September 2009 Blog Posts (289)

Sand Animation, Kseniya Simonova

Added by Marklar on September 30, 2009 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Peace Day Dove

Added by Marklar on September 30, 2009 at 10:26pm — 1 Comment

Everything is Okay Montage

Added by Marklar on September 30, 2009 at 9:11pm — No Comments

control and power

control definition con·trol (kən trōl′)

transitive verb controlled -·trolled′, controlling -·trol′·ling

1.Obsolete to check or verify (payments, accounts, etc.) by comparison with a duplicate register regulate (financial affairs) verify (an experiment) by comparison with a standard or by other experiments exercise authority over; direct; command operate or regulate this knob controls the volume of sound hold back; curb;… Continue

Added by josh templeton on September 30, 2009 at 5:13pm — No Comments

Santa Clara County (CA) Declares H1N1 Local State Of Emergency

Added by Swtnlovabl on September 30, 2009 at 1:45pm — 1 Comment

Myspace blocks access to 12.160Mhz

I regenerated my myspace profile tonight after a long hiatus from the site. Naturally enough I put a link to 12.160Mhz on my new look page. I clicked on my inserted links to check they were working, all were but one.

When I clicked on 12.160Mhz, I got the following courtesy notice -

I therefore edited the link as follows -…


Added by Fred Black on September 30, 2009 at 1:26pm — 5 Comments

Bye Bye Brokensheep

bye bye brokensheep
I have had enough of his crap. While I was away, dealing with a death in my friends family, I come back to discover 35 mostly rude comments on my profile page.

This which can be only be described as a drunken rant is… Continue

Added by truth on September 30, 2009 at 11:47am — 11 Comments

US Story on Iran Nuke Facility Doesn’t Add Up

by Gareth Porter, September 30, 2009

The story line that dominated media coverage of the second Iranian uranium enrichment facility last week was the official assertion that U.S. intelligence had caught Iran trying to conceal a "secret" nuclear facility.

But an analysis of the transcript of that briefing by senior administration officials that was the sole basis for the news stories and other evidence reveals damaging admissions, conflicts with the facts, and unanswered… Continue

Added by Tara on September 30, 2009 at 10:02am — 1 Comment


Good article from Devvy Kidd!

Added by plantop14 on September 30, 2009 at 7:12am — 1 Comment

Red Dawn-Foreign troops have just touched down

Paramilitary Force To Boss Internment Camp In Montana

Paul Joseph Watson


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Following our earlier report about a paramilitary security force occupying a town in Montana, it has now become clear that the purpose of American Police Force is to boss a state of the art internment camp that some fear will be used to incarcerate American citizens, as reports come in of… Continue

Added by Mettacom on September 30, 2009 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

Province may suspend flu shots after vaccine's safety questioned

Looks like there could be good news for our BC Canadian friends regarding the flu vaccine!

Added by plantop14 on September 30, 2009 at 6:58am — No Comments

Bumed ...but still packing heat

Today me and my wife contacted lehigh valley today about how Walgreens was placing stickers on their milk products that say "flu shots today". The reponse we got was, it doesn't bother us . So i turn i started telling her about all the very toxic stuff that was in it and we got hung up on. And on side note my moniter took a dump tonight, so I'm doing everything from my phone ...have no fear its a windows mobile phone ....and yesterday I was able to secure 2 boxes of 9mm woohoo.. Just another… Continue

Added by The real us on September 30, 2009 at 2:01am — 1 Comment

Support Lauren Wasson and Fight Police Brutality

Target:Governor Edward G. Rendell

Sponsored by: Lauren Wasson

Lauren Wasson, 23, of Garfield, was charged with obstruction of highways and aggravated assault after she allegedly threw her bicycle at Officer Shawn Dady, striking Officer Dady with it." Lauren was simply trying to slow down a moment so that another pedestrian could move out of her path. A slideshow is… Continue

Added by Tara on September 29, 2009 at 6:15pm — No Comments

Police hold violent unpermitted protest at G20 - Original Satire

By Marklar

September 28th 2009

As has been noted elsewhere while some protesters at the G20 were granted the permits they had applied for while others protested in unpermitted and unlawful assemblies. One such group was the Pittsburgh Police Department, an extremist militant organization bent upon disrupting peaceful protesters as a political… Continue

Added by Marklar on September 28, 2009 at 9:49pm — 3 Comments

Help the EFF Stop the Patriot Act and the Warrantless Wiretapping.

Take the time and read. If you agree go to the web site and fill out the info and send it to your congress rep. I wish we could just get rid of the Patriot Act, but this is a start. If the Justice Act accomplishes what the EFF believes it will, they can try to end warrantless wiretapping.

Rein in Government Spying: Reform the USA PATRIOT Act and Repeal Telco Immunity

As Congress… Continue

Added by bob on September 28, 2009 at 8:53pm — No Comments

Goldman Sachs’ Media Takeover

Zero Hedge


One wonders why Goldman and JPM were so eager to provide “rescue” financings to virtually the entire distressed media space: both companies knew too well that sooner or later they would end up with full equity control over essentially the most coveted… Continue

Added by Marklar on September 28, 2009 at 3:30pm — No Comments

The U.S. Creeps Closer to a Police State

by Shamus Cooke

When word first arrived that the G-20 would be meeting in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, activists began organizing protest demonstrations. Events like this are what freedom of speech is made for. What better occasion to protest than a meeting of the world’s 20 top leaders — most of them deservedly hated — where they will be imposing policy on billions of people worldwide?

The majority of protesters consisted of labor and community groups; they… Continue

Added by Tara on September 28, 2009 at 2:41pm — 2 Comments

Glen Beck local news article...

Here's a link to a news story about Glen Beck in a local high school where I'm at. Please note that the high school he attended is right next to Western Washington University. The college has been a resource for recruiting for CIA. I love the blip of information stating Glen Beck having his jaw wired shut for medical reasons. During his era at the high school, there was certainly an aire of Meatballs (1979), which ironically was a product of… Continue

Added by Burbia on September 28, 2009 at 10:08am — 1 Comment

Erdogan:Focus on Israeli nukes not Iran N energy program

The Turkish president has condemned Western countries' focus on Iran's nuclear program, stressing that the world should deal with Israel's nuclear weapons instead.

Turkey's "Radikal" newspaper on Sunday reported that Recep Tayyip Erdogan's strong comments against Israel's nuclear program was similar to his "one minute" stance in Davos in January when he walked out of a televised debate with his Israeli counterpart Shimon Peres.

Erdogan told reporters in New York that… Continue

Added by Tara on September 28, 2009 at 9:58am — 1 Comment

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$ Paid Annual Leave $

"Now is the Time for American Workers to Unite! Take back the squandered taxes and demand time off…"
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Burbia commented on Burbia's blog post Mystery illness strikes Russia with fever, blood symptoms, and no cure in sight.
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Mystery illness strikes Russia with fever, blood symptoms, and no cure in sight.

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"Mommy Tells Me I'm a Girl"-Jeff Younger

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Metropolis (1927) Full Movie | 4K Color Remastered: 2023 Colorized with Gottfried Huppertz Score

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