Aug 12th, 2010 | By Keelan Balderson If you didn’t think the EU superstate was out of control, or thought
our membership didn’t really infringe on national sovereignty; think
As reported on BBC Newsnight, the UK has been fined upwards of £150 million for not flying the… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on August 18, 2010 at 7:30pm —
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The year is 1941, and the Nazis are in the midst of their Lebensborn program. Men of pure Aryan stock — especially members of the Waffen-SS, thought the cream of the crop — have a special purpose. In many occupied countries, they are encouraged to mate with blonde-haired, blue-eyed women — those reflecting the very picture of the Aryan ideal themselves. And “mate” is the word; romance is not necessary here, nor marriage, nor moral constraints. For the program is to serve as a baby… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on August 18, 2010 at 6:31pm —
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An old friend and reader sent me this item. I had completely forgotten 'Say's Law. I pass this along should you want to learn of this maxim. If one thinks about this even briefly, it becomes obvious this would be the case.
Here's why we should dismantle the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about.
Say’s Law, a maxim memorized by every freshman economics student: “Supply creates its… Continue
Added by CHUCK W. on August 18, 2010 at 4:32pm —
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Any citizen, any foreign spy, any member of the Taliban, and any terrorist can go to the WikiLeaks website, and download detailed information about how the U.S.…
The Islamic Republic of Iran plans to establish a new economic order in the world in coordination with the other Muslim nations in a bid to pave the way for the progress and advancement of the Islamic countries," Rahimi said, addressing the Iran-Iraq Friendship society here in Tehran on Monday.
Sonic boom alarms region in Washington State while Obama visits in support of Patty Murray, who happens to be one of the many supporters
of Israel before America senators. A plane flies astray while the
president is in town.… Continue
Added by Burbia on August 18, 2010 at 3:00pm —
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Recently the unelected potentates of the EU Commission in Brussels have sought to override what has repeatedly been shown to be the overwhelming opposition of the European Union population to the spread of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in EU agriculture. EU Commission President now has a Maltese accountant as health and enviromnent Commissioner to rubber stamp the…
The much maligned Road Home Program, which was supposed to help homeowners rebuild after Hurricane Katrina, has almost 800 million dollars of funds that administrators of the program have not spent.
Editor's Notes: I am still celebrating Cassini not crashing into Earth's atmosphere eleven years ago, and delighted that FN is continuing to expose the… Continue
Added by Jonathan Mark on August 18, 2010 at 11:30am —
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In the Tulsa World (1-11-94), there was a small article entitled: "Weapons Designers Win Secret Award". It said this: "The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory won an award. The staff is very proud. The award is on display. But, they can't say what the honor was for. It's a secret. .Its 21 member "Project Woodpecker" team was cited. It won the Intelligence Community Seal Medallion. That's an award from the CIA and National Security… Continue
Added by CHUCK W. on August 18, 2010 at 10:57am —
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GMO Crop Sabotage on the Rise: French citizens destroy trial vineyard
Posted on August 16, 2010 by Rady|
GMO grapevines destroyed (AFP)
By Rady Ananda
Early Sunday morning, French police stood helpless as sixty people, locked inside an open-air field of genetically modified grapevines, uprooted all the plants. In Spain last month, dozens of people destroyed two GMO fields. On the millennial cusp, Indian farmers burned Bt cotton in their Cremate… Continue
Added by CHUCK W. on August 18, 2010 at 9:54am —
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Sugar Beets- Monsanto Wins Again
By Cassandra Anderson
August 17, 2010
Last Friday a federal judge imposed a nationwide ban on GMO sugar beets and it was overturned the next business day. Sugar beets comprise 50% of the sugar used in US food, and 95% of the sugar beets grown in the US are GMO. It is the jurisdiction of the US Department of Agriculture to determine whether plants are environmentally safe; this case is about whether the plants can cross pollinate (by wind,… Continue
Historical background – the establishment of capitalist supremacy
by Richard K. Moore
When the Industrial Revolution began in Britain, in the late 1700s, there was lots of money to be made by investing in factories and mills, by opening up new markets, and by gaining control of sources of raw materials. The folks who had the most money to invest, however, were not so much in Britain but more in Holland. Holland was the leading Western power in the 1600s, and its bankers… Continue
Added by CHUCK W. on August 18, 2010 at 8:45am —
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Flouride Is In Your Drugs
And Water - Enormous Effects
By Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD
Almost everyone has at least heard the recent news stories citing links between certain antidepressant drugs and suicides and even school shootings. Several surveys have shown that a majority of school shooters were taking SSRI- type antidepressants before they committed their heinous acts. What most people have not heard is that in most cases these were fluorinated drugs (Paxil… Continue
Added by CHUCK W. on August 18, 2010 at 8:39am —
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Ken Kesey (1935 - 2001) is one of the best-known authors to ever emerge from Oregon. He wrote his two most-acclaimed novels, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...