Here In The Long Solemn Dark: An Examination Of Global Elitism
By Giordano Bruno
Neithercorp Press - 1/02/2010
Inherent in every human being lurk the qualities that make us capable of indelible and enduring good, or astounding and catastrophic evil. Many of us struggle with these natural inborn psychological dualities every day of our lives. With the help of conscience; the ever… Continue
Added by Swtnlovabl on January 5, 2010 at 5:34am —
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The Zionists and the American NWO laughs at us all. Well, maybe not you and I but surely they laugh at the majority of the American public. They laugh at us all.
Dear Mr. Terrorist by Gordon Duff
Hello and Happy New Year from an American friend. I hope your new year is one that offers both health, spiritual enlightenment and an opportunity to learn what you have gotten yourself into before its too late. Take a look at that man beside you, the one who will some day hand you… Continue
Added by Jeff on January 5, 2010 at 2:43am —
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This is my new blog of the AM 540 Truth Talk Radio activities and programming. Right now I have not get time yet to change the playlist from Christmas to regular music on the page, cause I have not been feeling too well, and also the draft from the cold snap is keeping me under the bundled up. The temperatures are ranging from 27 to 31'F
and why are we calling this Global Cooling??? It's a big lie like Alex Jones has been talking about for a long time, the weather seems normal, and I heard… Continue
Added by WTRH-AM-AE on January 5, 2010 at 1:30am —
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A second whistle-blower, this one a physicist, has emerged to confirm the existence of U.S. government development of time travel technology and emphasize the importance of the real-world application of such technology for achieving planetary sustainability.
Dr. David Lewis Anderson, director of the Anderson… Continue
CIA: How much don't we know about their influence?
CIA mind control experiments
Part 1 of series. The astonishing quotes from CIA documents below reveal detailed, successful CIA mind control experiments in highly secret, government-sponsored programs. Through hypnosis, drugs, and electric shock, CIA clinicians fractured personalities and induced multiple personality disorder (MPD). These top secret programs were successful in creating Manchurian Candidates or super spies… Continue
Posted by annette otoole on
For those who are familiar with Duncan O'Finioan, and the MK-ULTRA program you know that the government has abused children by subjecting them to torturous mind control and psy-ops programs designed to turn them into Super Soldiers, or human cyborgs. If you're not familiar with Duncan, you can learn more about this dark secret on the Project Camelot website.
The following link is to a thread on the Project Avalon… Continue
We must demand an end to this madness, now we're murdering children like as if there's nothing wrong with it! It's also alleged that the CIA tortured the children of terrorists to get them to talk! This is insane life isn't a video game where people don't get hurt! We must demand to bring the troops home and spend that money on rebuilding America, putting people back… Continue
Sure, the gear may look like it came straight out of Avatar or Battlestar Galactica. But all of the laser weapons, robots, sonic blasters and puke rays pictured here are real. Some of these weapons have already found their way onto the battlefield. If the rest… Continue
A Petition Against the Military and Intelligence Agencies' Use of Electronic Torture and Organized Stalking
26 Signatures
[Sign Petition]
Published by freedomfchs on Jan 02, 2010
Category: Human Rights
Region: United States of America
Target: United States Congress
Web site:
Background (Preamble):
Since at least the early 1950's, the US government has been secretly researching mind… Continue
Added by Astrid Fuchs on January 4, 2010 at 3:19pm —
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Guard, gunman dead in Vegas federal building shooting
Last Update: 2:38 pm
(Getty Images/file)
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Authorities in Las Vegas say a gunman opened fire this morning the lobby of a federal building, killing one court officer and wounding a second before being shot to death.
The gunfire erupted shortly after 8 a.m. and lasted for several minutes. Shots echoed around tall buildings in the area, more than a mile north of the Las Vegas… Continue
Added by dawnrm on January 4, 2010 at 2:54pm —
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This week we discuss Geos enemies list, more about the Ed and Elaine Brown Case and Tweek the red nosed conspiracy theorist leads us through the… Continue
Arguably, the most bizarre, fascinating and perhaps groundbreaking of all observations we've heard from Inuit is that they believe our world has tilted on its axis and this contributes to climate change. When Zacharias and I first heard this, we thought it was very strange, yet elders in all… Continue
A retired US general and member of Iran Policy Committee (IPC) says all 18 to 28 years old Muslim men should be strip searched at airports as "one of these bombers" will explode an airliner in the coming days.
Thomas McInerney, a retired Lt. General with the US Air Force, told Fox News television on Saturday that within the next 30 to 120 days, "there is a danger of high probability" awaiting US airliners.
"If you are an 18 to 28-year-old Muslim man then you should be… Continue
Added by Jeff on January 4, 2010 at 11:30am —
I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but David Brooks actually had an excellent column in yesterday's New York Times that makes several insightful and important points. Brooks documents how "childish, contemptuous and hysterical" the national reaction has been to this latest terrorist episode, egged on -- as usual -- by the always-hysterical American media. The citizenry has been trained to expect that our Powerful Daddies and Mommies in government will -- in… Continue
Added by Tara on January 4, 2010 at 10:01am —
1 Comment
The Office of National Statistics has recorded the largest fall in wages in the United Kingdom since it began collecting data in 1995.
The ONS figures show that wages fell by 1.3 percent during July-September 2009 compared with the same period in 2008. The total paid out in earnings stood at £161.6 billion, down from £163.7 billion the previous year.
The data was released as it was confirmed that the UK remains the only G20 nation still in… Continue
Added by Jeff on January 3, 2010 at 9:21pm —
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