Less Prone's Blog – August 2017 Archive (13)

Talmud - Dictionary of the Great Deception

Talmud? Some moldy books? Who cares? Something completely irrelevant, outdated, religious babble!??

First of all it is more law  than religion, and secondly it is being enforced on you right now! It is not the idea to say here that the Talmud is this or that, for it is a controversial issue that people should study and form their own opinion.

What Is the Talmud?

From my Jewish…


Added by Less Prone on August 24, 2017 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

The dramatic moment 200 ISIS militants were annihilated by Russian air strikes

"Russia has intensified air campaigns in Syria to help President Bashar Assad's forces drive out ISIS from Syria. Terror group now has a stronghold in the city of Deir el-Zour in the east of the country and is being bombarded. Officials in Russia estimate around 800 militants across Syria have been killed in the month of August alone. Jets, under orders of the Kremlin, are now making up to 70 flights a day to target militants heading for the city."

Good to see progress in destruction…


Added by Less Prone on August 23, 2017 at 11:40am — No Comments

Great - Dictionary of the Great Deception

Freemasons like to add the word Great in front of their successful and crafty undertakings such as; the Great French Revolution, the Great War, the Great Experiment, etc. Note that the word is always…


Added by Less Prone on August 22, 2017 at 6:39am — 1 Comment

American Suicide - Dictionary of the Great Deception

When a person is found dead with at least two gun shot wounds in the head and it's declared a suicide, no autopsy is made, and the body is disposed of quickly. Some other American Suicide cases include a person being inside a closed bag or container that can be closed only from outside, suffocated.

The suicided people invariably have some important information that some want to keep out of sight of the public.

Prime example; Gary Webb…


Added by Less Prone on August 21, 2017 at 7:30pm — 3 Comments

Girl fighting for life after mum and three daughters knifed in French holiday resort

The Muslims are going loco everywhere and it's not even a full moon. Another Moroccan practitioner of the religion of peace.

"An eight-year-old girl is fighting for her life after a mum and her three daughters were reportedly stabbed in a French holiday resort for being 'scantily dressed'."


Added by Less Prone on August 19, 2017 at 6:18pm — 2 Comments

Triggered: NLP An Inside Perspective

"NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is the language of our subconscious and is a primary component of mind control and Psychological Warfare. Psych Warfare is viciously being waged against u.s. all by those Shadow Government globalists who lost control this past election. Our best defense against Psych Warfare is knowledge, and understanding NLP is key."



Added by Less Prone on August 17, 2017 at 3:22pm — No Comments

Alleged Crimes of Ilja Janitskin – Crime 2: Crowdfunding

The Finnish government is jealous of anyone getting financial benefits from anything. Everybody should stay poor because that guarantees submission under the corrupt authorities. If someone is collecting money for common benefit of the people, namely for spreading the truth, exposing the corrupt government,  or legal expenses, that is a crime. This is how the cookie crumbles.

"One of the alleged crimes Mr Ilja Janitskin is accused of is crowdfunding.

The Finnish police suspect…


Added by Less Prone on August 17, 2017 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Alleged Crimes of Ilja Janitskin – Crime 1: Going Public with the Accusations Against Him

"Mr. Janitskin's biggest crime seems to be that he wants the proceedings to be as public and transparent as possible."

Mr. Ilja Janitskin, the editor in chief of an alternative Finnish MV news site is in the cross hairs of the Finnish corrupt political system. The Finnish politicians and public disservants have been working hard to bankrupt the country, get its original people in debt slavery and finally be replaced by more controllable Subsaharan and Middle Eastern religious zealots.…


Added by Less Prone on August 17, 2017 at 10:20am — No Comments

Images: Refugee children pursue their victims from the bus: "We'll fxck!"

Published August 16, 2017 at 17.09 / Fria Tider

"A couple of young women were persecuted by refugees when they left the bus. One of the so-called children attacked one woman and took her on the breasts and between the legs while holding a lighter in front of her and declaring that he would "fuck" the woman. However,…


Added by Less Prone on August 17, 2017 at 5:26am — No Comments

White Supremacist - Dictionary of the Great Deception

White Supremacist - a concept to discredit the opposers of the cultural Marxism propaganda and trends designed to destroy the western way of life. It is applied with a wide brush on all protesters  even with reasonable claims. The actual racist ideology of white supremacy is supported by a tiny minority.

The people pressing the concept of white supremacy completely ignore the supremacist ideas in the…


Added by Less Prone on August 13, 2017 at 7:30pm — 4 Comments

Fifteen Youngster Got Rabies from A Sick Donkey, Guess How and Where.

Fifteen youngsters between the ages of 7 and 15 received medical care against rabies infection at the Mechraa Belksiri Hospital for one week. The infection was not caused by bites of the donkey but by the zoophilic acts with the sick animal. They recorded it all in a video. The poor animal got no treatment at all but was slaughtered and…


Added by Less Prone on August 13, 2017 at 4:12pm — 1 Comment

Politically Witch-Hunted Editor-in-Chief Ilja Janitskin Arrested and in Hospital in Andorra

Mr Ilja Janitskin, the editor in chief of a Finnish MV news site, was taken into custody by Interpol agents at his home in Andorra, Spain on Friday morning and transported to a court hearing. Based on an international Interpol arrest warrant, the local court ordered Mr Janitskin to be held in custody pending his possible extradition to Finland.…


Added by Less Prone on August 9, 2017 at 6:00am — 5 Comments

Millions of eggs recalled in Europe over toxicity fears

"Consumers in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have been warned to avoid specific batches of eggs.

The Dutch food safety authority has stopped production at 180 poultry companies.

In the Netherlands and Belgium, almost 200 laying hen farms have now been closed as traces of toxicity were found in their products, which could lead to liver or kidney damage."

Poisonous food?! Imagine my total lack of surprise. In the upper criminal cabal circles they…


Added by Less Prone on August 8, 2017 at 1:17pm — 1 Comment

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