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Real ID Repackaged Just For You (Because the Government Knows Just How Much You want It)

Well we knew, but crossed our fingers that this wouldn't happen. It's happening, I can't wait for all the spin to start. The article fails to mention that there are card scanners that can read a person's card from 10 feet or more away. I have no clue if protective card sleeves work or not. The cards are not secure, further they necessitate all your information being stored in one place. Way to easy for someone to learn everything about you and your life just by walking… Continue

Added by bob on August 22, 2009 at 12:36pm — 2 Comments

How Broke are We??? Try 9 Trillion.

I wonder once we default, send the world into a depression or both which states China will decide to annex? California? So then movies will say made in China. I support tax increases and program cutting when used for the right reasons and after being thoroughly examined with other alternatives. America is ____________. (Insert word you feel is appropriate) At minimum bankrupt. Nine trillion dollars needs to be paid. The best situation we could hope for would be an exponential increase in job… Continue

Added by bob on August 22, 2009 at 12:22pm — 2 Comments

Weather Modification In NoCal Full-page advertisement placed by a group of concerned citizens

Added by Swtnlovabl on August 22, 2009 at 6:08am — No Comments

Anatomy Of American Ignorance

It’s a full time occupation trying to unravel the reasons Americans remain in the dark. What seems ( to any intelligent outside observer ) like sheer stupidity and arrogance is in reality an almost inescapable indoctrination process that begins before you are born, and ends some time after your dead. It is a system so complex and all encompassing that few can recognize any reality outside of it at all, and that of course is its intended purpose.

The astonishing amount of rage… Continue

Added by Jeff on August 22, 2009 at 12:51am — 24 Comments

The Destruction Of A Civilization

Iraq, Mesopotamia, is perhaps the richest cultural center in the world. At least, it was. It is not today.

For those of us that think fighting the NWO will be a winning circumstance, you might look carefully at what the NWO has done in just a few short years in Iraq. The text below, by James Petras, spells it out pretty clearly.

In those same few short years the standard of living in the United States has been lowered, worker benefits fought for over the past 50 years have… Continue

Added by Jeff on August 21, 2009 at 11:27pm — 27 Comments

PART II - Copy n' paste News 08 21 09


Copy n' paste News 08 21 09…


Added by truth on August 21, 2009 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Time to boycott Israel For the sake of our children, I am convinced that an international boycott is the only way to save Israel from itself

Neve Gordon

Israeli newspapers this summer are filled with angry articles about the push for an international boycott of Israel. Films have been withdrawn from Israeli film festivals, Leonard Cohen is under fire around the world for his decision to perform in Tel Aviv and Oxfam has severed ties with a celebrity spokeswoman, an actress who also endorses cosmetics produced in the occupied territories. Clearly, the campaign to use the kind of tactics that helped put an end to the… Continue

Added by Tara on August 21, 2009 at 4:58pm — 9 Comments

How the real people experienced Obama in Montana

I received this from a relative in Oklahoma this morning. I have corrected a few spelling errors and removed a name but, for the most part, it is in the original form. I would add that some of the structure is hard to follow because the person writing the first E thinks and types at the same time. He knows what he means but we have to read it twice to get the real intent.

There are two Es and reference to an original but the story comes together just fine.... the story about the public… Continue

Added by Mimsgirl on August 21, 2009 at 3:12pm — 3 Comments

Global Non-Compliance Day - 25th August. Farewell to Fascism, Hello Humanity!!!!!!!!

On August 25th 2009, we invite YOU, and all of humanity to participate in a Global Independence Day where we will celebrate the freedom and creativity of the human spirit as we completely disengage for an entire day from all monetary transactions, thereby declaring a complete disengagement from the established Politico-Economic Matrix that enslaves us. We invite you to for an entire day celebrate the human family,… Continue

Added by Fred Black on August 21, 2009 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

Top Sweden Newspaper Says IDF kills Palestinians for their Organs

By: Morten Berthelsen and Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent

A leading Swedish newspaper reported this week that Israeli soldiers are abducting Palestinians in order to steal their organs, a claim that prompted furious condemnation and accusations of anti-Semitic blood libel from a rival publication.

