Doc Vega's Blog (2,764)

Tell Me Why?

Image result for traveling with space aliens

Because You'd See Right Through

I want to eat the rind I find

No matter what's on your mind

Will there ever be love in my mind?

Just to journey with your own kind,

Image result for Space Alien Woman

I want to collapse in the sand

Find out my soul…


Added by Doc Vega on November 18, 2021 at 4:30am — No Comments

Taking Over America Without Using a Foreign Army

Image result for evil corrupt political leaders

There are many ways of taking over a nation besides simply force even though inevitably force will be used. A campaign of mock protests about politically irrelevant policies is the typical Communist approach. Then you begin appointing activist or treasonous bureaucrats and judges and after a few years you have established a growing tidal wave of discontent helped along by paid agitators and a media that will lie accordingly and there you…


Added by Doc Vega on November 17, 2021 at 5:18pm — No Comments

Exposing the Carbon Emission Bluff of the Environmentalist Nazis

Image result for the UN climate Nazis


Around the year 2000 the UN began adding to the momentum of the already fraudulent human activity caused Climate Change agenda. They funded a team of geologists who specialized in core samples to do some drilling and analyze the climate data from several centuries in the past to compare them to today’s conditions. Of course their ulterior motive was to add the findings as additional evidence to the global warming…


Added by Doc Vega on November 16, 2021 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Liberated from the Lie

Image result for images of dreamy confusion

Liberated from the Lie


I don’t know just what I’m trying to say

Take all the pain and just blow it away

All my fears and regrets somehow came to stay

On one particular fine day,

 …Image result for images of dreamy confusion


Added by Doc Vega on November 16, 2021 at 1:04pm — No Comments

450 Thousand Paid to Illegal Immigrants and More! Are You Serious?

Image result for illegl aliens giving the middle finger to the US

Recently, there was an insane rumor going around that the Biden Administration was considering paying illegal immigrants to come into the US. At first, Joe Biden told reporters that this would never be allowed to happen, but after a day or two, Jen Psaki during a press conference said that Joe was obviously not aware of what policy makers had decided, and could not be aware…


Added by Doc Vega on November 15, 2021 at 4:37pm — 2 Comments

More Climate Lies Despite Colder Weather Data

Image result for climate Nazis

The insidious assault against our normal way of life continues unabated by the truth! There is a politically motivated insistence among the globalists that the people of the earth must be controlled, tamed, limited, taxed to death, and even liquidated whether they knuckle under or not! The embedded intention among the elites for some time has been to unite the people of the world under a global government that converts our world into a…


Added by Doc Vega on November 15, 2021 at 3:00pm — No Comments

If You Vax Your Child Against Covid This Constitutes Child Abuse

Image result for scary images of vax injections

If you expose your child of any age much less from ages 5 to 14 with the highly suspect and untested MRNA injection, not only are you endangering your child, but you are committing child abuse! Listen fool! There are a wealth of prestigious epidemiologists, virologists, and doctors who have already voiced their concerns over the “Emergency Ordered” vaccine that doesn’t even impart immunity to the patient anyway! This a politicized…


Added by Doc Vega on November 15, 2021 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Love in Vain

Love in Vain

Licking my wounds like a wounded bear

Found out way too late she didn't care

Is there a lesson somewhere in there?

Knowing there's little sympathy anyone can share,…


Added by Doc Vega on November 14, 2021 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Tell Me One Positive Thing the Democrat Party Has Done?

Image result for Democrat acts of racism


For decades the Democrats have demonstrated their damaging opposition to the national security of the United States while using propaganda to stir social unrest, yet we still have a sleeping public unaware of who and what this party has become. Ask yourself one simple question. How could anyone with a grasp of history and common sense ever support the Democrat Party? Let’s take a short…


Added by Doc Vega on November 13, 2021 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Taking a Trip to A Blue City

Image result for decaying Blue cities

Taking a Trip to a Blue City


Took a ride downtown just to see all of the clowns

Constant danger was always around

Police presence there was way way down

A place where peace and harmony couldn’t be found,…


Added by Doc Vega on November 13, 2021 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Guess I better Get Ready

Image result for dumbass leftists

Guess I better Get Ready

Oh God what did I ever do to be so out of sync?

