October 2022 Blog Posts (138)

More Biden Lies Illegal Immigrants Will not be Tracked

Image result for illegal immigrants

When the idiotic move by the Biden Clown Show was unveiled to open up the borders not only that but to legally interfere with the states own rights to defend their borders it was alleged that those trespassers would be processed, released based upon appearing in court, and then that they would also be tracked so that if they failed to comply ICE would apprehend them. Well, if you believe that I guess you…


Added by Doc Vega on October 31, 2022 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Why Was Prime Minister Liz Truss Forced to Resign?

Image result for PM Liz Truss

One can only wonder how is it that a conservative Prime Minister, a woman, who had a 3 point plan to boost the economy of the UK through supply side economics would be forced into resignation. Apparently, the Deep State, is alive and well in Great Britain as well. She had the answers but the true powers that be simply won’t allow a government to run a country in favor of the people because the people are not the priority. Everything must…


Added by Doc Vega on October 31, 2022 at 5:26pm — 4 Comments

25 Days of Diesel Supply Left for America?

Image result for supply shortage s in US

Since the fool in the Oval Office was inaugurated it would seem that everything the Biden White House could have done to destroy the US has been undertaken and accomplished. Supply shortages, fall of Afghanistan, illegal immigrant invasion unchecked, highest inflation in 43 years, 16 trillion in deficit spending, the list goes on like some kind of fiction novel by Tom Clancy in which an assassination of…


Added by Doc Vega on October 31, 2022 at 4:30pm — No Comments

The Pelosi Fake


"How do I know? I looked up the alleged attacker, David Depape, above. He has only three photos on

the internet, including the one above, and they are all from a 2013 CIA event. He is listed at

Instantcheckmate, but his profile has been scrubbed, meaning the CIA got there first in preparation for

this current event. There are no relatives listed, because…


Added by tjdavis on October 31, 2022 at 4:00am — No Comments

Taking a Historic Perspective on Democrat Accomplishments

See the source image

(of Course I’m joking)

I’ll admit to being naïve. I was under the impression that a American political party should be seeing to it that Americans are protected, educated, allowed to achieve prosperity, have freedom of speech, have a free press, are protected from illegal search and seizure, have a standing military that protects the nation and its borders, and who’s leaders of…


Added by Doc Vega on October 30, 2022 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Canada Euthanized 10,000 People in 2021. Has Death Lost Its Sting?

OCTOBER 17, 2022

“Just ask for MAID,” he told her, using the popular acronym for medical assistance in dying, often referred to as physician-assisted death. “Then you can end it all now.”


Added by Burbia on October 30, 2022 at 12:34am — No Comments

From the Abyss

See related image detail

From the Abyss


You can feel it something’s not right

When there’s no one to hold you in the night…


Added by Doc Vega on October 29, 2022 at 5:07pm — No Comments

Letters From Mars

Image result for forced to roam

Letters from Mars


After all these years of having a home

I’m now forced to roam…


Added by Doc Vega on October 29, 2022 at 1:00pm — No Comments


"Politics is show business for ugly people."

-Gerald Celente

Added by tjdavis on October 28, 2022 at 9:30pm — No Comments

The Piri Reis Map Truly an Unexplained Mystery

A global map of the Atlantic coasts dating back to 1513 created by a Turkish cartographer who served as an admiral of his nation’s navy is discovered in a throw away pile. It is made of parchment from a gazelle skin and is somehow lost shortly after being conceived by the Ottoman Captain. A map whose compilation…


Added by Doc Vega on October 28, 2022 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Universal Karma

Why does this have to be faked or a setup? Why do people have to worry about whites being blamed or maga? Why do people care anymore? You have to understand that any reason is being used against you. You will be hard pressed to live a life that doesn't give them at least one reason to destroy you. Stop caring. A bad person had something bad happen to…


Added by tjdavis on October 28, 2022 at 2:43pm — 4 Comments

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cheeki kea commented on cheeki kea's photo

$ Paid Annual Leave $

"Now is the Time for American Workers to Unite! Take back the squandered taxes and demand time off…"
2 hours ago
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2 hours ago
Burbia commented on Burbia's blog post Mystery illness strikes Russia with fever, blood symptoms, and no cure in sight.
5 hours ago
Burbia posted a blog post

Mystery illness strikes Russia with fever, blood symptoms, and no cure in sight.

I guess releasing this bio-weapon upon Israeli neighbors would be hitting too close to home. I…See More
5 hours ago
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8 hours ago
tjdavis posted a video

The Electric State | Final Trailer | Netflix

Together, robots & humans can take the whole system down. THE ELECTRIC STATE starring Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt and directed by the Russo Brothers, onl...
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Doc Vega's 7 blog posts were featured
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Sandy posted a video

"Mommy Tells Me I'm a Girl"-Jeff Younger

Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Jeff Younger, a father who is fighting to protect his son from transitioning into a girl. Get 40% off access ...
tjdavis posted a video

MindWar: Full Spectrum Cognitive Dominance [Michael Aquino Analysis]

This is my analysis and my thoughts on Michael Aquino's "MindWar". This document is a must-read if you are looking to understand the psyop tactics and cognit...
Doc Vega posted a blog post

A Horrid Murder at Land Between the Lakes (Sasquatch?)

 Most of us hear that Sasquatch-Bigfoot are intelligent yet reclusive creatures that are closely…See More
Doc Vega posted blog posts
cheeki kea commented on cheeki kea's video

Metropolis (1927) Full Movie | 4K Color Remastered: 2023 Colorized with Gottfried Huppertz Score

"Hey thanks for the thumbs up guys. I was blown away (like a leaf in a tornado) when I watched this…"
tjdavis favorited cheeki kea's video
tjdavis posted a video

Did you know this? I was SHOCKED!

Wounder how many people know what they do to baby chicks? Wounder if they know what the are doing to Salmon? What about the lettuce and tomatoes? This will n...
cheeki kea posted a photo
Less Prone posted a video

Pine Tree Riots - We'll Have Our Home Again

NOW ON SPOTIFY (and everywhere else)!https://open.spotify.com/album/1gWcRqHD7TSbAA2UzYOLWlEvery people deserves a Homeland.Sung by no one in particular.Origi...
Mar 25
Less Prone favorited cheeki kea's video
Mar 24
cheeki kea posted a video

Metropolis (1927) Full Movie | 4K Color Remastered: 2023 Colorized with Gottfried Huppertz Score

🎉🎬 AT LAST❗❗ Metropolis is the FIRST film we colorized using our newly developed AI colorization software, and we are proud to bring it to you now with the...
Mar 24

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