Doc Vega's Blog (49)

Tom Clancy novels have become an uncanny glimpse into a perilous US future

Is it possible for fiction to become reality in the collective consciousness of our society? It seems that Tom Clancy has crossed that threshold.

In a saying quoted from Oscar Wilde in 1889, “ life imitates art far more than art imitates life,” he was making a curious point.

Is society so impressionable that whatever is portrayed in pop…


Added by Doc Vega on October 25, 2012 at 5:00pm — No Comments

ABC's coverage of Romney Obama debate biased form of censorship

To watch Mitt Romney and President Obama debating was in some ways just as it was in Denver though the media would have you believe differently. The President needed this debate to go his way, but the reality objectively will not support that bias. I watched ABC’s coverage and was appalled at the subtle support for the incumbent. Banners beneath the screen quoted…


Added by Doc Vega on October 17, 2012 at 11:52pm — No Comments

Why is the media telling us who won the Presidential debate?

Last night October 16, 2012 we watched an incumbent President with an indefensible record debate a former Massachusetts governor, who has been an exceptionally successful businessman, dedicated father, and job creator in both the private sector and political arena. In the first debate our stumbling President who has revealed his ideological differences with our…


Added by Doc Vega on October 17, 2012 at 11:45pm — 3 Comments

FBI uncovered Muslim plan to take down America hidden from public

This story takes us back to the weeks after 9-11. During that tumultuous time the American were shocked, angry, and wondering just how a tragedy of such magnitude could have happened on American soil in the center of one of our largest cities. What was to transpire in the days, weeks, and months after that earth shattering loss of life and destruction has forever changed America. It seems we live in a perpetual state of uncertainty and worse, distrust!

The ultimate…


Added by Doc Vega on September 28, 2012 at 8:49pm — 1 Comment

Obama White House's cover up of Embassy attacks and Ambassador's death

In lieu of the terrible attacks that have wreaked havoc upon 20 US diplomatic sites across the Middle East and North Africa, still there is denial over reports over what happened to Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. What caused the rabid reaction of Muslim militants who descended upon US consulates attacking with heavy weapons and rocket propelled grenades? Was it…


Added by Doc Vega on September 28, 2012 at 8:27pm — No Comments

Obama and Hillary take out TV ads to apologize to Arab world over Embassy attacks

In the aftermath of terrorist attacks against US embassies and consulates in at least 20 different locations across the Arab world, the Obama administration has introduced a new and unprecedented tactic so ingenious that only brilliant minds could have conceived it. The new tactic is called apology! Yes, apology! The Obama administration and the office of the…


Added by Doc Vega on September 28, 2012 at 8:19pm — No Comments

US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens raped before he was murdered

According to Libyan sources and other foreign journalists, US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was raped prior to his murder at the hands of Muslim militants who had already gotten inside the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya prior to the outbreak of violence. The question begs for an answer, who let them in, thus compromising US compound security, and why did our embassy security contingent allow the embassy grounds to be breached?

A futile apology over a film nobody…


Added by Doc Vega on September 28, 2012 at 8:10pm — No Comments

The Libyan “Fast and Furious” another Obama scandal

Recently there have been whistle blowers emerging from the CIA, Secret Service, and even DHS. They have been under considerable pressure by the Obama administration to remain silent until after the November election. There are things they know and have been forced to participate in that are not only illegal, but incriminating. The following timeline of events…


Added by Doc Vega on September 28, 2012 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Policies Obama campaigned for create the unemployement he blames others for

With the discouraging 96,000 jobs created in the month of August that fell from estimates of 120,000 epitomize the failure of the very policies President Obama has boasted would work. Now, the President angrily charges that if only Congress would pass his jobs bill that was defeated after the infamous debt ceiling crisis his spending created last August. Had…


Added by Doc Vega on September 10, 2012 at 12:09pm — No Comments

Robert Welch foresees the sinister decline of the US and why in 1958

Through a number of political blunders intentional and by mistake, the United States has fallen victim to an almost impossible federal deficit, social engineering that has caused nothing but social strife, and a media blitz to force a socialistic transformation of American society. The dumbed down youth and liberal…


Added by Doc Vega on September 10, 2012 at 12:05pm — No Comments

Was JFK assassinated by the Federal Reserve

What would you think if I told you that the entire concept of a Federal Reserve and the monetary system of the US and all participating nations is nothing more than a scam? What would you say if I told you that the hard earned income tax you pay every year along with so many other Americans does not actually go toward paying the federal deficit? Would you think I…


Added by Doc Vega on September 10, 2012 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Obama's Speech at DNC the same empty promises as 2008

Like so many Americans, I awaited the President’s acceptance speech at the DNC. What was entailed in Obama’s characteristically deceptive words?

