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Third Part. "The New Fascism" In Canada And The Western World

Third Part. "The New Fascism" In Canada And The Western World

Posted on Tuesday, August 08 at 09:00 by Robin Mathews
Telling half-truths, shrouding decisions in secrecy, privatizing military development and production, and purposefully misleading Canadians are all, apparently, parts of Canadian government strategy

– a strategy receiving increased…

Added by DallasBC on March 2, 2010 at 1:35am — No Comments

The New Fascists: Part 1 – A Political Primer

Read this thought a few of you may find it intresting

The New Fascists: Part 1 – A Political Primer

Posted By James Hudnall On February 11, 2010 @ 8:41 am In History, Politics | …


Added by DallasBC on March 2, 2010 at 1:04am — No Comments

Utah woman loses home over unpaid $68 dental bill - gets reprieve

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A Utah woman who lost title to her house over an unpaid $68 dental bill has been given a reprieve.

The Utah Court of Appeals ruled Capri Ramos is entitled to another opportunity to void the sale of her house at a county auction for $1,550.…


Added by truth on March 1, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Banks Bet Greece Defaults on Debt They Helped Hide

When is someone going to take down Goldman Sachs? They have been at the center of the financial crisis. They have enriched themselves by fraudulently helping the bubble grow. Then they enriched themselves by betting the bubble would collapse. They fraudulently helped Greece hide their true debt from the EU and now they are betting that Greece will collapse. The management of this company should be in jail cells. Abu Ghrab sounds about right. I'd even waive my distaste for… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on March 1, 2010 at 7:50pm — 2 Comments

Goldman Sachs Betting on Derivatives Collapse Sparked Financial Crash?

In November 2009 I detailed 25 US commercial banks that had trillions (with a “T”) of dollars’ worth of exposure to derivatives on their balance sheets. At the time, I stated that even if 4% of the notional value of these derivatives was “at risk” and only 10% of that 4% went bad, that you would wipe out the total equity at the five large US banks.

Given how mortgage backed securities turned out (and those securities WERE regulated, unlike derivatives), I believe that most, if not… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on March 1, 2010 at 7:17pm — No Comments

Ben the bank czar, Senate pushes plan to widen Bernanke's powers


A reform proposal is gaining traction in Washington to crown Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke as the new banking king, with broad authority over the nation's largest banks, according to people familiar with the matter.

These people tell The Post that the proposal, which is gaining support in the Senate Banking Committee, would give the Fed chief supervisory power over the 25…


Added by Tara on March 1, 2010 at 5:18pm — No Comments

Banks, Money, and You.....

Originally this was going to be a comment to the blog post here: The U.S. Personal Income Tax: It Goes to The Family Rothschild

In my anger, I wrote this....

Thomas Edison once said to the effect of: Treasury bonds and paper script do exactly the same thing-- one costs the taxpayers money, and the other doesn't.

What he meant by that was that Treasury Bonds pays each… Continue

Added by youhavetoforgiveme on March 1, 2010 at 12:13pm — 4 Comments

James Cameron – Grow Up

James Cameron – Grow Up

Written by Ann McElhinney

Monday, 22 February 2010 21:30

I thought Avatar was a great film, beautiful even. Cameron is such a good story teller he even had me rooting for the blue rain forest people and wishing death on all the appalling Americans in final battle scene.

But seriously, James Cameron grow up.

Avatar is an anti-mining, anti resource development rant worthy of a not very clever spotty… Continue

Added by fireguy on March 1, 2010 at 11:48am — 4 Comments

My Friends, I Am Dying

I'm dying.

I'm just short of 60 years old and as a direct result of complacency and apathy I'm sick. I have diabetes, cancer of the stomach (Pancreatic Cancer) and severe Arthritis and I have to ask myself why. Why me? I have to put all of my food through a blender, can barely move my fingers and I check my blood pressure three or four times a day. I take several different medications to regulate this and control that and I'm facing a severely debilitating regimen of chemotherapy… Continue

Added by Jeff on March 1, 2010 at 3:58am — 11 Comments

Flashback: Carbon Trading Can Be Used To Establish A New World Order, Become World Reserve Currency - Rothschild Vice Chairman

"When an individual receives an electricity bill, they will come to know what the cost of turning on the gas or a light was to the environment." Simon Linnett, Executive Vice-Chairman of Rothschild, has called for a new international body, the World Environment Agency, to regulate carbon trading.

