November 2022 Blog Posts (82)

Case That Could Overturn 2020 Election To Be Reviewed By Supreme Court

Posted Nov. 29, 2022

The US Supreme Court has recently docketed a case for review bringing suit against Biden, Harris, Pence, hundreds of members of congress, and 100 John or Jane Does, for refusing to uphold their oaths of office. The allegation is…


Added by Gary McCurry on November 30, 2022 at 10:17pm — 3 Comments

More Amazing Insight into Sasquatch Encounters

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For years we’ve been told that Bigfoot or Sasquatch, not to mention numerous Native American names attributed to the mysterious hominid species were hoaxes, people mistakenly sighting bears walking a short distance on two legs, or simply monsters conjured up in the human mind under the effects of remote environments. Of course, there has been some of that, but truth be told we are now in an age of increased surveillance and convenient…


Added by Doc Vega on November 30, 2022 at 4:54pm — No Comments

Lighthouse Law Club and Mark Emory tell it like it is


Added by Doc Vega on November 30, 2022 at 2:00pm — No Comments

CDC Director Walensky's Tweet About the Tuskegee Experiment is Clueless Propaganda

Un-F***ing-Believable!  What's next...a celebration of experiments the government did on soldiers without informed consent for the last 100 years?  

Throughout the COVID pandemic, public health officials have focused on “equity” and getting their message out to minority communities, yet were seemingly baffled…


Added by Parrhesia on November 30, 2022 at 1:05pm — No Comments

If I’m Not Crazy Please Explain What I saw

Image result for police looking up and watching UFO's

As a child my paranormal experiences began early. First as a toddler I began having lucid dreams of orbiting colorful balls, wet, levitating, and in a planetary formation. In the dreams I would walk outside the house and watch this incredible nocturnal display. I had the same dream over a number of different occasions. It seemed so real, I had no idea I was in the midst of a dream. I've had one researcher…


Added by Doc Vega on November 29, 2022 at 5:03pm — No Comments

Globalists Applaud China’s Inhuman Covid Lockdown

Image result for Chinese murderous Covid lockdowns

What did we see China do to instigate a pandemic scare that almost destroyed the US economy while the Communists decided to weld people into their apartments forcing them to starve to death and in many cases even ignited the structures burning the inhabitants to death! This inhuman reaction by the iron fisted Xi Jinping regime have brought praise by the globalists! Praise for locking people…


Added by Doc Vega on November 29, 2022 at 3:53pm — No Comments

Not Meant to Last

See the source image

Not Meant to Last


Self-medication it seems part of the flawed equation

Always coping with the alienation…


Added by Doc Vega on November 29, 2022 at 1:51pm — No Comments

Caxamillion music

Added by Caxamillion on November 29, 2022 at 8:26am — No Comments

Death Was always Near

Growing up in northeast Dallas after my Dad relocated us from Los Angeles was a bit of a wakeup call moving to Texas. Unlike California where the neighbors talked to each other over each other’s picket fences in nice weather was now a thing of the past. The weather in summer was so oppressively hot most people stayed indoors running their air conditioning. I noted that it was like a ghost town with streets and yards barren of people in…


Added by Doc Vega on November 28, 2022 at 5:30pm — No Comments

A band that Burned Brilliantly Like a Shooting Star and Fizzled out Much too Early

During the late 60's and early 70's a large number of fusion rock and progressive bands furthered the boundaries of intelligent music and defied the stupidity of most mainstream drivel. Among them was David La Flame and "It's a Beautiful Day" with excellent musicianship and merging musical influences, David and wife, Linda serenaded audiences on the underground rock radio that defied the mindless drivel of most mainstream…


Added by Doc Vega on November 27, 2022 at 5:46pm — No Comments

America: A Nation Relying Upon Stupidity of the People

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It began as early as in pre-World War I America according to Norman Dodd that the trusted educational charity foundations were already injecting socialism into the American public classroom. Russian,…


