Police officers are being sent on hypnosis courses, as part of the "new frontier in UK policing".
Officers are being encouraged to sign up to a course by Tom Silver, who is better known as a 'celebrity hypnotherapist' on American chat shows, in an attempt to gain more information from suspects.
Mr Silver, who has appeared on the Montel Williams and Ricki Lake chat shows on US TV, where he gave a guest an "orgasmic… Continue
Wow, can this be true? Truly a situation in which “Big Brother” comparisons are no exaggeration. It’s being reported that the Lower Merion School District, in a wealthy suburb of Philadelphia, is being sued for spying
on its students at home, after issuing the students laptops with
webcams that could be covertly activated by school administrators for
surveillance, writes…
I got this response written below (edited for anonymity) from a contact to whom I'd sent Al Cuppett's latest report on German soldiers in VA. The info on American Falls, Idaho is important because, according to the…
you’re reading this, you’re no doubt asking yourself, “Why did this
have to happen?” The simple truth is that it is complicated and has
been coming for a long time. The writing process, started many months
ago, was intended to be therapy in the face of the looming realization
that there isn’t enough therapy in the world that…Continue
Added by Sweettina2 on February 19, 2010 at 7:30am —
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States are moving to ban the chemical BPA from food and drink containers,
primarily those meant for infants and toddlers, because of health
concerns. A dozen states are considering restrictions this year on
bisphenol A, an estrogen-like chemical used to harden plastics in
products such as bottles and cups. It is also in the linings of metal
cans, including infant formula, to help them withstand… Continue
Added by truth on February 19, 2010 at 5:11am —
1 Comment
This is frighting and sick. I hope the Principal and Vice Principal get sued and put in jail. A kid doing something at home was disciplined by a Vice Principal? There is no jurisdiction for the school to do that. No law, no policy. If there was then the idea was to do this kind of stuff when it was passed. The Vice Principal seems to act like this is no big deal he/she was watching someone in their house without their permission. The state disciplining children in the parent' s home. Most… Continue
Added by bob on February 18, 2010 at 10:30pm —
1 Comment
I'm not certain that you've seen my previous post about Joseph A. Stack. I called him an American hero and having read his manifesto posted below, which I hope is readable, I realize he had it right. Joe Stack was no fool and would have been right at home here at 12.160 and in fact, had he been a member here he might not have committed suicide and might very well have directed his energy in a more profitable manner. And he might not have. Who am I to say? All I know is that the man was my kind… Continue
Added by Jeff on February 18, 2010 at 9:51pm —
All of you guys have probably heard about the suicide plane crash. If you have a chance to read the believed to be suicide note written by Joseph A. Stack than please do.…
"Look around," the drill sergeant said. "In a few years, or even a few months, several of you will be dead. Some of you will be severely wounded or so badly mutilated that your own mother can't stand the sight of you. And for the real unlucky ones, you will come home so emotionally disfigured that you wish you had died over there."
"It was Week 7 of basic training ... eighteen years old and I was preparing myself to die," said… Continue
Added by Jeff on February 18, 2010 at 8:30pm —
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Joseph A. Stack wasn't crazy. Mr. Stack lived a productive and rather long life by comparison since many people die well before their 54th birthday. Mr. Stack will be criticized if not vilified in the US mainstream media but for me he's a hero denouncing and condemning everything we discuss each and every day on this web site. Joseph A. Stack is the first casualty in the war against the NWO, our first suicide bomber, believe that or not. He sacrificed his life to perhaps open the eyes of the… Continue
Added by Jeff on February 18, 2010 at 8:00pm —
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A recent column of mine alluded to a deal that Rupert Murdoch had concluded with one of the Princes in the Saudi Arabian Muslim leadership. At that time there were no details available, but since that time we have seen Fox News and its affiliates swarming with actions favorable to our worst enemy, Muslim law.
Brzezinski admits that these non-elected, exclusively private and elite organizations that pretend to be "think tanks" actually write, manipulate and influence policy when he was asked about his relationship with such examples of these institutions like the Council on Foreign Relations, Annual Bilderberg meeting and the notorious Trilateral Commission.
Brzezinski is the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, a private group of… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on February 18, 2010 at 3:41pm —
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Economic recovery It is a slow day in the small Minnesota town of Marshall , and streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody is living on credit. A rich tourist visiting the area drives through town, stops at the motel, and lays a $100 bill on the desk saying he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs to pick one for…
Here is the complete "Bel Air Fire" episode of the TV series "When Havoc Struck" from 1978. Includes intense footage and dramatic interviews from survivors o...