Added by Barbara Diamond on October 31, 2009 at 11:27am —
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Music of any description holds a very strong influence over the mind since everything works on vibrations, vibrations are sound waves thus everything works on sounds waves. This explained shows that music will…
Added by bella mctine on October 31, 2009 at 10:42am —
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Language is an amazing thing, giving us the ability to communicate with various words to describe what we mean. And with so many words to use one would believe we would never be short on words to fill up our sentences, yet this is not so. People are becoming lazy and stupid shortening words or never really branching out on what they say and instead filling the gaps in their silly conversations with swear words…
Added by bella mctine on October 31, 2009 at 10:40am —
Added by bella mctine on October 31, 2009 at 10:37am —
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The Daily Bell
Issue 457 • Saturday, October 31, 2009
"A desire presupposes the possibility of action to achieve it; action presupposes a goal which is worth achieving."
- Ayn Rand
Pig Plague Could Crash Internet?
A severe outbreak of the H1N1 pandemic could overwhelm internet providers' capacity, according to a report submitted Monday, which called on Department of Homeland Security officials to develop contingency plans to avert such a crisis. "Concerns…
Added by Wonder Woman on October 31, 2009 at 12:48am —
It was only a matter of time before the nation’s skyrocketing unemployment translated into new recruits for the most powerful military force in the world.
With the official US unemployment rate at 10 percent and climbing (that’s more than 15 million people struggling to put food on the table) and nearly double that number if you include part-time wage-earners who need full-time jobs, never mind all of those ‘discouraged workers,’ it’s little wonder that so many of the nation’s…
Added by Jeff on October 30, 2009 at 11:21pm —
How the Swine Flu Vaccine Will Become Mandatory and Why Most Citizens Will Take It
Below is a hypothesized timeline on how the H1N1 vaccine could become mandatory. If the following events occur, perhaps it will help you to understand how you could be manipulated into taking the vaccine if you are currently undecided or even if you are dead set against taking it.
1. Test lethality of H5N1 (bird flu) virus in injectable form - June 08
In June '08, 21 out of 350…
Added by Sweettina2 on October 30, 2009 at 6:26pm —
.... With so many enemies and topics that we discuss here.... I was wondering (for each of us here)....
What are we
Buying a new shortwave set is really cool and a big win for everyone...but fortunately our wins needn't be anywhere near that large every day. The important thing is to keep doing a little bit each day for our cause.... In the interest of saving page space...a sentence or two at most please :)
I'm going to…
Added by youhavetoforgiveme on October 30, 2009 at 6:03pm —
The Harry Thomas Show - week in review 10/30/09
Added by Harry Thomas on October 30, 2009 at 2:40pm —
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October 29, 2009
Many colleges now require criminal background checks of all new employees. But the University of Akron -- in what some experts believe is a first -- is not only requiring a criminal background check, but is stating that new employees must be willing to submit a DNA sample.
The requirement was added quietly and is now receiving attention -- and criticism -- because an adjunct faculty member at Akron quit this week, citing the new rules. "It's not enough…
Added by Tara on October 30, 2009 at 12:45pm —
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All great Americans should consider reading psalm 91. Then Galatians 6:7. Thanks....
Added by George Boston Rhynes on October 30, 2009 at 6:59am —
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Any number of pundits claim that we have now passed the worst of the recession. Green shoots of recovery are supposedly popping up all around the country, and the economy is expected to resume growing soon at an annual rate of 3% to 4%. Many of these are the same people who insisted that the economy would continue growing last year, even while it was clear that we were already in the beginning stages of a recession.
A false recovery is under way. I am reminded of the outlook in 1930,…
Added by Tara on October 30, 2009 at 12:34am —
By Ted Rall
October 29, 2009 "
UExpress" -- NEW YORK--Shortly after 9/11, George W. Bush secretly signed two executive orders. Both violated basic constitutional protections as well as U.S. obligations under international treaties, yet both carried the force of law.
They still do.
The first order grants the president (and other officials,…
Added by Marklar on October 30, 2009 at 12:14am —
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American taxpayers paid a lot of cash for those clunkers: $24,000 for each new car sold, according to a study released Wednesday.
That’s a lot of money, especially when the so-called “cash for clunker” stimulus program offered only a maximum $4,500 in cash for each person who traded in an old gas-guzzler and bought a new car.
The government could have done almost as well by just giving…
Added by Swtnlovabl on October 29, 2009 at 7:08pm —
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By Joel Turtel
October 29, 2009
Excuse Me, I Mean LIBERALS
Fuzzy, socialist-liberals — What useful idiots you are for the Obama's of this world. You always accuse free-market advocates like me of being "mean," or not having any Christian ideals. Well, let's see. What would a good Christian want for his fellow man? — for people to live happy, productive lives, to not be…
Added by Swtnlovabl on October 29, 2009 at 6:18pm —
Added by youhavetoforgiveme on October 29, 2009 at 6:08pm —
By Kellene Bishop
Preparedness Pro
Last night I was begrudgingly up until 1:45 a.m. Finally I resorted to a sleeping aid so that I could get some much needed rest. (Thank goodness it kicked in at 2:00 a.m.) In spite of being reasonably comfortable in my personal preparedness efforts to be independent and thrive regardless of the scenario, I do have a nagging thought that plagues me and…
Added by Swtnlovabl on October 29, 2009 at 6:07pm —
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A "New World Order" With Warming "Deniers" Threatened
LONDON, March 12, 2007 ( - The general appreciation for taking care of the earth's resources, of being stewards of creation is being exploited to drive a political and even mythological system of environmentalism. The President of the Czech Republic spoke at the Cato Institute Friday calling "environmentalism" a "religion", and warning against the hysteria being generated by 'global…
Added by Anti Oligarch on October 29, 2009 at 5:55pm —
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Oh-oh: Here they come. For years, organ transplant ethicists and some in the bioethics community have agitated to increase the supply of donated organs. There is nothing wrong with that in the abstract, of course. Increasing the supply would alleviate much human suffering and is devoutly to be wished.
But therein lurks a great danger. Increasing supply is a worthy goal only so long as the organs are…
Added by Swtnlovabl on October 29, 2009 at 5:49pm —
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Added by fireguy on October 29, 2009 at 1:00pm —
1 Comment