Once again, the President used class warfare to ignite the worshiping crowd of supporters, who by the way, could not even fill the stadium with the guarantee of excellent…


Added by Doc Vega on September 10, 2012 at 12:00pm — No Comments

US Democratic Party adopted the Communist doctrine a long time ago

I’m sure there are Americans who are asking what happened to the Democratic Party. Why have they become so radical, why have they been supporting policies that have created so much divisiveness, or why the party has adopted such economically destructive social engineering. At one point in time both the Republican Party as well as the Democrats were both dedicated…


Added by Doc Vega on September 10, 2012 at 11:54am — 2 Comments

How a little known Illinois junior senator highjacked America

Today many issues hang in the balance. How did it all happen? A quick trip down memory lane might freshen your memory.


There's an old saying, " how do you eat an elephant?" Answer: "One bite at a time." This classic bromide applies to the plight of America today in this way. How would somebody take down the most powerful country on the face of this earth? 1) Gradually piece by piece 2) From within. Is this not what we can see today as America…


Added by Doc Vega on August 30, 2012 at 12:30am — 3 Comments

The Empire State Building Shooting another UN challenge to gun ownership

It is indeed easy to establish a timeline between Secretary of State's meeting over UN gun control envoys and the sudden outbreak of MK-Ultra style senseless lone gunman shootings. The Obama administration is playing for keeps.

Jeffrey Johnson an embittered fashion designer who had been laid off for a year, made his way down the streets of New…


Added by Doc Vega on August 25, 2012 at 3:00pm — No Comments

John Cornyn Republican Senator From Texas Demands Eric Holder's Resignation

The responce by Republicans after being stonewalled for more than a year by Eric Holder has been dismal in view of the obvious criminal involvement of the attorney general and President Obama!

Recently Senator from Texas, John Cornyn, gave an eloquent statement to justify his demand that embattled Attorney General, Eric Holder, step down for his…


Added by Doc Vega on June 17, 2012 at 1:06pm — No Comments

Obama Eligibility Challenges Will No Longer Be Heard By Supreme Court

The steady decline of justice being displayed by the Supreme Court since the inauguration of President Obama was showcased recently when the eligibility challenge was denied future hearings by the lifetime appointed judges.

Supreme Court Denies Further Obama Eligibility Hearings The Supreme Court refused without comment to hear an appeal over…


Added by Doc Vega on June 17, 2012 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Media Blackout Will Not Hinder Efforts To Uncover The Truth Behind Obama Eligibility Scandal

Recently it was proclaimed that the question of President Obama’s absent proof of eligibility was a non-issue thanks to the release of the April 27, 2011 long form certificate of birth by the White House. Yet, nothing has been resolved since then as so many controversies continue. As a matter of fact, President Obama is the most secretive US president ever with many of his academic and health records still locked…


Added by Doc Vega on May 31, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Obama's Past Flooded With Radical American Hatred

There Are Problematical Associations by the President that Cannot Be Ignored

Why do we bother to dig through the details of a candidate's personal history and affiliations with possible influential figures in their lives? For pivotal positions in government that could have far reaching effects upon America's future and our quality of life, I would say that this is definitely appropriate. Any presidential hopeful should absolutely expect that their life will be…


Added by Doc Vega on May 15, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

Witness in Breitbart’s Untimely Death Vanishes

Recently after the untimely and highly suspicious circumstances of conservative giant, Andrew Breitbart’s death, new twists to the tragedy just continue to evolve! Little more than a week ago, forensic specialist for Los Angeles County Coroner’s office, Michael Cormier, reportedly involved in Breitbart’s autopsy is poisoned to death. Now the coroner’s office proclaims that Cormier, a respected forensics technician, was not involved in Breitbart’s autopsy investigation at all!…


Added by Doc Vega on May 13, 2012 at 2:37am — No Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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"He can't keep getting away with it!"
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"One step forward, two steps backwards..."
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Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"Burbia, excellent quotes from the past."

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