In a recently published paper, Trading Emissions, for the Social Market Foundation, Mr Linnett argues that the International problem of climate change demands an… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on March 1, 2010 at 1:00am — 1 Comment

operation into turkish human trafficking gang expanded

Turkish police on Wednesday expanded their operation targeting a gang involved in human trafficking to cover six separate provinces. Among those detained was a retired police chief who also worked as the security co-ordinator for the Turkish retailing company Yimpas. Police took almost one hundred people into custody who had obtained visas with false identifications for European Union countries.

Added by Mr.Korea on February 28, 2010 at 10:04pm — No Comments

an angel of mercy

An angel of mercy is a rare type of serial killer who is usually female and employed as a caretaker. The angel of mercy is often in a position of power and decides the victim would be better off if they no longer suffered. This person then uses their knowledge to manufacture the death of her or his victim. As time goes on, this behavior escalates to encapsulate the healthy and the easily…


Added by Mr.Korea on February 28, 2010 at 10:02pm — No Comments

The U.S. Personal Income Tax: It Goes to The Family Rothschild

The U.S. Personal Income Tax: It Goes to The Family Rothschild

By William Dean A. Garner

The more people like me speak out about this, the more will scratch their heads and go, “No way!” or “You’re an idiot, Garner!” or, worst of all, “You’re not an American!”

I’ve heard this crap before, and it always comes from ignorant souls who just don’t understand how the political and economic systems work in the western world.

After more than 30 years of… Continue

Added by DallasBC on February 28, 2010 at 9:07pm — No Comments

Some Facts For Jeff And Anyone Else Who Doubts That Globalists Want You Dead

Any one of these quotes/links should at least make you question the elite's propaganda that the earth is overpopulated and natural resources are scarce.

YES WE CAN: End The Wars, Feed The World, Cure Diseases, Provide Full Employment, Reduce Pollution and Increase Everyone’s Quality Of Life.…


Added by fireguy on February 28, 2010 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

Who's The Real Spook?

The CIA? The NSA you say? Maybe the FBI? Nope!

The real spook of spooks is Science Applications International Corporation and few have even heard of them but they're eating your taxes for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. They are very, very secretive. Ask ten people on the street who are the largest government contractors and you'll hear names like Bechtel, KBR, Grumman, General Electric and Northrop but few will mention S.A.I.C.

SAIC has been awarded more government… Continue

Added by Jeff on February 28, 2010 at 6:57pm — 11 Comments

MUST LISTEN! Lessons in Resistance: Whistleblowing

Corbett Report Episode 119

Source: Corbett Reorrt, Feb 28 2010

Added by Anti Oligarch on February 28, 2010 at 5:10pm — No Comments


I do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.

Albert Einstein – 1879-1955

A UN nuclear watchdog report suggests Iran could be developing a nuclear bomb, apparently confirming long-held suspicions in the… Continue

Added by Christopher on February 28, 2010 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Factual Data ~ Rothschild Does NOT Rule The World, But Who Does?

Most of you here have read my opinion time and again that Rothschild doesn't rule the world. I won't dispute his influence but I will dispute his being placed at the top of ANY pyramid that strives to outline the design of power. Pursuing documentation that Rothschild rules the world is folly of the highest magnitude and results in your being distracted and impotent, powerless to act because your overview is false. I'll provide the actual names of the… Continue

Added by Jeff on February 28, 2010 at 4:09pm — 9 Comments

1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using electromagnetic waves

DoD News Briefing

Presenter: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen April 28, 1997 8:45 AM EDT

DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen…


Added by Swtnlovabl on February 28, 2010 at 4:06pm — No Comments

Take Action to Oppose Senator McCain's Dietary Supplement Safety Act

On Monday, Senator McCain released a Senate Floor Statement defending his Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010. He lashed out at "opponents of the bill and their well-paid Washington lobbyists" who have "spread false statements and rumors about the legislation" . But an examination of McCain's statement reveals that he is the one making false statements and does not understand his own bill.…


Added by Nikki on February 28, 2010 at 3:24pm — 1 Comment

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