD! NO GO MAD!"

Started by JUST DEFIANCE. Last reply by Less Prone Jan 5, 2020. 1 Reply

170403 My 12160 Rant on Economic Independence and CooperationThanks for the invite Less Prone!Straight into it;(Not good at driving on the internet. But, I'm learnin'!)After 22 plus years "on the…Continue

Tags: family, housing, OFF-GRID, nuclear, consumerism

Blacksmithing, making and anvil out of a used railway rail

Started by Less Prone. Last reply by Less Prone May 9, 2017. 2 Replies

Blacksmithing is a one of the basic survival skills. A vast number of tools and everyday utensils can come from a blacksmith's workshop. Now, a blacksmith is nothing without an anvil and those can…Continue

Tags: anvil, blacksmith

Preparing for a collapse of the monetary abuse system - original content

Started by Less Prone. Last reply by Less Prone Feb 27, 2016. 1 Reply

Money as we know it is based on deception. Privately owned central banks lend out money that they don't have - for interest. Isn't it a swell business, charging interest for money you created on a…Continue

Tags: collapse, gold, money, precious, abuse

China Halts Stock Trading After 7% Rout Triggers Circuit Breaker

Started by Central Scrutinizer Jan 4, 2016. 0 Replies

China Halts Stock Trading After 7% Rout Triggers Circuit BreakerThe worst-ever start to a year for Chinese shares triggered a trading halt in more than $7 trillion of equities, futures and options,…Continue

Tags: CSI, Breaker, 300, Index, Hongyuan

Comment Wall


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Comment by Less Prone on November 27, 2014 at 5:38am

There are people seeking partners in off the grid projects, mostly in North America, but also in Europe, Far East and Australia.

Comment by linda dagosta on September 8, 2014 at 3:37am

Less there is a 4000 limit for me to post the write up on a world without currency.. but i can attach the link to the page so others can view it and consider the information:

Part I

Part II

facebook Page which has a rough draft diagram of how the community would be structured.

Comment by Less Prone on September 5, 2014 at 12:09pm


You cannot afford to be afraid these days. I mean, what are the options?

1. Status quo but declining every day until unbearable or you are poisoned to death.

2. Rise out of dependance and get murdered

3. Rise out of dependance and live

The first option is the worst of all as you don't even try but let them have their way on destroying you.

Comment by linda dagosta on September 5, 2014 at 11:46am

i just want to throw this out there ... do you notice how craigslist is coming up with all these murders titled" craigslist murderers"  murder spree targeting craigslist.. well this is because craigslist is a loophole around the corporate scale and is taking them out of the profit margin, if more people use this and freecycle and create more groups .. grassroot groups.. similar to craigslist.. there will be more news about murdering  that surrounds these specific groups..WHY because they want you afraid to participate in a program that leaves them out of the loop.. and the money is not directed upward.. this is a slow starvation process  keep the  money going up.. and dont send it back down or send it back in less and less amounts to strangle us slowly 

Comment by Nikki on June 8, 2014 at 2:54pm

Mike Adams lived in Ecuador and still does some business there. He never said the govt of Ecuador was fascist. There are a lot of Americans and Europeans living there but not in communities that I know of. It would not be my first choice because their currency is the US dollar.

Comment by Nikki on June 8, 2014 at 1:21pm

I had forgot about Liberty Village. Sounds like a great idea but just don't see myself living in a tepee. And the govt will probably come in and say the dwellings aren't up to code or some other BS excuse cuz they don't like self sufficiency.

Comment by Less Prone on June 8, 2014 at 10:39am

I believe that the US is the best place for the US citizens. It's not easy to start all anew in a foreign country, learn a language, and safely transfer your wealth.

Comment by D.M. Simonds on June 8, 2014 at 10:29am

I've heard it's not easy to give up US citizenship, but I will ask about this.You make a good point there. But this is my country and here I will stay. I was born Marine Corp and not even a month old before I crossed the Rocky Mountains.

My childhood was spent traveling overseas with the longest we stayed in one place being in Thailand, a wonderful beautiful country, but look at Bangkok now in political turmoil. And recently if you say something wrong even on Facebook you are hunted down and arrested.

I always wondered about places like Ethiopia until Mike Adams of Natural News, who tried to Ex-Pat there, returned to the US with reports of the government converting to a fascist dictatorship.

As for finding something in the US, who knows. I've have found an interesting  group led by a non-501c3 non-corporate church group run by Brother Gregory of His Holy Church. They have volunteers in their Living Network but don't run a commune far as I know.

But also keep in mind as you search, think of what you will do if the paradise you find has a shift in government. What will you do if that country turns on you?

The global elite are everywhere, not just in the US. Their dream of a worldwide global depression into martial law into Agenda 21 into the NWO is for all of humanity, not just one country or continent. After my first interview with a globalist banker I was shaken to the bone, and then felt driven to get rid of my home before these elitists could enact their dream for humanity.

Good wishes to all of you in finding what you are looking for and please keep me posted on what do find. This is all quite interesting to me.

Good luck and God's speed.

Comment by Less Prone on June 8, 2014 at 10:18am

Here are some ideas that parallel this group; farming, independence, and alternative currencies in the US.

Comment by Nikki on June 7, 2014 at 11:20pm

It would be stupid to think you can escape the IRS by leaving the country and that's why people get in trouble. If you want to get out of paying taxes to the US, then you have to give up your citizenship. The average person leaves to escape the police state and to have a better quality of life. Older people retire overseas because the US is not kind to retirees. Younger people leave for better economic opportunities.

If there are communities like this in the US, they are probably run by religious cults anyway.


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