With a world that's lost it's ability to think

She stole my money it's legalized in ink

Just like the Titanic I think I might sink,

Image result for drunken liberals

Holiday's coming guess I better get ready

Will it be Lorraine or fast Betty?…


Added by Doc Vega on November 12, 2021 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Ever Wondered Why all Communist Regimes Are Poverty Ridden?

In the 1970’s the US government actually subsidized American growers incentivize them to grow their wheat crop for a particular customer. That customer was the Soviet Union. Russia had been devastated by a succession of brutal winters and production had been stymied. With the wheat shortage causing starvation…


Added by Doc Vega on November 11, 2021 at 5:13pm — No Comments

Alone in a Room

Image result for alone in a room

Alone in a Room


Mind bending the final ending

We’re in a new world with unlimited spending

In most families the fence needs mending

To disinterested parties this message I’m sending,…

Image result for alone in a room


Added by Doc Vega on November 11, 2021 at 3:46pm — No Comments

We Are All to Blame

Image result for wizards and fantasy

We Are All to Blame


Was I too wasted too wasted to see?

Did somebody cast a spell on me?

Somehow blocking the path to the clear blue sea

Oh Father please avenge me,

 …Image result for betrayed by sirens


Added by Doc Vega on November 10, 2021 at 5:39pm — No Comments

Using Fake Crises to Paralyze the US Economy and the Middle Class

Image result for of sociopath Democrats

The entire premise of the left, the Democrats, and Communism is that any means to an end is justified so that a methodology that advocates lying, cheating, stealing, and even murdering are all acceptable pathways to victory. What kind of victory when you destroy the economy of the world’s most influential nation? To what means to an end when you starve thousands of people to death or allow a failure in utilities to cause Americans to die…


Added by Doc Vega on November 10, 2021 at 3:55pm — No Comments

Just a Little Short of Perfection

Image result for celestial lovers

Just a Little Short of Perfection


All I wanted was a lasting connection

Perhaps just a little short of perfection

But for the slow human dissection

All that hidden pain behind detection,…


Added by Doc Vega on November 9, 2021 at 6:24pm — No Comments

Unaware of Her Deeds

Image result for celestial dreamscapes

Unaware of Her Deeds

See related image detail  

You and I are in strange times

Where the innocent are victims and the evil so sublime

How I have seen fate turn on a dime

As though the motion of a wind chime,…


Added by Doc Vega on November 9, 2021 at 5:43pm — No Comments

Playing Inside My Mind

Image result for dreamy wind chimes

Playing Inside My Mind


Oh the sweetness in my mind

The tinkling of a wind chime

Flowing in midair an audible rhyme

Dangling there in and out of time,

 …Image result for dreamy wind chimes


Added by Doc Vega on November 9, 2021 at 5:19pm — 2 Comments

Integrity in the FBI? What Integrity?

Image result for FBI raid on James O'keefe

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was established in order to enforced federal law, have the jurisdiction to cross state lines, and to break up organized crime. Under J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI did just that finally bringing to justice several crime families and enterprises that operated with impunity because they outgunned local police and were better funded. The reason the FBI became legendary was for their ability to fight organized…


Added by Doc Vega on November 9, 2021 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Who the Hell is in Charge?

Image result for Communist assholes

Wake up and Ask Yourself What’s Going on in America?

What are some of the unbelievable events that shocked this nation over the past few months and have led to the downfall of the greatest republic the world has ever known? History teaches us what happens when governments go lawless and actually enable a social breakdown. Throughout the past we have seen tyrannical regimes use all finds of clandestine operations to bring…


Added by Doc Vega on November 6, 2021 at 5:23pm — 3 Comments

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