Less Prone's Blog (597)

Pregnancy a Dicease?

The traditional family unit is a solid foundation of a healthy society. It is the primary place where individuals learn values, social skills, and emotional support. A strong and well-functioning family unit can have a profound impact on the well-being of its members and the community as a whole. But how wrong could this all be when seen by a woke neoliberal progressive?

Destruction of the family unit has long…


Added by Less Prone on May 10, 2024 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

Going against the stream of lies and death

It is still very common to hear people "googling" to find news and information while the whole concept of using Google for that is flawed. Google is one more tool in the globowhore's manipulation and propaganda toolbox. It is coming increasingly difficult to find honest, uncensored search engines, search.zonealarm.com is gone too. For the sake of true information diversity it is good to take a look at these alternative news sites. I'm not saying they are all truthfull, but I tend to respect…


Added by Less Prone on March 24, 2024 at 4:30am — 1 Comment

Europe to Protect Themselves - No More NATO Babysitting

If Europe is not able or willing to protect itself from a highly hyperbolized Russian invasion, so what? Russia has now been two years at war with Ukraine and seems to pretty much have its hands full. What, in the light of this war, would be the motive of Russia attacking any European country without a provocation, really? The European corporate media is full of war propaganda and fear porn of such an unlikely event. It is they who want a war!

On the other hand the globotyrants have…


Added by Less Prone on February 13, 2024 at 4:00am — 4 Comments

A Sense of Moderation Even in Stealing.

Zelensky is the worlds best paid actor. Becoming a billionare in less than a decade in a country that limps along with foreign aid is possible only with uncontrolled corruption. And that is on the top of Zelensky's "skills" list.

Hersh: CIA director personally asked Zelensky not to steal…


Added by Less Prone on February 2, 2024 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Blinded by a Truth - Honestly

We live in a world where human population is controlled by forces largely out of our sight and reach. These are times of deception and abuse in many levels. Politicians who pretend to represent us are just intermediaries in between the people and the true powers. They are being controlled by many ways just as we are being manipulated to believe in illusions and divided into quarrelling sides. Divide and conquer, this is how the …


Added by Less Prone on January 28, 2024 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Death of Common Sense

The mostly western world is committing suicide with all the illusionary bubbles created for whatever ostentatiously lofty ideals of saving the planet, equality, inclusion, control of speech, control of thought, control of existense. That is their pipe dream, control of everything, in spite of their own very obvious shortcomings. "They" are the ones who control the world. Not that incontinent fool in the white house. The world has totally shown its ridiculousness in the latest years.…


Added by Less Prone on November 17, 2023 at 1:58pm — No Comments

Politico - Mass Immigration a Grave Mistake - Kissinger

It took a century for a political commentator next to God in prestige to come to this conclusion. How come this Sherlock had his magnifying glass lost for so long? Where is the wind blowing from now? Where does this put us who said this already decades ago? And we are not even close to a hundred year old.

“It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does…


Added by Less Prone on October 12, 2023 at 12:00am — No Comments

Finland to Enter the World War

Finland has deteriorated its relations with Russia, restricting visas to minimum, banning vehicles from entering, confiscating property, accusing Russia onesidedly of the war in Ukraine and other baseless accusations, joining NATO, authorising NATO troops and after a while nuclear weapons in Finland etc.

The newspapers continuously post more and more fantastical stories of the war, how Ukraine is winning, how Putin has cancer, is alcoholic, his family, his sex life, his mental health,…


Added by Less Prone on October 8, 2023 at 6:00pm — 7 Comments

Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is ‘satanic’ preparation for the ‘rise of the Antichrist’

Listen to this brave man exposing the ugly truth of the world politics and governance. I would love to see him as the next pope. The current pope himself is a globalist.

"Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has once again condemned the rise of “globalism,” stating that it prepares humanity “for the political rise of the Antichrist.”

In an August 24 interview with a French-language news outlet, Viganò commented on the rise of “globalism” and its impact upon society. Re-issuing a…


Added by Less Prone on September 11, 2023 at 2:40pm — No Comments

Subreality - Dictionary of the Great Deception

A subreality is a collection of beliefs, some true and some false, that support each other to form a logically consistent thought model. It is impossible for a human being to have a full knowledge of everything since we have limited senses and intelligence, but we can try to have as many as possible of our beliefs represent the reality by searching for the truth and the use of logic.