Added by Doc Vega on November 27, 2022 at 5:08pm — No Comments

The Girl With No Smile

See related image detail

The girl with no smile

Casts her hollow gaze on the isle

Living her life in self imposed exile

Her lovers go in and out in single file,

No reservation for her to the Miracle Mile…


Added by Doc Vega on November 26, 2022 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Netanyahu hands control of police ministry to supremacist Ben Gvir

The anti-Arab Religious Zionist party will also be in charge of the expansion of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank

Knesset member Itamar Ben-Gvir, who heads the Religious Zionism party is held back during a special session on 13 June, 2021. (Photo: EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP – Getty Images)

Israel’s Likud party, led by Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu, on 25 November reached its first …


Added by Parrhesia on November 26, 2022 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Anniversary of JFK’s Assassination What Have we Learned?

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Fifty nine years ago today, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Democrat President, on a campaign tour in Dallas, Texas was brutally assassinated in front of Dallas residents and the whole world. America definitely lost its innocence on that fateful day before Thanksgiving and the traditional Dallas Cowboy game to be played in the Cotton Bowl the next day. As Don Meredith,…


Added by Doc Vega on November 26, 2022 at 1:30pm — No Comments

How Your Government Was Stolen from You

Image result for riots in summer of 2020

It all began in the summer of 2020. Rioting in many major Blue State cities under Blue State governors where we saw paid agitators burning down store fronts, even minority owned store fronts, cities allowing rioters to destroy police vehicles, brutalize innocent people caught in the cross fire, and denounced the looming presidency of one Donald J. Trump, a man who gave the US peace, secured borders, respect…


Added by Doc Vega on November 26, 2022 at 12:54pm — No Comments

This Is Final Warning: Julie Green (Video)

This is the final warning of what is about to come.. Be sure you are on the right side of justice, as it swings its hammer at the guilty and the corrupt! 

Hear what Julie has to say… Stay strong and be brave!! 

Video Here: …


Added by N.Morgan on November 24, 2022 at 11:32am — No Comments

A Scapegoat to Blame

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A Scapegoat to Blame


Spilling my guts out for everyone to read…


Added by Doc Vega on November 23, 2022 at 1:30pm — No Comments

World Premiere: Died Suddenly

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning…


Added by Parrhesia on November 22, 2022 at 10:43pm — 1 Comment

Elon Musk has Warned the World AI Stands to Takeover and More

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Let the record show that Elon Musk has warned the public more than once that artificial intelligence is on a path to eclipse human intelligence and once that happens be in a position to decide whether or not mankind if it’s necessary, should exist at all. Why would a system of intelligence created by humans be a threat to our existence? There…


Added by Doc Vega on November 22, 2022 at 4:57pm — No Comments

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"  Less Prone I agree with you.  I just received a copy of Radio World in the mail,…"
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🚨 LIVE: Germany Start Closing Down Islamic Mosques

🔴 Join Tousi TV+ https://www.tousi.tvSponsored by TAD Media ( Definitely check them out if you need website design or development. ...
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UN Invasion of America! Declared 2018...

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"Dan, You bring up an important topic. There may become a time when all public communication systems…"
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Unveiling the Dark Side of Kamala Harris: How She Took Nina Simone's Estate

Discover the shocking truth about Kamala Harris's involvement in seizing Nina Simone's estate and denying her family their rights. Uncover the hidden story b...
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ExpendableTo everyone you know you’re expendableGetting what you want these…See More
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Depraved Justice - Finnish Court Quashes Convictions of Several Men Found Guilty of Raping Intellectually Disabled Woman

Justice and Democracy are just fancy words used to hide decadence, corruption and lies...…See More
Burbia commented on Doc Vega's blog post Who was the Shooter on the Water Tower? More Exposure of the Planned Murder of Donald Trump
"He can't keep getting away with it!"
Burbia commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"One step forward, two steps backwards..."
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Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"Burbia, excellent quotes from the past."

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