Less Prone's Blog – September 2018 Archive (12)

Leftists slam ‘Three Bullets for Lenin’ memorial coin as terrorist propaganda

Failed hit on Bolshevik leader

"The failed assassination attempt against Vladimir Lenin by Fanny Kaplan (real name: Feiga Roytblat) took place in Moscow on August 30, 1918. The leader of the Bolshevik Revolution delivered a speech to a group of workers and was walking to his car when Kaplan approached and fired three rounds at him point blank.

The woman was immediately detained and put on trial, during which she explained that she wanted to kill Lenin because he had banned her…


Added by Less Prone on September 29, 2018 at 4:13am — No Comments

Marine Le Pen outraged after court orders her to undergo psychological examination

Marine Le Pen, a French presidential candidate running against Emmanuel Macron in 2017, is ordered to undergo a psychological examination. Her views are with the most common sense especially in the immigration policies. She's a patriot opposing the open doors policy and uncontrolled immigration. While the society in France and most of the western world itself is run by politicians advocation national suicides and destruction of their own people it is laughable for them to doubt Le Pen's…


Added by Less Prone on September 21, 2018 at 8:57am — 5 Comments

Tommy Robinson is headed back to court next week

From Ezra Levant:

"I just spoke with Tommy Robinson about an hour ago, and I've got some news about his case.

He’s being sent back to trial on Thursday, September 27th. And they’re coming for him with a vengeance.

Here’s what's new: Tommy tells me that the government is actually alleging that he prejudiced a Muslim rape gang trial back in May.

As in, they claim that Tommy could have wrecked the case, and set those accused rapists free.

But we know that’s a…


Added by Less Prone on September 21, 2018 at 3:49am — No Comments


Whether these prophesies were made before or after certain things, whether original or imposed on us is not clear. However they have some good points, even hope. There are some interesting references to a "house in the sky".

Hopi Prophecy 1…


Added by Less Prone on September 21, 2018 at 3:00am — No Comments

It’s Official: The FBI Classifies Peaceful American Protestors as “Terrorists”

Michael Krieger - Posted Wednesday Dec 26, 2012 at 9:25 am in Liberty Blitzkrieg

"Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request from the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF), we have details for the first time of how government intelligence organizations and the corporate state worked together in secret…


Added by Less Prone on September 19, 2018 at 2:52am — 4 Comments

They bear the responsibility that my daughter Ebba is dead

Expressen 16 Sep 2018

Stefan is the father of…


Added by Less Prone on September 18, 2018 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

A dog of a 'homeless' tears a man's penis in Reus, Spain

Multicultural blow-back in Spain. A Senegalese man had kicked a street dweller's dog provoking it to attack him. The dog had grasped his penis and bit his hand when he tried to get rid of the animal. The person didn't speak a word of Spanish, only English. He's being treated in the Joan XXIII hospital in Tarragona, since injuries to the penis required reconstruction surgery and urology. The immigrant status of the man is not told in the article.…


Added by Less Prone on September 16, 2018 at 9:37am — 3 Comments

Is this the worst sex grooming case of all? Abducted as a teen and held prisoner for 12 YEARS, Sarah was repeatedly raped, twice forced into marriage and had EIGHT abortions

Category - Multicultural Enrichment

"The white English girl was raped by her new husband within minutes of marriage.

She was studying at college, hoping to train as a midwife as a shy 15-year-old.

Sarah's abuse went on while her distraught family's pleas for help were 'ignored'."



Added by Less Prone on September 15, 2018 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Google’s Prototype For China Searches Links To Phone Numbers

"Google has joined the Dark Side in China. The Chinese version of its search engine, code-named Dragonfly, will match searches with phone numbers, giving Technocrats instant knowledge of your every move on the Internet. ⁃ TN Editor"

Snooping snooping everywhere. This is what they call "intelligence" to control and to blacklist the people for punishment and abuse.…


Added by Less Prone on September 15, 2018 at 12:29pm — No Comments

Honest Government Ad - Article 13 (Internet Censorship Bill)

Adding this content as video did not work so I'm putting it in this blog. It's about the new European Internet Censorship bill. Bye bye freedom of speech.

Added by Less Prone on September 15, 2018 at 9:17am — No Comments

Amsterdam stabbing suspect who injured two Americans had 'terrorist' motive

"The suspect, who was identified as a 19-year-old Afghan with a German residence permit, was questioned on Saturday in hospital where he was being treated for gunshot wounds to his lower body."


It's more and more obvious that Europe has let in terrorists among the asylum seekers

Added by Less Prone on September 2, 2018 at 2:42pm — 6 Comments

Macron Tells Denmark ‘No Such Thing as a True Dane, True Frenchman’

Macronization of Europe, Mélodie d'amour chante le coer d'Emmanuelle

"French politicians have reacted with anger after Emmanuel Macron asserted that “true” Frenchmen and Danes “do not exist”, and attacked the people he rules over as stubbornly resistant to change while on an official visit to Denmark."



Added by Less Prone on September 2, 2018 at 12:08pm — 6 Comments

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Metropolis (1927) Full Movie | 4K Color Remastered: 2023 Colorized with Gottfried Huppertz Score

🎉🎬 AT LAST❗❗ Metropolis is the FIRST film we colorized using our newly developed AI colorization software, and we are proud to bring it to you now with the...
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