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havent checked this out, just got it


A friend of mine has contacted me from Young Co. TX. to inform us that as of yesterday, 4 Air Force drones have been sitting at a public airport there, and the numbers have been slowly increasing since Sept. So, in having said that, I'd be on the lookout for mysterious house explosions across the country in the near future! Of course, that is how they will try to explain houses getting blown the hell up! Anyhow, if there are… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on December 20, 2009 at 3:05pm — 2 Comments

MSN: Rat out your neighbors, get paid by the IRS

Rat out your neighbors, get paid by the IRS

Through an IRS whistle-blower program, you can anonymously report tax cheats and earn a windfall from their dishonesty. Here's how it works.

By SmartMoney

There's a new sheriff in town, and his name is John Doe.

He may be sitting in the cubicle next to you.

Under a 2006 congressional mandate to the Internal Revenue Service, ordinary citizens can help the tax man cometh -- or at least… Continue

Added by Mettacom on December 20, 2009 at 8:17am — No Comments

Climategate: James Randi forced to recant by Warmist thugs for showing wrong kind of scepticism

You all know James Randi. He’s the world famous Psychic Investigator whose rigorous scepticism has been the undoing of many a fraudulent spoonbender, dodgy faith-healer and ouija-board-wobbling spiritualist.

Randi is the expert magician and escape artist who is offering $1 million in his Paranormal Challenge “to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal,…


Added by Anti Oligarch on December 20, 2009 at 6:00am — No Comments

Study: TV May Perpetuate Race Bias

Time's a joke. I'm posting this to ask what you think its purpose might be.

Most people regard watching television as a passive activity. You sit, you watch. Occasionally, you change the channel. But a new study reveals that even this passive diversion may lead to actively damaging effects, particularly when it comes to issues of race.

In a series of intricately designed experiments, psychologists at Tufts University demonstrate that subtle… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 20, 2009 at 5:30am — 1 Comment

Nov 2009 G20 Meeting notes

Here are the notes I got from G20.

Conclusions of G20: even though the US was really PUSHING behind the scenes,

Russia, China said NO to dollar destruction.…


Added by lloyd fuller on December 20, 2009 at 1:46am — No Comments


I don't often post state related material and live almost as far from Hawaii as one can but I have a special friend in Hawaii and this post resonated within. All of us I assume are familiar with the economic circumstances in California but we rarely, if ever, hear about Hawaii, the 50th state.

Honolulu - Hawaii public schools are closed most Fridays, rats scurry across bananas in un-inspected stores and there may not be enough money to run the next election.

About the only… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 20, 2009 at 1:19am — 2 Comments

Switzerland geologist on trial for 'causing quakes'

The head of a geothermal energy company has gone on trial in Switzerland accused of damaging property by triggering earthquakes.

Markus Haering's company had been working with the authorities in Basel to try to convert the heat in deep-seated rocks into electricity.

But the project was suspended in 2006 when drilling triggered the quakes.

They caused no injuries but led to $9m (£5.54m) of damage. Mr Haering denies deliberately damaging property.

The… Continue

Added by truth on December 20, 2009 at 12:35am — 2 Comments

What Has Hugo Chavez Done? Why Does America Hate Him?

Eva Golinger is a Venezuelan-American attorney from New York, living in Caracas, Venezuela since 2005 and author of several best selling books about Hugo Chavez. Her first book, The Chávez Code has been translated into 6 languages and will soon be a feature film we should all see.

Here she talks to American writer Mike Whitney about Hugo Chavez, Venezuela and popular legislative reform. This interview is an eye-opener especially for those of you that haven't closely followed Hugo… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 20, 2009 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

A Very Short Citizens Guide To Revolution

I'm not absolutely certain this is a real billboard but I am feeling pretty sure that it is. It's strange that a message of this nature made it onto a billboard, not totally weird but just a little odd. I agree with the message, it should have appeared frequently years ago. Either way, it's completely appropriate considering most of the posts on this web site. If we were a mainstream media web site civil unrest here in the US of A would be a forgone conclusion.…


Added by Jeff on December 19, 2009 at 11:42pm — No Comments

Yes We Can video update

Winston Smith

for The Corbett Report, December 17 2009

[Editor's note: Winston Smith has released a video interpretation of his popular "Yes We Can!" article below. Click here for a direct link to the video, or watch the video in the player below.]

Yes we can make you believe in anything we want

Yes we can… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 19, 2009 at 10:15pm — No Comments

Israel Uses Weapons Of Mass Destruction - Confirmed Scientifically

We have analyzed the content of 35 elements in 4 craters derived from:

2 bombing events in Gaza in 2006, one in Beit Hanoun, one in Jabalia camp, and 2 bombings in 2009, both in Tufah, the Gaza suburb. We have also analyzed the powder remaining inside a shell of an exploded White Phosphorus bomb THS89D112-003 155MM M825E1 collected at Al Wafa in January 2009. All craters were big and the sampling was conducted along one of the sides of the slope of the crater.

The… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 19, 2009 at 8:39pm — 5 Comments


I tried to find a word or words to describe my feelings after watching this. Keep in mind that I do not agree with these demonstrators and their agenda. Still, I wouldn't beat people that I disagree with. But I searched for words anyway. Unlike global leaders I maintain a substantial supply of empathy and manage to keep it ever present while developing my opinions. Empathy is lacking and/or non-existent in the global scheme of rule. Empathy is a necessary part of the human experience so first I… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 19, 2009 at 8:31pm — 7 Comments

The Greatest Single Assault On All Of Us

In evaluating the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen -- with more than 15,000 participants from 192 countries, including more than 100 heads of state, as well as 100,000 demonstrators in the streets -- it is important to ask: How is it possible that the worst polluter of carbon dioxide and other toxic emissions on the planet is not a focus of any conference discussion or proposed restrictions?

By every measure, the Pentagon is the largest institutional user of… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 19, 2009 at 8:15pm — 1 Comment

We Kill, Everywhere

"The US air force perpetrated an appalling massacre against citizens in the north of Yemen as it launched air raids on various populated areas, markets, refugee camps and villages along with Saudi warplanes," the northern Yemen-based Houthi Shia fighters said.

At least 120 Houthis have lost lives and 44 others sustained injuries as US fighter jets took part in air strikes in the northwestern Yemeni province of Sa'ada.

They added, "The savage crime committed by the US air… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 19, 2009 at 8:10pm — 1 Comment

What Defines A Great Man?

I don't know.

I recently had this discussion with a person that has grown quickly to become a dear and trusted friend. We answered the question differently as is often the case when opinions join facts to determine conclusions.

Whatever makes great men is constantly at work around us. They might be sculpted by their environment as my friend suggested.

Recognizing greatness, deciding just who is great in our own minds varies as much as any single opinion and it… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 19, 2009 at 6:40pm — 1 Comment

Global Government - Grant Jeffrey - Coast to Coast AM

Prophecy expert and author Grant R. Jeffrey discussed how technology and surveillance are setting the stage for a new reign of tyranny from a hidden global elite that seeks to install a one-world government. Already, a secretive group in Brussels meets behind locked doors and makes decisions for the European Union without democratic input or challenges, he said. The Copenhagen Climate Control Treaty being finalized this week is another move toward world control that… Continue

Added by Citizen X74 on December 19, 2009 at 6:23pm — No Comments

George Bush, Barak Obama, Latest News and Photos From The AP

George may be getting paid the big bucks to be a motivational speaker but the little girl below provides more motivation than he can spell, for free.

The second image was captured prior to Obama's election and in fact, prior to his election as a Senator. Seems he was originally born in Russia, placing him in Alaska shortly afterwards, where he earned a substantial income shining the shoes of the REAL global political stars.…


Added by Jeff on December 19, 2009 at 6:07pm — 2 Comments

World "LEADERS" gather in Denmark

Even as our world “leaders” gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark for the past two weeks forging a treaty declaring global government and taxes on every human activity from producing electricity to owning pets, the inconvenient news leaked out that U.N. funded scientists have been cooking the books on global climate change to “hide the decline” in world temperatures.

Our president Obama, never one to waste a good crisis, flew to the gathering of the world elite to promise 10 billion… Continue

Added by fireguy on December 19, 2009 at 2:35pm — No Comments

From a friend

Senate Unveils CompromiseCare

Details of Healthcare Plan Revealed

WASHINGTON -- The United States Senate today unveiled details of its health care plan, tentatively called CompromiseCareTM:

Under CompromiseCareTM, people with no coverage will be allowed to keep their current plan.

Medicare will be extended to 55-year-olds as soon as they turn 65.

You will have access to cheap Canadian drugs if you live in Canada.

States whose names contain… Continue

Added by Theresa on December 19, 2009 at 12:46pm — No Comments

The Gaza I Know

By Nancy Murray

For most Americans, the Gaza Strip is, at best, unknown territory. At worst, it is a hostile land whose "terrorist infrastructure" must be dismantled, no matter what the cost to its million and a half residents.

The Gaza I have been visiting for the past twenty-one years bears little relation to the dehumanizing imagery to which it has been reduced by the mainstream media. The Gaza I know is home to friends and strangers who are as welcoming and humane as… Continue

Added by Tara on December 19, 2009 at 12:26pm — 1 Comment

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