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Big protest in Baghdad to demand U.S. leave Iraq


Added by Sweettina2 on April 11, 2011 at 9:19pm — 1 Comment

Extraordinary Conflict of Interest: Bush Cousin Is Judge in Explosive 9/11 Case against Bush Officials

Source: COTO Report

Confounding lawyers and legal scholars all over the world, Judge John Walker, first cousin of former President George W. Bush, was one of three judges of the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals to hear argument Tuesday in Gallop v. Cheney, Rumsfeld and Myers, the…


Added by Sweettina2 on April 11, 2011 at 8:55pm — No Comments

GMOs Linked to Organ Disruption in 19 Studies

Source:: Institute for Responsible Technology

A new paper shows that consuming genetically modified (GM) corn or soybeans leads to significant organ disruptions in rats and mice, particularly in livers and kidneys. By reviewing data from 19 animal studies, Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini and others reveal that 9% of the measured…


Added by Sweettina2 on April 11, 2011 at 8:52pm — No Comments

U.S. Loots Social Security to Wage Wars

By Sherwood Ross -

“As long as the $1.2-trillion annual budget for the military-security complex is off limits (to cutting), nothing can be done about the US budget deficit except to renege on obligations to the elderly, confiscate private assets or print enough money to inflate away all debts,” Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant…


Added by Sweettina2 on April 11, 2011 at 8:29pm — No Comments

Thermal Cameras On Boston Streets Can Show Activity Inside Homes

Thermal Cameras On Boston Streets Can Show Activity Inside Homes

BOSTON (CBS) – A thermal imaging project in the city of Boston has been put on hold because of privacy concerns.

Lisa van der Pool of the…


Added by TheLasersShadow on April 11, 2011 at 5:17pm — 1 Comment

First Episode of "Adam vs The Man" Airs Prime Time Tonight- Adam Kokesh



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First Episode of "Adam vs The Man" Airs Prime Time Tonight

WASHINGTON, D.C. | Host Adam Kokesh will bring his experience as an

anti-war US Marine combat veteran and a former candidate for US

Congress to his own TV show on Russia…


Added by Tara on April 11, 2011 at 5:17pm — 4 Comments

Eric Phelps/Prince Yassar

I'm not sure who this fella is but the information is very interesting. Listen and judge for yourself

Added by ShieldBreaker on April 11, 2011 at 4:36pm — No Comments

Have We Moved from the End is Near to the End is Here?

April 11, 2011

Steve Quayle

During the Cold War, one of the most recurrent themes in cartoonists' illustrations was the guy holding the sign, The End Is Near. Since today's new Japanese 7.1 earthquake has been downgraded to a 6.6 (Luciferian signature… Continue

Added by Swtnlovabl on April 11, 2011 at 12:52pm — No Comments

Should the Burqa be banned?

The burqa has been banned in France as of today, April 11, 2011.  What do you think, should non-Muslim countries ban the burqa?

In France, women are now officially banned from wearing full-face veils in public, after a controversial law came into effect. While the government says the move is aimed at helping Muslims adapt to the local… Continue

Added by Nikki on April 11, 2011 at 12:11pm — 22 Comments

Salt Lake City First to Go Cashless

Operator consortium Isis has selected Salt Lake City as its flagship deployment to show the rest of the USA what NFC can do for them.

The plan will see Salt Lake City's public transport system accepting pay-by-wave from a mobile phone by the middle of next year. Retailers have also been encouraged to adopt Near Field Communications… Continue

Added by Swtnlovabl on April 11, 2011 at 11:58am — No Comments

Biologist Gets First Ever Mosquito-Borne STD

Scientists think they may have documented the first case of a sexually transmitted insect-borne disease, according to a study in Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Brian Foy, a vector biologist at Colorado State University who traveled to Senegal, was bitten by a mosquito and subsequently developed the Zika virus, which causes fatigue and… Continue

Added by Swtnlovabl on April 11, 2011 at 11:25am — 1 Comment

U.K Common Purpose - Think about what this organisation is really doing - Reflect on this quote about controlling society

Brian Gerrish Interview, April, 2011

Click To Play

“… certain segments of the population must be programmed to be robotic drones, incapable or unwilling to think on their own. In this scenario, the ‘individual’ is the enemy of the state. Individual thinking and choice are not conducive to ‘peace and… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on April 11, 2011 at 7:30am — 2 Comments


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation.

It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power – and duty – to bring a resolution.

Please click on any statistic for the source and more information.…


Added by Sweettina2 on April 11, 2011 at 4:26am — 1 Comment

The Future Expansion of Unmanned Drones Over The U.S. (Video)

Michael Edwards

Activist Post

In a stark admission, two-star General, John Priddy, from the U.S.

National Air Security Operations Center, confirmed in the video below

that the continued expansion of predator drone surveillance is a

stated goal for the coming years. His comments were echoed by… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on April 11, 2011 at 3:30am — No Comments

Drugs for Moral Improvement?

Via: The Age:

Researchers have become interested in developing biomedical technologies capable of intervening in the biological processes that affect moral behaviour and moral thinking, says a Wellcome Trust research fellow at Oxford University’s Uehiro Centre, Dr Tom Douglas. He is a co-author of Enhancing Human Capacities, published this…


Added by Sweettina2 on April 11, 2011 at 3:29am — No Comments

‘This one was playing football, that one’s headless…’

Israeli escalation against Gaza

Via Karl Schembri

Journey to Gaza, April 9, 2011

Death looms ominously once again over the blockaded Gaza Strip, and innocent blood is once again falling down like rain. The sound of…


Added by Sweettina2 on April 11, 2011 at 2:49am — No Comments

A Militarized Economy Cannot Balance the Budget

A Militarized Economy Cannot Balance the Budget


We can’t afford our bloated military budget and still have democracy.


By John Perkins

“Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative. Together we must learn how to compose…


Added by Cryptocurrency on April 11, 2011 at 2:12am — No Comments

China Reports First Quarterly Trade Deficit in Seven Years

China's Premier Wen Jiabao

Wen Jiabao, China's premier. Photographer: Nelson Ching/Bloomberg

China’s first quarterly trade deficit in seven years may ease pressure on the world’s biggest exporter to allow faster appreciation of the yuan.

Asia’s largest economy had a deficit of $1.02 billion in the first three months of the…

Added by truth on April 11, 2011 at 1:00am — No Comments

The New Slavery

Joe Debro has fought for jobs and economic equity for Blacks for 80 years. Now he says the criminal injustice system is the new slavery. "A felony conviction for a Black offender is a life sentence. ... Who is going to hire a Black man who is a felon? Felons can’t vote. They have no rights. They are locked into the underclass for life." Read this. Fight back!

Added by Alexis Duran on April 10, 2011 at 11:54pm — No Comments

Bank Gives Man Foreclosed House for Free

Perry Laspina was in

the middle of foreclosure with the possibility of losing the house he owned in Jacksonville. Then the mail came one day in late January telling him that the house was his.

Despite the $72,000 mortgage that he barely paid anything on, despite the foreclosure ... the house was his.

In the middle of foreclosures gone wild, of a system overloaded by sheer volume, judicial investigations and allegations of corners cut, Laspina ended up with the…


Added by truth on April 10, 2011 at 11:51pm — 1 Comment

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