“They plunder the organs of our sons,” read the headline in Sweden’s largest daily newspaper, the left-leaning Aftonbladet, which devoted a double spread in its cultural… Continue

Added by Tara on August 21, 2009 at 9:39am — 1 Comment



Fearless Broadcasting

Copy n' paste News 08 21 09…


Added by truth on August 21, 2009 at 6:00am — No Comments

Chris, a person of color, and a freedom loving patriot, whom made national news exercising his Open-carry rights in Arizona at a Obama health care rally, was interviewed by Alex Jones .

08 20 09

Chris , a person of color, and a freedom loving patriot,

whom made national news exercising his Open-carry

rights in Arizona at a Obama health care rally,

was interviewed by Alex Jones .

mp3 hosting provided by:…


Added by truth on August 20, 2009 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment


Published: August 19, 2009

In the course of its 60 years, NATO has institutionalized three monumental transformations in world affairs: first, the end of the centuries-long “civil war” within the West for trans-oceanic and European supremacy; second, the United States’s post–World War II commitment to the defense of Europe against Soviet domination; and third, the peaceful termination of the Cold War, which created the preconditions for a larger democratic European… Continue

Added by Tara on August 20, 2009 at 10:03am — 2 Comments

I Do Not want to Create Division but....

I really enjoyed Ron Angel's reports but he did kind of jump around. Then he starting signing me up for websites which could be used to get information. Still, I looked at them and they seemed harmless enough.

Well, the other day I caught him signing me up for what seemed like yet another website and I started filling out the info and noticed it was something to give him access to my Email. It was called something like the "The Box".

So be careful. Ron might be OK still,… Continue

Added by mrgone on August 20, 2009 at 9:34am — 3 Comments

Lol : A message from former member Sandra Petty (

A message from former member Sandra Petty (

About a response concerning the comment you left for me a month ago, so you reminded me. It's taken me so long to answer back because I rarely come to this blog site. Coming here to read comments left by frustrated people stopped serving me within a week, and I spoke my mind about that as best I could. I don't believe in a lot of talk about how pissed I am and I don't find comfort in reading about how pissed… Continue

Added by truth on August 20, 2009 at 1:41am — 4 Comments

Drones and Democracy

Ramzy Baroud

20 August 2009

With elections in Afghanistan, it might be timely to reflect on the US engagement with that stricken nation and consider just how much foreign intervention has contributed to the prospect and possibility of free and democratic elections.

More, it is fitting to consider what kind of example the US and its allies have given to the people of Afghanistan, if they have bestowed any wisdom and guidance for a nation facing a turbulent and… Continue

Added by Tara on August 20, 2009 at 12:27am — No Comments

The Best Candidates Are Always Maligned by the Wolf Pack

The Best Candidates Are Always Maligned by the Wolf Pack

The establishment media is so terribly afraid of the name of Dr. Ron Paul. Because he is not like they are. He's not one of the oligarchy.

He's one of We, The People.

We're not really a part of the oligarchy either. We've just been somewhat erroneously subject to it as of late. Dr. Ron Paul scares the pants off of most lawyers currently in power simply because we're showing more of a passionate, active… Continue

Added by DallasBC on August 19, 2009 at 7:49pm — No Comments


Added by Swtnlovabl on August 19, 2009 at 3:46pm — No Comments


You know the lefties try to discredit us by calling us racists. I am anything but! I don't understand why skin color is an issue....we all bleed red! Wouldn't it be a boring world if we were all the same?

I can only surmise this also is a tool of division used by the enemy...

My friends of color know Barry Soetoro is not "black". He is Arabic!

Not all people of color voted for him!!!!!

If we are to educate the public, we must at least… Continue

Added by Tucker Matthew Rain on August 19, 2009 at 3:24pm — No Comments

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