Global Communique No. 2: August 16, 2014 – Brussels
Striking in the early hours of Friday, August 15, one of our trained Direct Action Units (DAU) in Montreal, Canada successfully disrupted the preparations for a child sacrificial cult ritual at a private residence in the fashionable Outremont district.
“Under questioning, the private security guard identified the location of the ritual as within a small sub-basement chamber that was reconnoitered and filmed by our team. The chamber included two small prison cells with wall shackles, and a central sound proof chamber containing a stone altar awash with apparent blood stains that were sampled and bagged for analysis. An adjoining room held locked cabinets containing considerable child pornographic material, articles of children’s clothing that was bagged for analysis, metallic torture devices, ceremonial swords, and sophisticated film equipment."
Kevin Annett: ITCCS takes down Satanic sacrifice. Exposes Cargill, Sinclair Oil, Bishop, McGill
i concur Less prone.. not much to substantiate this "claim" as valid but to even think such a thing can be happening and nothing being done is sickening.. I know so many young children's lives end in such horrific fates at the hands of mentally deranged people to think there is possibly a group lurking and coordinating this sort of sickness is unconscionable .. just like the group they say is dining on human beings.. the rich and only a certain group of elitists are invited to these private dinners.. cannibalism has been going on since the beginning of time.. and will most undoubtedly continue throughout the future times to come.. but still is not accepted by society. I hope it never becomes the "norm" either.
Linda, It is odd that the local news papers and the ITCCS web site produce no reliable followup of the investigation or the actual court case. What you would expect is news, court case published on video, suspects exposed, judged and punished. I've seen nothing real to support this. I'm not sure if the ITCCS exists at all. Where is it registered and what is if any is it's function except to confuse and bring donations to its owners?
if this is a "FAKE" this is a disservice to the community as people are doing these horrible events and to lead people to believe that there is someone investigating and bringing such incidents to the attention of the law or public will only allow a front or false sense of justice : a delusion which will only fuel or feed a problematic scenario If this is Happening.. someone certainly needs to keep an eye on the ball.. and push that legal actions take place.. Good job,, if it is BS.. then it needs to be debunked and stopped...
In order to check the reliability of this story I did the following searches
No news of the arrest appear on this case. There are seven results to the query; "Montreal, child arrest" on Ottawa CTV news, but not a work about this case.
Same thing in Montreal Gazette and ZERO results for query Annett
Global News query "Annett child" ZERO results, "satanic Montreal" finds three unrelated news
Two months after the alleged arrest on the satanic abuser arrest case, there are no news in local papers. My conclusion is that the whole ITCCS and Kevin Annett case is a HOAX, leading people to believe that something is done to investigate and punish the abusers. THAT IS A LIE.
WITH QUERY "Montreal satanic "Kevin Annett" child arrest" 49 results linked to sites that can only be classified as unreliable, until proved the contrary. I will post a separate blog informing of the site downgrade for those. Meanwhile ITCCS posts a news of police officer suicide as a "proof" for their hoax, while the news has nothing to do with the alleged arrest.
Link to ITCCS stating "Staff Sergeant Kal Ghadban, head of the human trafficking unit of the Ottawa police and a possible supporter of the recent ITCCS “take down” of a Ninth Circle cult ritual in Montreal, died suddenly last Sunday at the Elgin street police station. Ottawa police are claiming he took his own life after suffering “serious injuries” following an “incident”, but have released no evidence of the circumstances around his death.
Ghadban was a married man with three children, with no history of depression or mental illness. He was rated by senior Ottawa police as an “impeccable and trustworthy policeman”.
The ITCCS central office has confirmed today that members of the Ottawa police did cooperate with their counterparts in Montreal in providing intelligence and logistical support to the ITCCS Direct Action “Alpha Unit” on August 15, when the Unit disrupted a planned ritual sacrifice by the catholic Ninth Circle cult at a wealthy home in Outremount.
“We are not free at this time to confirm whether Sergeant Ghadban was a direct part of our effort but it is safe to say that he knew of our actions and did nothing to impede them” said the Commander of the Alpha team today from Brussels.
“Personally, I think Ghadban’s death was a killing and it proves that Ndrangheta may be clearing house.”
The criminal syndicate Ndrangheta, based in Italy and tied closely to the Vatican, provides children for sacrificial rituals and human trafficking networks across the world. It has been named in a recent common law court case brought by the ITCCS against Pope Francis and other convicted felons.
The ITCCS central office is conducting a thorough investigation of Sergeant Ghadban’s death and will be issuing its own report, as part of the ongoing shut down of child trafficking and sacrificial murder.
Issued 1 October, 2014
ITCCS Central Office, Brussels"
This is their "proof".
Compare this to actual news, Link to CTV News
Some links to related news:
Canada, where are the 50,000 missing children from 80 Indian residential schools?
Posted on April 22nd, 2014
Child Sacrifices scheduled by Ninth Circle Satanic Cult - Judy Byington on August 12, 2014
Deep Space,
Your suspicion is very legitimate. I had my doubts about ITCCS but could not find proof due to lack of time. The ITCCS web site looks professional, but it may be a hoax. Take a look of the following from
"The original ITCCS federation was composed of groups from Ireland, England, the United States, Canada and Italy, including the Templemore Forgotten Victims (Antrim, Ireland), the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (Canada), and United Against Church Terror (USA). By September, 2013, ITCCS had spread to twenty six countries and over fifty affiliated groups. Its work is translated into thirteen languages. Its affiliates include the prestigious cult ritual and abuse survivors’ organizations SMART of the United States, and Rete L’Abuso in Savona, Italy."
Is this all big words without substance?
"The ITCCS operates from an undisclosed central headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, and from regional offices in Vancouver, New York, Dublin, London and Paris. ITCCS officers and their legal and political advisers generally retain their anonymity for reasons of security and safety. However, the General Field Secretary for North America and Western Europe is Kevin Annett. Other officers include Rev. Joshua Lemmens, Steve Finney and Amy Smart of Canada, Dr. George Dufort of Belgium, Rev. Ciaran Ui Niall of Ireland, and Dr. Colia Clark of New York City."
We need further evidence that this is real.
There are at least three different ways this can go.
1. ITCCS and its legal cases are real, and criminals are being prosecuted and punished. We need more information.
2. ITCCS exists to give an impression that something is done to expose the very real problems of the criminal elite and politicians involved in pedophilia, satanic human sacrifice, human trafficking, etc. One motive for existence of ITCCS is "vaccinating" the legal system against civil action. See article
3. ITCCS does not exist
Documentary film:
Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada’s Genocide
"Destroying the New World Order"
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