Doc Vega's Blog (2,752)

The Emergence Of The Corrupt Left

The liberal movement has been highly under estimated and falsely associated with the left that existed during the late sixties and the Vietnam era. The present liberal movement has nothing to do with the peace loving Woodstock Generation that simply wanted to buck the establishment and stop the war. That era of relatively innocent if not self destructive drop outs and alienated misfits eventually became productive contributors to society. They were the product of the upper… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on June 6, 2011 at 1:32am — No Comments

Federal Government’s Fiscal Insanity Read And Learn

As Congress quibbles over the debt ceiling and refuses to acknowledge the sheer weight of the evidence that if the deficit continues unchecked with the Federal Reserve continuing to print fiat currency, our dollar will collapse. Period, no ifs ands or buts. That collapse will lead to chaos in this country.

Timothy Geithner’s fear mongering about what will happen if the government does not raise the debt ceiling is politically motivated in order to help prop up the Democrat… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on June 6, 2011 at 1:00am — 2 Comments

Obama Uses Abortion Issue To Pressure States

The state of Indiana has banned Planned Parenthood in representing the will of its constituents, who do not condone abortion. Federal law states that no federal funding for abortion will be allocated thereby making abortion illegal if funded by government revenues. Easy to understand no problem. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case under the Obama administration.

Medicaid administrator Donald M. Berwick has informed state of Indiana officials that… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on June 6, 2011 at 1:00am — No Comments

Felony Forgery Charges Filed On The President

Amidst the continuing controversy of Barack Obama’s eligibility for the office of the presidency based upon his questionable birth certificate assertions, a ray of light is shining through. Doug Vogt is a document scanning expert who has owned a software business since 1993. According to him the supposed long from birth certificate issued from the state of Hawaii exhibited on April 27, 2010 is in his words, “an outrageous and obvious fraud.”

Issuing a… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on June 6, 2011 at 12:52am — No Comments

Environmentalism Becomes The New Religion

Amongst the disputes of climatic change between climate scientists and experienced meteorologists over whether or not global warming actually exists or is merely a cyclical manifestation that man has little to do with, there are lines being drawn.

The fact that using environmental extortion to utilize fear mongering in order to attain funding from the public and business sector to support more biased research to influence political policy, consumer… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on June 6, 2011 at 12:49am — No Comments

Name One Positve Act By Obama Since His Election

Recently at a rally plugging his bid for re-election in 2012, Obama was addressed by a downtrodden individual who bitterly complained about the high price of gas at the pump. The President’s flippant remark was, “ get used to it. Go guy a more efficient car!”

His reaction to the hardship of Americans in this time of crisis typifies the President’s attitude toward the public. As Obama amasses a billion plus in funding to support his re-election… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on June 6, 2011 at 12:44am — No Comments

PART TWO: Blue Print To US Recovery


PART TWO -Blue Print For US Recovery…


Added by Doc Vega on January 31, 2011 at 8:31pm — No Comments

The True State Of The Union That Obama Didn't Tell You About

The True State Of The Union an illusion painted by our political puppets.


It is distressingly apparent that our supposed economic recovery is not going the way that the Obama administration is claiming that it is. The actual unemployment rate hovers at 20.8% according to experts who look past the federal propaganda and research actual figures not just the numbers generated by those dropping off as their benefits…


Added by Doc Vega on January 31, 2011 at 8:17pm — No Comments

The Unsustainable US Dollar Coming to Your Town Soon: PART ONE

The Unsustainable Dollar : PART ONE

All of us are quite aware of the continued deficit spending that has gone on ever since the Republican majority Congress held the Clinton Administration expenditures to a balanced budget. However, once the Clinton White House left office under a deluge of law breaking accusations from the White Water scandal to Monica Lewinski, from the missing hard drives at Los Alamos to Clinton’s midnight gravy train of faxed pardons, it… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on December 22, 2010 at 12:48am — 1 Comment

The Unsustainable US Dollar Coming Near You : PART TWO

The Unsustainable Dollar Coming Near You : PART TWO

As I stressed in the first article, at the present rate of insurmountable pressure, it is unlikely that the US dollar can remain untouched, or for that matter, keep from being rendered into worthless paper in the hands of a besieged American consumer. I do not say this jokingly or lightly. If you think it just can’t happen here-think again.

Our government has been irresponsibly… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on December 22, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments

America Experiences A Second Chance After November 2nd

With more than 600 state legislative seats that were lost by Democrats, 11 Republican governors elected, and Democrats losing more than 60 seats in Congress, you would think that would be enough. Yet, our single dimensional, forever liberal, state media refuses to acknowledge the implications of such a huge Democrat defeat. They continue to praise the fact that such crooks as Harry Reid, Barney Franks, and Barbara Boxer remained undefeated.

The US news media is bought off, silenced,… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on November 10, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

How The White House Lobotomizes The Electorate

The Sleeping Electorate And The Government Illusion

Every year Americans make a pilgrimage to Washington DC to marvel at statues, historic re-enactments, and to reminisce on the over blown accomplishments of our public leaders in office. Some like, Senator, Chuck Schumer, have been a fixture on Capitol Hill for decades while…


Added by Doc Vega on November 30, 1999 at 12:00pm — No Comments

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People who live in the small Ohio town of Springfield are begging city officials for help after 20,000 Haitian Migrants have overwhelmed their community. Dur...
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"Another great essay. The average individual is too overwhelmed with in coming info's that it…"
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Eugenics Australia and Beyond

 Wow. The Grabbing of Data has Started. Be very watchful new parents and take every caution.…See More
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What were the implications of 9-11 and the Far Reaching Impact?

 It’s September 11th again and you sit back quietly contemplating how you’re going to afford your…See More
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