This is a typical case when "someone" did "something" but normally we are not allowed to say much about that "someone" except of course describe the kind of clothes and shoes he has and maybe his height and things not relating to his colour, race or ethnicity unless it's a Christian, white male of course. The second tricky part is the "something" specifically when talking about the victim, in this case it can be any race, ethnicity or religions except a Christian, white…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on May 24, 2020 at 4:13am — No Comments
The Macronization of France continues at a full speed even with the COVID-19
"While France is preparing to face the economic, psychological, human and political consequences of the Covid-19 crisis, the Head of State authorizes the teaching of Arabic at school.
On Saturday May 2 2020, as France prepares to begin its last week of confinement, a mysterious decree was published in the Official Journal. This document, signed by the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on May 23, 2020 at 1:21am — No Comments
Freemasons are an integral part of the governance of societies globally equally influential an inconspicuous in the west, east north and south. JFK warned about secret societies in his presidential speech to the press a little before his was eliminated. The following article traces the Masonic effect in the Muslim world.
"Many are ignorant and may not believe the suspicious relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and “Freemasonry” or those who call themselves “Free Builders”, this…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on May 21, 2020 at 11:31pm — 3 Comments
Save the African children who are starving for the truth about the Holohoax! This is just what they need! Don't be stingy and donate $29,95 for the good cause.…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on May 20, 2020 at 11:11am — 4 Comments
We are free to express our opinions as long as they are Kosher.
"I’ve witnessed friends and allies stripped of their platforms, their reputations, and their voices. Some can no longer communicate on social media. When I planted my little flag in the social media world, on the internet, almost 20 years ago, I never thought that I’d have to wake up one day and wonder if my entire website was going to be unplugged because of an opinion that I expressed. And yet, there are many of my…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on May 17, 2020 at 7:52am — 1 Comment
The true nature of the leftist scum is seeping out in the open.
"A report by National Justice has revealed that the New York-based magazine is closing its doors after Commune‘s editor Shyam Khanna, 31, was accused of rape by Antifa organizer Jessica “Leila” Raven.
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on May 17, 2020 at 4:30am — No Comments
The concept "Virtue Theorist", is an opposite of "Conspiracy Theorist", created by the CIA in the sixties in order to stifle criticism of the lackluster Warren Commission Report on JFK assassination. Later on the term has been similarly used to protect people in power when they have taken advantage of their position and insider information in order to increase their wealth and power or to fulfil…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on May 7, 2020 at 6:02am — No Comments
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