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An Empty Shell

An Empty Shell 



Added by Doc Vega on April 27, 2024 at 2:58pm — 2 Comments

Their Excuse? They Were Just Following Orders!

Image result for fast and Furious scandal


During the Obama Administration scandal we know as Fast and Furious when the Department of Injustice decided along with Barack to start a gun walking program that would supposedly trace weapons sold to the Mexican drug cartels, the deaths of 2 US Border Patrol Agents resulted along with hundreds of Mexican citizens. One ATF Whistle Blower came forward and revealed the plot when the US media, as usual, tried to…


Added by Doc Vega on April 26, 2024 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Not Compromised

Image result for looking at me like I'm insane? deviant art

Not Compromised


You look at me as though I am insane

Your eyes full of disdain…


Added by Doc Vega on April 26, 2024 at 3:01pm — No Comments

Desolation Zone

See related image detail. ar puro, beautiful and bird - image #55885 on

Desolation Zone


Until my woman with black thoughts

Tied my stomach up in knots…


Added by Doc Vega on April 25, 2024 at 12:00pm — No Comments

The saddest post I've ever read. ( vaccine victim speaks out. )

You know what, I think if God had a message for us here it would be the one that goes... Be as Wise as a serpent And as Harmless as a dove. Another might be Seek justice for the oppressed, and that would be impossible without compassion.…


Added by cheeki kea on April 25, 2024 at 7:38am — 4 Comments

With The Last 95 Billion Dollar Spending Bill Are we Funding our way into WWIII ?

More military funding of foreign countries such as Taiwan, Ukraine, and NATO as more US dollar devaluation continues! Where does it all end? Iran 7 Days from creating a nuke?…

Image result for Epoch Times Roman Balmakov


Added by Doc Vega on April 24, 2024 at 3:40pm — No Comments

Josh Hawley Questions the Stammering Coward Alejandro Mayorkas About a Murder By an Illegal Immigrant

As usual DHS Secretary Mayorkas has nothing but denial and excuses for his rotten failures! …


Added by Doc Vega on April 24, 2024 at 1:58pm — No Comments

Welcome Back to the Hive

Image result for dark sea of memory

Welcome Back to the Hive


Adrift in a dark sea of memory

Wondering all the time at what was to be…


Added by Doc Vega on April 24, 2024 at 1:20pm — No Comments

Can America Survive Its Indoctrinated Idiots?


It seems history points us toward ironic conclusions based upon the failures of great nations and empires. The notorious collapse from within comes to mind. The unpatriotic fools who push their radicalized dogma long enough and through enough different mediums finally succeed in wrecking a civil…


Added by Doc Vega on April 23, 2024 at 5:45pm — No Comments

World War at Damascus destruction.

The Freedom flotillas to leave Wednesday for Gaza except for another delay they are to leave out Wednesday!!!

It has been planned for many years now, and even the Turkish flotilla 13 years ago (= Planned), that these Flotillas for Freedom of Gazan's they will help when all Nations attack the land of Israel. This could happen in the coming days or Months. Pray those Red Heifers…


Added by Larry Harmen on April 23, 2024 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Fake Terror attack they are all fake every one of them

Every thing about this man leading up to this fake event has drug war cult all over it.

They Created a Fake Christian like this guy. Then a fake event to get everyone talking about him but he is fake. He has not even a scratch on him. The Masons control the Drug war and their Greek Catholic religion…


Added by Larry Harmen on April 23, 2024 at 4:26pm — No Comments

Where You can Easily Become Prey

See related image detail. Albufera lake | Lago, Lagos, Atardecer

Where You can Easily Become Prey


Fate came for an unpleasant stay

In a shabby, unused, room not far from the…


Added by Doc Vega on April 23, 2024 at 3:37pm — No Comments

Dr. Aseem Malhotra's Explosive Court Testimony on COVID "Vaccines"(UPDATED)

 Doctor Malhotra drops arsenal of truth bombs on Helsinki. A spectacular display. Here are few snip bits to wet the knowledge appetite but much, much more to be found at the link... transcript and podcast both pt 1 and 2 for your enjoyment? or interest. ( link at at bottom of page ) …


Added by cheeki kea on April 23, 2024 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

An Unpleasant Stay

Image result for scourge upon the land

An Unpleasant Stay


There was a time

When there was no scourge upon my land



Added by Doc Vega on April 22, 2024 at 5:30pm — No Comments

They Want to Murder Trump!

Image result for dan bongino

Democrat representative Ben. E. Thompson wants to pass a vote on a measure to pull the Secret Service protection of President Donald J. Trump should he be unrightfully sentenced to prison time in some penitentiary or state prison. Former Secret Serviceman, Dan Bongino, on his show mentioned how anywhere a former or acting Oval Office executive is scheduled to appear or hold a ma meeting, that particular location becomes federal government…


Added by Doc Vega on April 22, 2024 at 4:00pm — No Comments

When the Asymmetrical Warfare against the US is Really a Spiritual Battle

Hayward: Democrats Embrace the ‘Four Stages of Ideological Subversion ...


The Communist Democrat, as anyone with any political savvy would recognize, have adopted every possible destructive influence ever used by Marxists. Their long term plans for subversion of democratic and peaceful societies is well known. They’re in it for the long run. Theoretically, the disinformation phase of demoralization takes a couple of generations to gain momentum after the young minds of children have been…


Added by Doc Vega on April 22, 2024 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Epitaph at 5:00 AM

Image result for awaking before dawn

Epitaph at 5:00 AM


Carrying around my regrets like a spear in my chest

Talking to people who couldn’t care less…


Added by Doc Vega on April 21, 2024 at 5:21pm — No Comments

Fighting the Race Baiting Indoctrinated Charlie Kirk

Turning racism back around on a race baiter! …

Charlie Kirk, Founder and Executive Director of Turning Point USA, arrives to speak with President Donald J. Trump during a panel discussion at the...


Added by Doc Vega on April 20, 2024 at 5:08pm — No Comments

To Dream Again

See related image detail. Pin by Lori Gietler on Eyes | Photos of eyes, Green eyes, Cool eyes

Let me dream again

Of where and when

Let me dream again

Of better times a touch of Zen,…

Image result for Lion's den


Added by Doc Vega on April 20, 2024 at 1:30pm — No Comments

What Emotion Do all Election and Other Causes Depend Upon? Hatred

Image result for Cruifixion of Christ


All propagandists, election campaign strategists, PR specialists, social engineers, and even religious proliferators have a common denominator-a go to strategy when it comes to developing a manner in which to invoke strong emotional opinion in favor of their cause. Hitler used it to make the Jews into convenient scapegoats! The Prohibition Act succeeded and liquor was banned and put into the hand of the black…


Added by Doc Vega on April 19, 2024 at 5:40pm — No Comments

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"What about such critical infrastructure as the Nord Stream gas pipeline? Who blew it up? These…"
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Why we just removed BRAGG Apple Cider Vinegar from our store...

We are disappointed in this company and want to hold true to our quality standards. Unfortunately, BRAGG has sold out and we are no longer recommending them ...
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I know many knew this was coming, but now it is here. What will you do? I know what all good men…See More
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Nicotine Destroys Nanobots in Shots ( new finding )

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