Doc Vega's Blog – August 2024 Archive (20)

Where Do They Come From and Since When Pt.1

Image result for Phil Schneider


Phil Schneider, a geological contactor for the US government who consulted on underground excavations, witnesses an underground firefight between US Special Forces and, what he thought were extraterrestrials near Dulce, New Mexico. Phil took a blast of a directed weapon to his stomach and lost two fingers leaving him near death before he was hoisted back to the surface in a personnel bucket. In subsequent…


Added by Doc Vega on August 27, 2024 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Keeping the Demons at Bay

Keeping the Demons as Bay



Added by Doc Vega on August 26, 2024 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Like We Never Met

Image result for Sea Lies Background

Like We Never Met



Drifting through a sea of lies

Hearing all the echoed cries

My guilt in it I cannot…


Added by Doc Vega on August 26, 2024 at 3:40pm — No Comments

Karma is Coming for You


Added by Doc Vega on August 26, 2024 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Licking My Wounds

Image result for licking your wounds

I keep licking my wounds

Like a fine tuned buffoon,

As though the end will never come too soon

Haven't tasted life from a silver spoon,…


Added by Doc Vega on August 23, 2024 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Modern Day Soft Sell Cannibalism


We think as society in today’s world that we have progressed past such barbaric practices as cannibalism, the consumption or use of human flash and tissue for food or other uses. We assume that Judeo Christian ethics have reached the world through out, and, as a result, the call for humanitarian…


Added by Doc Vega on August 22, 2024 at 3:44pm — No Comments

On the Threshold of the True Matrix

Image result for computer nightmares

There was a time when a person could make an analogy between the well-known since fiction movie: The Matrix”  with Keanu Reeves as a semi-realistic comparison between the rhetoric and fake news of today and the electronic reality created to capture the consciousness of those victimized by big government tyranny. The consciousness of society imprisoned by a computer generated neurological fantasy. People…


Added by Doc Vega on August 21, 2024 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Fools With The Crown

Fools With the Crown



Added by Doc Vega on August 21, 2024 at 12:43pm — 3 Comments

The Psychological Profile of a Federal Employee

Image result for overpaid inefficemnt federal workers

When Given permission to act! 

Most people wanting to get a federal or state job are looking for a long term career with security ensured. These are usually privileged positions often awarded in disproportionate numbers to minority applicants, not necessarily based upon qualifications, preferably because they will most likely knuckle under and not ask questions. Their attitude will likely be…


Added by Doc Vega on August 19, 2024 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Who Really Cares?

Image result for upon a tree limb

Who really Cares?


Resisting the urge to flee

Elevated to the height of the limb on a…


Added by Doc Vega on August 17, 2024 at 5:43pm — No Comments

Great Myths

Image result for Rennaissance man

Great Myths


A Renaissance man I might have been

Not recognizing what world I’m presently in…


Added by Doc Vega on August 14, 2024 at 6:10pm — No Comments

What Incidents Caused the Rise of the Security State in 1947?

Organization chart of the OSS.

How could one year be so pivotal that the entire intelligence structure of the US federal government could be transformed into an international and domestic surveillance and data gathering operation with unlimited black funding just 2 years after World War II? What triggered the sudden changes that rendered the OSS into the evolution of the CIA? With it came the NDAA initiatives as well that would shape our future policies even concerning…


Added by Doc Vega on August 10, 2024 at 6:00pm — No Comments

No Magical Genies

Image result for getting though life's pain

No Magical Genies


Just trying to get through life’s pain

Got an old rock’n’roll song stuck in my…


Added by Doc Vega on August 10, 2024 at 1:42pm — No Comments

When They Go Active-Millions of Enlistment Age Illegals

Image result for violent protests by Muslims in France in 2000


It would be too much of a stretch to ask why are so many enlistment age illegal immigrants outnumbering those poor women and children that the media characterizes as being the bulk numbers of illegal foreign trespassers that the Biden Administration has allowed into the US. Would it put too many rats in your skull to verbalize a conclusion here?…


Added by Doc Vega on August 6, 2024 at 5:49pm — 1 Comment

Nerve Gas in the Wheel House

Image result for Obama the clown

Nerve Gas in the Wheel House


I’ll come around to my town

Reject the lies of the clowns…


Added by Doc Vega on August 6, 2024 at 2:15pm — No Comments

The Mystical Master's Mind

See related image detail. Premium AI Image | illustration of a person doing yoga spirituality ...

The Mystical Master’s Mind


Looking down from 10 miles high

The Mystical Master just rolls on by…


Added by Doc Vega on August 5, 2024 at 4:16pm — No Comments

Robert Kiyosaki Clarifies Exactly How Joe Biden and his Democrat Traitors Attempted to do to America

Robert Kiyosaki former US attack helicopter pilot in Vietnam and successful real estate investor clearly illustrates exactly what the toxic plans of the Biden Administration were by method they have used to disrupt the US economy.…


Added by Doc Vega on August 3, 2024 at 5:28pm — No Comments

The Most Influential Negative Force in America

Image result for corrupt journalism

When people talk about what agency or group of political activists or foreign country could be the worst possible influence today in our society we’d have to pause for thought on this. Is it the Deep State? Certainly would be enough evidence to convict them of undermining America. Could it be the CIA, certainly this intelligence agency has a history of nefarious acts that have caused major upset among…


Added by Doc Vega on August 2, 2024 at 2:46pm — No Comments

Give Me Sanctuary

Image result for conversations with God at midnight

Give Me Sanctuary


Conversations with God at midnight

Over the atrocities of mankind beneath the starlight…


Added by Doc Vega on August 2, 2024 at 1:00pm — No Comments

For Those Who Don't Believe the Intentional Incompetence of the Secret Service at Butler Township

Fox news obtains a video of Crooks moving back and forth across the roof and the close proximity of the ADR building loaded with law enforcement in the command center below. How could this not have been an intentional set up?…

Image result for Crooks on the roof in Butler Township


Added by Doc Vega on August 1, 2024 at 5:13pm — No Comments

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HARRIS SHOULD RESIGN! ABC Whistleblower comes forward with DAMNING information!

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This video provides pretty clear evidence there were some anomalies that SHOULD have been further investigated. However, they weren't. What do YOU think?➡️ J...
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“Can’t Take It Anymore” Residents Of Small Ohio Town Beg For Help After Haitians Take Over City

People who live in the small Ohio town of Springfield are begging city officials for help after 20,000 Haitian Migrants have overwhelmed their community. Dur...
cheeki kea commented on Doc Vega's blog post On the Threshold of the True Matrix
"Another great essay. The average individual is too overwhelmed with in coming info's that it…"
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Eugenics Australia and Beyond

 Wow. The Grabbing of Data has Started. Be very watchful new parents and take every caution.…See More
cheeki kea commented on Doc Vega's blog post Fruition of what John Kerry and Obama Allowed the Iranian Nuclear Arsenals to Emerge
"The internet gossip on this mind-blowing issue seems to indicate that Iran got something on Obama…"
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What church does kamala attend

I tried searching Duck Duck Go to see what church kamala Harris attends. As soon as I typed "what…
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What were the implications of 9-11 and the Far Reaching Impact?

 It’s September 11th again and you sit back quietly contemplating how you’re going to afford your…See More
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