This is something many don't want to or are incapable to do. Living in a static subreality is more…


Added by Less Prone on August 13, 2023 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Pfizer Preparing to "Touch" a Billion Lives a Year Untill 2027

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tells about their “purpose blueprint” in the New York headquarters, exposing staggering numbers of lives to be affected. Wrapped up in lofty ideals the speech does not mention at least once that they would be saving lives. That, of course is not their business because it would be less profitable than the alternative. No, Pfizer plans to deliver poisons, with the help of bought politicians and public disservants, that will leave millions of people seriously ill and…


Added by Less Prone on August 13, 2023 at 11:30am — No Comments

Pervocracy - Dictionary of the Great Deception

Pervocrary or pervertocracy, a straight forward definition is a rule by perverts. A destructive and dehumanising form of government now dominant the western world. This is not something arisign from the grass roots. The common people are not fascinated by acts of perversion; abuse, rape, pedophilia, human sacrifice or occultism. People of this kind were hunted down and hung or slaughtered by a mob in the old…


Added by Less Prone on July 17, 2023 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Woke - Dictionary of the Great Deception

The concept originally meaning awarenes of social injustice but later the concept involved to mean a know all mentality that does not allow different opinions. Typically, but not exclusively, related to green left pervocrats, A hypocritical person who thinks himself as 'enlightened' despite in fact being extremely close minded and prone to accept the modern social engineering…


Added by Less Prone on July 9, 2023 at 3:00am — No Comments

France is boiling over, a thug killed by police fuels devastation

Search the internet for "race war" and get lots of links into "news" about white terrorists who are fomenting a war, a race war. The link here is a rare piece of common sense. The masses burning and looting are all but white. It's the same on both sides of the Atlantic. A small time criminal and violent thug drug addict was lifted into sainthood by the BLM and used to fuel devastation and death on the streets. The same is happening in France right now. But is it really a race war or just an…


Added by Less Prone on July 1, 2023 at 2:00pm — 9 Comments

hCG and Planned Parenthood Business Model - Philantrophy Pays

Human chorionic gonadotropin hCG is marketed as a wonder drug that can benefit your healt in countless ways from increased libido to weight loss. What then is this ground breaking drug all about? It is supposedly extracted from the urine and blood of pregnant women, but are there other sources?

HCG for Weight Loss

""Take a "natural" hormone the body…


Added by Less Prone on May 30, 2023 at 2:00pm — 5 Comments

Democracy – Dictionary of the Great Deception

A lofty ideal where the will of the people is reflected in the actions of their representatives fairly and truthfully elected by the people according to their promises. The ideal of democracy has been promoted as something more sophisticated and beneficial to the people until finally accepted in countries originally founded as republics. The masses are manipulated by the mass media with a constant barrage of misleading information and lies, following the principles of Edward Bernays'…


Added by Less Prone on May 4, 2023 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Dictionary of the Great Deception



George Orwell demonstrated in his book; 1984, how the dictionary was getting thinner and thinner by each edition and the language becoming less useful for communication. The fewer words you have the less precisely you can express ideas. Isn't it obvious that the lack of words also cripples all thought processes in the first…


Added by Less Prone on May 4, 2023 at 3:00pm — 7 Comments

Blackrock, the Sixth Rock from the Sun

Where did they get the name Blackrock for this company and how does it relate to their values? The planets are sometimes referred to as rocks like in the "Third Rock from the Sun". What then might the "black rock" refer to?

Saturn Worship and the Black…


Added by Less Prone on April 30, 2023 at 4:30am — No Comments

Holocasting – Dictionary of the Great Deception

An activity of broadcasting news and events in a biased way, propagating onesided views combined with misleading and false information and propaganda. Where the broadcasting industry operates through a medium of radio and television, the holocasting industry includes also film makers and popular music.

One could argue that also the education system, turned more into indoctrination and feelings based reasoning and agressive ranting rather than facts, logical analysis with intelligent…


Added by Less Prone on April 30, 2023 at 12:00am — 2 Comments

Essay: 10 reasons the Republicans should end funding the war in Ukraine

This post was censored from conservapedia, so it must have hit some sore nerves. Therefore it must be important:

Essay: 10 reasons the Republicans should end funding the war in Ukraine

The funding for the war in Ukraine by American taxpayers should end immediately. Why? Before I give the 10 reasons the Republicans should end funding the war in Ukraine immediately if they win control of the U.S Congress…


Added by Less Prone on March 6, 2023 at 12:00pm — 7 Comments

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Letitia James You know the one who Announced She was going after Donald Trump Now targets Ivermectin!

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