Doc Vega's Blog (2,762)

Krauthammer Suggests Bigger Cover-up Over Benghazi


As the GOP poises for a new assault on the stonewalling of the Obama White House over the Benghazi attacks under the Chairmanship of Trey Gowdy, Charles Krauthammer proposes a new idea that may prove more damaging a secret than what we already suspect. That question is, what was President Barack Obama doing over the next few hours after having been…


Added by Doc Vega on May 10, 2014 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Benghazi Still Remains Unavenged!


5:42 September 12th 2012, Susan Rice was prompted by an internal White House email on what talking points to use in defending the administration concerning its gross criminal negligence over the Benghazi fiasco. In a tragically comical display of bungling and sheer arrogant disregard, President Obama and his White House aides allowed 4…


Added by Doc Vega on May 1, 2014 at 6:21pm — No Comments

Intentionally Taking Down America From Within Part II

Predictions by Robert Welch prove disturbingly accurate to this day.
Predictions by Robert Welch prove disturbingly accurate to this day.


In 1957 during a public speaking engagement, Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, made several visionary and shocking…


Added by Doc Vega on April 29, 2014 at 9:50am — 1 Comment

How Our Government Has Destroyed America From Within

A sustained and clandestine effort to destroy the US from within has been undertaken by our own government.

Some speculate that during the passage of the Revenue Act in 1913 that the first concrete efforts at ending the United States as a Constitutional Republic were made. In doing that not only was America forced into…


Added by Doc Vega on April 27, 2014 at 6:19pm — No Comments

The True Message Behind Easter


By Doc Vega

To some people Jesus Christ represents salvation as he is the savior of us all while others choose to deny the importance of his presence on this earth, and there are those who deny he ever existed, that he is but a myth. In a world full of liberal disinformation we…


Added by Doc Vega on April 20, 2014 at 1:22pm — No Comments

Why is the White House Destroying US Economy?


The US economy even when stumbling and being suppressed by bad federal government policy is still the largest economy in the world. That being said, still millions of Americans remain unemployed, food stamps and welfare rolls are at record highs under the rule of the Obama administration, and deficit spending threatens…


Added by Doc Vega on April 6, 2014 at 10:52am — 1 Comment

More Spying Micro Technology Get Ready


There is a new rage in the medical field; Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). This 14 millimeter chip will act as a remote diagnostic tool within the human…


Added by Doc Vega on March 19, 2014 at 8:28pm — No Comments

The Looming Catastrophic US Economic Collapse Thanks To White House

Amidst the distortions of the US media, the failures of the GOP Congress to take on the Obama White House, and the ignorance of the low information voter, a grim truth awaits the American people about the economy. Unless there are drastic changes in Federal Reserve policy and a break away from the destructive Keynesian economics of the Obama…


Added by Doc Vega on February 10, 2014 at 6:18pm — No Comments

Recruited Americans in Nairobi? What is the US Role in the Terror Game?

No conspiracy theory here only facts!


There is a very sick and twisted equation that makes many who have the facts wonder just who and how this perpetual war of terror through-out the world continues to victimize the innocent. With the seemingly unprovoked attacks by jihadists and terrorist…


Added by Doc Vega on September 28, 2013 at 4:59pm — 2 Comments

Hey GOP Shut The Damn Government Down!

Earth To The GOP Let The Damn Government Shut Down!


Recently Senator Ted Cruz of Texas stood for nearly 21 hours filibustering against the funding of Obamacare as members of his own party tried to sabotage his heroic efforts! John McCain among others representing the Republican…


Added by Doc Vega on September 28, 2013 at 4:51pm — No Comments

Conservative Talk show host Mark Levin says IRS has gotta go

By Doc Vega

Since 1997 Mark Levin, nationally syndicated conservatives talk show host, has called for Americans to end the IRS. Is it any wonder in light of the recent revelations as we have discovered that the IRS has been used as a tool of harassment and political bias to intimidate those who oppose administrations on Capitol…


Added by Doc Vega on July 22, 2013 at 9:44pm — No Comments

The supernatural destiny of George Washington father of our country

By Doc Vega

Few people realize that the future of a fledgling nation called America relied upon remarkable supernatural events.

In the bitterly frozen winter of 1777 as the future of the United States hung in the balance, General George Washington, the father of our nation, pondered his…


Added by Doc Vega on July 22, 2013 at 9:28pm — No Comments

Federal taxation without representation destroys America

By Doc Vega

Let us consider the impact of federal taxes upon the citizens, businesses, and state of the union from an economic standpoint. Regardless of better judgment, common sense, or fiscal expertise our present White House seems oblivious to commons sense. Let us go back to universal truth, economic reality, and the willingness of an administration to address these policies, in order to evaluate whether or not there is a sincere effort…


Added by Doc Vega on July 22, 2013 at 9:23pm — No Comments

The nonexistent Obama White House economic recovery

By Doc Vega

After listening to the liberal media continually proclaiming the great comeback of the fallen US economy and how wonderfully that the Obama White House’s policies are working, here is the truth! By rule of thumb and past fundamental principles that dictate whether or not there is true economic growth that…


Added by Doc Vega on July 22, 2013 at 9:19pm — No Comments

White House promotes US race war

By Doc Vega

In the aftermath of the Zimmerman trial we are experiencing the meddling of the federal government and the US news media of fanning the flames of hatred and racial strife. In what can be objectively described as racial conflict mongering, the government and mainstream media are actually supporting…


Added by Doc Vega on July 22, 2013 at 9:12pm — No Comments

Benghazi victims forced into silence by Obama White House

By Doc Vega

With just one more insult to injury the Obama administration has issued nondisclosure agreement requirements to the survivors of the Benghazi attacks!  We lost a US Ambassador, a former Naval SEAL body guard, and a number of federal diplomatic staffers and we are no closer to the truth than we were after…


Added by Doc Vega on July 22, 2013 at 9:08pm — 2 Comments

Detroit falls victim to of out of control Democrat spending

By Doc Vega

Under the weight of entitlements and liberal fiscal policy the “Motor City” finally falls

Detroit, once a major center of America’s industrial might, a symbol of US productivity to be proud of has buckled thanks to Democratic leadership and the typical big government consumption of…


Added by Doc Vega on July 22, 2013 at 9:04pm — No Comments

A Frank Capra 1942 documentary parallels America today?

By Doc Vega

Recently I was watching a Frank Capra documentary made in 1942. The purpose of this film was to educate Americans on how fascism had been allowed to create the dire situation that had caused World War II. Stunned Americans sat in theaters angry and fearful over the massive blood shed…


Added by Doc Vega on July 17, 2013 at 5:18pm — No Comments

Zimmerman easy target for race baiters

Zimmerman Railroaded

By Doc Vega

From the very beginning the Trayvon Martin case has been a study in the sacrifice of justice for a political agenda at the risk of inciting racial hostility. From the moment that President Obama compared…


Added by Doc Vega on July 12, 2013 at 1:27am — No Comments

Matrix Alive and Well in America Part II

By Doc Vega

The Matrix movie that starred Keanu Reeves made a very illuminating point, and might very well have…


Added by Doc Vega on July 10, 2013 at 5:14pm — No Comments

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